Drug War Chronicle #963 - March 3, 2017
Uh-Oh: White House Hints at Crackdown on State-Legalized Marijuana (VIDEO)
There were some ominous words spoken in the press briefing room Thursday.
Trump Vows to Win War on Drugs, But Doesn't Mention Marijuana [FEATURE]
The president charges into the fray, but his rhetoric doesn't jibe with facts.

Going after legal marijuana will have serious political and economic ramifications. (Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore)
Five Reasons Trump Needs to Think Twice Before Waging War on Weed
Hints of a crackdown on legal marijuana keep coming, but the Trump administration may want to think again.
Medical Marijuana Update
The North Dakota legislature continues to muck about with the state's new voter-approved medical marijuana law, North Carolina sees a full-fledged medical marijuana bill introduced, and more.
This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories
A Seattle cop gets his hand slapped for doing dope with his stripper girlfriend, a Mississippi deputy is in trouble for carrying a load of dope around in his patrol car, two Detroit narcs finally face justice, and more.
Chronicle AM: Quinnipiac Poll Has 59% for Legalization, Trump Could Kill ONDCP, More... (2/23/17)
Yet another national poll has a strong majority for marijuana legalization, Trump administration cost-cutters eye the drug czar's office, Arizona legalizers refine their 2018 initiative, and more.

Needle exchange programs are coming to Virginia under a new law just signed by the governor. (Creative Commons/Wikimedia)
Chronicle AM: Legal MJ Industry Reacts to Spicer Threat, VA Needle Exchange, More... (2/24/17)
The uproar is deafening in the wake of White House press secretary Sean Spicer's hint Thursday that Trump could crack down on legal weed, Virginia's governor signs a needle exchange bill into law, the Arizona House unanimously passes asset forfeiture reform, and more.
Chronicle AM: Fatal Heroin ODs Quadrupled in Five Years, Trump MJ Threat Pushback, More... (2/27/17)
Fatal heroin overdoses have quadrupled in five years, elected officials in legal marijuana states push back on Trump threats, Philly civil asset forfeiture lawsuit wins class action status, and more.
Chronicle AM: Sessions Vows Drug Crackdown, State Forfeiture Bills Advance, More... (2/28/17)
Ominous noises from AG Sessions on marijuana and drug policy, asset forfeiture reform advances in three states, the feds threaten to shut down the Las Vegas Cannabis Cup, and more.
Chronicle AM: Trump Vows to Win Drug War, Sessions Rejects Marijuana Legalization, More... (3/1/17)
The Trump administration's posture toward drug and marijuana reform is becoming evident, Philippines President Duterte is reenlisting the National Police in his drug war, the Colombian government and the FARC are working together on coca crop substitution, and more.

This won't get you arrested in Houston anymore, but the cops will still take your stash. (flickr.com)
Chronicle AM: No More Petty MJ Busts in Houston, Battle of the Georgia CBD Bills, More... (3/2/17)
Houston decriminalizes -- sort of -- Colorado ponders social cannabis clubs, Georgia legislators have passed two different CBD bills, Oregonians are ready to defelonize drug possession, and more.
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