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Medical Marijuana

MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_151_0.jpg
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_151_0.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

California cultivation fights continue, it's nail-biting time for the Florida initiative, Colorado wants to tweak its system, a Pennsylvania bill appears stalled, and more.
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_151.jpg
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_151.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

A new study punctures some myths about medical marijuana in California, Connecticut's dispensaries finally open for business, the Illinois program is moving along, and more.
Addiction psychologist Stanton Peele rips into liberals who embrace the disease model of addiction. (
Addiction psychologist Stanton Peele rips into liberals who embrace the disease model of addiction. (

Chronicle AM: Marijuana Policy in Senate Races, CA Fair Sentencing Act, Stanton Peele on Disease Model, More (9/29/14)

Marijuana politics is popping up in some US Senate races, pot arrests are still going up in some states, the Guam medical marijuana initiative faces a legal challenge, Stanton Peele takes on the disease model of addiction and liberals who love it, Jerry Brown signs the California Fair Sentencing Act, and more.

Did You Know the Top 17 Hospitals' Positions on Medical Marijuana?, on is a series of in-depth web sites presenting information and views from on current issues, several with relevance to drug policy. This the final installment in a six-part series the Chronicle is running of info items from -- this one from -- and we encourage you to check it out.