Drug War Chronicle #473 - February 16, 2007
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The Anti-Dobbs: Winning the War Within Through Drug Legalization
CNN populist anchor Lou Dobbs wants the United States to commit to victory in the drug war. In an editorial modeled paragraph for paragraph after Dobbs' editorial, DRCNet executive director David Borden explains the real deal.
Chronicle on the Scene Feature: In Peru, Coca Growers Struggle to Survive
On the eastern slopes of the Andes, as the mountains edge down into the jungles of the Amazon, hundreds of thousands of Peruvian peasants are growing coca as a cash crop to survive. But they face considerable obstacles. Here is a first report from the region.
Medical Marijuana: DEA Judge Says Let Professor Grow Marijuana for Research Purposes
A DEA administrative law judge has ruled that a University of Massachusetts professor should be able to grow marijuana for research purposes, but the battle is not yet over.
Medical Marijuana: Study Finds It Can Help With Pain
The first study of the efficacy of treating pain with marijuana in at least 20 years has found significant benefits for HIV/AIDS patients.
Marijuana: Colorado Judge Resigns to Protest City's Tough New Ordinance
A Colorado town wants to increase the penalties for simple marijuana possession, but a local judge's public stand has thrown the move into doubt.
Hemp: Ron Paul Introduces Industrial Hemp Bill in US Congress
A Texas Republican has reintroduced his bill that would legalize hemp farming in the United States. This time, a Democratic Congress will consider the measure.
Latin America: Mexico Moves to Decriminalize Drug Possession -- So It Can Concentrate on Drug Traffickers
Mexico's ruling party is pushing through a bill that would decriminalize possession of small amounts of drugs for first time offenders and "addicts" -- but may really be designed to facilitate that country's drug war by allowing state authorities to get more involved in it and lengthen sentences for traffickers.
Canada: Vancouver Mayor Pushes Stimulant Maintenance Plan
Vancouver Mayor Sam Sullivan wants to start a pilot stimulant maintenance program for up to 700 hard-core cocaine and meth users in the city's Downtown Eastside. Now he has released a poll showing strong support for the idea among Vancouver residents.
Weekly: This Week in History
Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
Web Scan
Arch-drug warrior Mark Souder roasted by Tucker Carlson over TV ads, NORML's Paul Armentano on the cost of marijuana imprisonments, LEAP's Peter Christ in Florida, Tribute to LEAP's the late Eddie Ellison.
Arkansas Pregnancy Law, Kathryn Johnston
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