Drug War Chronicle #519 - January 18, 2008

Phillip S. Smith, Editor - David Borden, Executive Director

Feature: It's Safer to Be a Cop Than a Farmer

Police deaths in the line of duty were up last year, and so was the number of cops killed by gunfire. But only handful died enforcing the drug laws, and policing remains safer than a good number of other professions.

Weekly: Blogging @ the Speakeasy

"DEA Agents Sue NBC Universal Over the Film American Gangster," "Press Coverage of the Drug War is So Flawed it Actually Encourages People to Sell Marijuana," "Banning Cylindrical Objects Won't Stop People from Smoking Crack," "Philadelphia Police Say Marijuana Costs $100 Per Joint," "The Truth About Driving When You're High on Marijuana," "No Wonder They 'Went in Shooting' -- SWAT Team Had Violent Animated Gif on Web Site Before Killing Tarika Wilson," "A Grand Total of Five Cops Died Fighting the Drug War Last Year."

Canada: Marc Emery to Accept Canadian Prison Time on US Charges

Marc Emery, Canada's "Prince of Pot," announced this week that he has accepted a plea deal with US federal prosecutors that will spare his associates jail time but will see him do at least five years in prison -- mostly in Canada -- for selling marijuana seeds to customers in the US. The trio had faced mandatory minimums of 10 years and the possibility of life.

Salvia Divinorum: Virginia House Passes Ban

Joining a handful of other states, Illinois made salvia divinorum illegal as of January 1. Now, Virginia wants to be next. A bill to ban it has already passed the House of Delegates and is headed to the state Senate.

Middle East: The Poppies Blossom in Iraq

Caught in the middle of Iraq's simmering violence, Iraqi farmers are turning to the opium poppy to make a living. Militias and warlords are behind it, says British journalist Patrick Cockburn.

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Source URL: https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/519