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Medical Marijuana

Gov. Schweitzer vetoed one anti-medical marijuana bill, but gave in the second time.
Gov. Schweitzer vetoed one anti-medical marijuana bill, but gave in the second time.

Montana Medical Marijuana Initiative Poised for Ballot [FEATURE]

An initiative to undo the state legislature's undoing of Montana's 2004 voter-approved medical marijuana program appears poised to make the ballot as a Friday deadline draws near.
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Pot leaf_20.jpg

Santorum Attacks Perry on Medical Marijuana

States' rights can take a conservative Republican to some unexpected places, like supporting medical marijuana. Rick Perry is against medical marijuana but for allowing it as a states' rights issue, and Rick Santorum is attacking him for that.
uphill climb for reform this year
uphill climb for reform this year

Drug Policy Prospects on Capitol Hill This Year [FEATURE]

Between now and the seating of a new Congress after the 2012 elections, drug reform is going to be a tough slog on Capitol Hill. But that doesn't mean reformers are going away, or that there aren't battles to be fought and won.
photo courtesy Bruce Reith, South West Michigan Compassion Club
photo courtesy Bruce Reith, South West Michigan Compassion Club

Michigan Medical Marijuana Protest Draws 1,000+

After a state appeals court effectively shut down dispensaries in Michigan, medical marijuana patients rallied in large numbers in Lansing, the state capital.
Arkansans for Compassionate Care isn't going to cede the religious high ground to Christian conservatives. (image courtesy ACC)
Arkansans for Compassionate Care isn't going to cede the religious high ground to Christian conservatives. (image courtesy ACC)

Arkansas Medical Marijuana Push Sparks Reaction

The religious right is rising up to contest an Arkansas medical marijuana initiative, but the pot people have some ecumenical resources on their side, too.
John Ray Wilson demonstration, 2009 (courtesy CMMNJ)
John Ray Wilson demonstration, 2009 (courtesy CMMNJ)

New Jersey Medical Marijuana Patient Sent to Prison

John Ray Wilson was sent to prison Wednesday in New Jersey for the crime of growing his own medicine. Meanwhile, medical marijuana is now legal there and state-registered dispensaries are about to open. Go figure.
Citing fear of the feds, Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee continues to block dispenary licensing. (image via Wikimedia)
Citing fear of the feds, Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee continues to block dispenary licensing. (image via Wikimedia)

Rhode Island Docs Tell Governor to Okay Marijuana Dispensaries

The Rhode Island Medical Society is calling on Gov. Chafee to quick blocking the licensing of medical marijuana dispensaries, but he doesn't appear to be ready yet.
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Pot leaf_14.jpg

Second California Marijuana Legalization Initiative Filed

A second initiative to legalize marijuana in California has now been filed. This one would repeal all criminal penalties for adult use, cultivation, and distribution and give the state six months to come up with regulations for cannabis commerce.
Rick Perry wants drones to overfly the US-Mexico border to surveil the drug traffic, but they already are. (image via Wikimedia)
Rick Perry wants drones to overfly the US-Mexico border to surveil the drug traffic, but they already are. (image via Wikimedia)

Perry, Romney Burnish Drug Warrior Credentials

Two of the leading contenders for the Republican presidential nomination had comments related to drug policy this week, and it wasn't pretty.