Drug War Chronicle #593 - July 10, 2009

Phillip S. Smith, Editor - David Borden, Executive Director

Latin American: Mexican Army Accused (Again) of Torture in Drug War

Mexico's prohibition-related violence is very ugly, and it's not just the narcos committing atrocities. The Mexican military has been accused of more than 2,000 human rights abuses, ranging from theft and robbery to rape, torture, and murder as it wages war on the so-called cartels.

Europe: Copenhagen Ponders Cannabis Decriminalization, Coffee Shops

The Danish government cracked down on the Christiania enclave's famous "Pusher Street" six years ago. But now, with the hash trade spreading across the city and fomenting gang violence, "Pusher Street" doesn't seem so bad in retrospect, and Copenhagen officials are pondering whether to open Amsterdam-style coffee shops.

Weekly: Blogging @ the Speakeasy

"Snitch Exposed in Charlie Lynch Case," "South Dakota Judge Sentences Marijuana Reform Activist to Shut Up," "California TV Stations Try to Censor Marijuana Debate," "New Michael Phelps Ad Tries to Capitalize on Marijuana Controversy," "Jim Webb's Quest to Reform the War on Drugs Gains Momentum," "Excellent Drug Policy Book Available for Free."

Alert: Medical Marijuana Defendant Bryan Epis Wants YOU to Take Political Action

Bryan Epis was the first medical marijuana provider to be prosecuted by the federal government, and he is one of dozens of people whose fate is still caught up in the federal system despite recent policy shifts by the Obama administration. Bryan is asking all of us to take action to help those who have risked much to help patients.

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Source URL: https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/593