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My apologies for the total lack of content in the blog this week. I'm up in Baltimore shooting the upcoming Flex Your Rights film 10 Rules for Dealing With Police, which has kept me up day and night for several days now. We've shot a bunch of fantastic content and we're hoping to have everything wrapped up this week, so I should be back in action here soon (notwithstanding a much needed vacation I might take for a couple days next week).

In the meantime, there's plenty to read here, here and here.

In The Trenches

Doctors, Patients to Testify at Pharmacy Board Medical Marijuana Hearing Wednesday

AUGUST 18, 2009

Doctors, Patients to Testify at Pharmacy Board Medical Marijuana Hearing Wednesday

CONTACT: Bruce Mirken, MPP director of communications ............... 415-585-6404 or 202-215-4205

DES MOINES, IOWA -- Medical experts from Iowa and around the country as well as patients and others will testify Wednesday at the first of a series of Iowa Board of Pharmacy hearings to examine the medical value of marijuana and whether marijuana's classification under state law should be changed.

    WHAT: Iowa Board of Pharmacy hearing on medical marijuana

Witnesses expected to testify include:
        Dr. Joseph McSherry, neurologist at Fletcher Allen Hospital in Burlington, Vt., who has testified before Vermont's legislature and has extensive experience with Vermont's medical marijuana law. Scheduled to speak at 10:30 a.m.
        Dr. Ed Hertko, retired internal medicine specialist from West Des Moines and founder of Camp Hertko Hollow, a residential camp for youth with diabetes. Scheduled to speak at 11:10 a.m.
       Dr. Alan Koslow, vascular surgeon from West Des Moines and founding member of the Iowa Pain Institute, who served on the Governor's Task Force for Early Childhood Care and on the board of the American Diabetes Association. Scheduled to speak at 2:10 p.m.

      Jeff Elton
of Des Moines, who suffers from gastric paresis, causing severe nausea and vomiting.

    WHEN: Wednesday, Aug. 19, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

    WHERE: Iowa State Historic Building (auditorium), 600 East Locust St., Des Moines.

    To arrange interviews with the above witnesses or with Marijuana Policy Project staffers who can place Wednesday's hearing in a national context, contact MPP director of communications Bruce Mirken at 415-585-6404 or 202-215-4205.

     With more than 27,000 members and 100,000 e-mail subscribers nationwide, the Marijuana Policy Project is the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. MPP believes that the best way to minimize the harm associated with marijuana is to regulate marijuana in a manner similar to alcohol. For more information, please visit


In The Trenches

Press Release: Hemp Companies Living Harvest and Nutiva Named to Inc. 500|5000 List

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 17, 2009 CONTACT: Adam Eidinger at 202-744-2671 or [email protected], Tom Murphy at 207-542-4998 or [email protected] Living Harvest and Nutiva Named to Inc. 500|5000 List HIA Member Companies Rank Well in Food & Beverage Category WASHINGTON, DC – The Hemp Industries Association (HIA), a trade association made up of hundreds of hemp businesses, is pleased that Living Harvest Foods and Nutiva, both companies are full business members of the HIA, have been named to Inc. Magazine’s 500|5000 List. Living Harvest Foods of Portland, OR was ranked No. 961 on the over all list with 318.2% growth and 2008 revenue of $4.4 million and was ranked No. 20 in the Food & Beverage category. Santa Paula, CA based Nutiva was ranked No. 2,174 on the over all list with 145.2% growth and 2008 revenue of $6.5 million and was ranked No. 52 in the Food & Beverage category. Founded in 2002, Living Harvest became industry pioneers with the launch of the world’s first protein powder and stayed ahead of the curve with the subsequent launches of the first whole food blends in 2005 and the world’s first Hempmilk in 2007. In 2009, Living Harvest added Tempt, the first line of non-dairy frozen desserts made with Hempmilk in the United States, to their growing repertoire of hemp foods. “Pioneering a variety of hemp foods over the years and launching innovative new products such as our Tempt Hempmilk and frozen dessert line is the key to our exceptional growth,” said Hans Fastre, CEO of Living Harvest Foods. “Our placement on the list of fastest growing companies in the U.S., as well our placement as the number 20 food and beverage company, is a testimony to the future of hemp foods.” Founded in 1999 by John W. Roulac, Nutiva is America’s number one brand of nutritious organic hemp foods and extra-virgin coconut oil. Nutiva is dedicated to a healthy and sustainable world, demonstrating its mission to nourish people and planet by using nourishing organic ingredients, enriching the soil, and supporting worthy causes. “Nutiva’s vision is to replace our country’s overreliance on corn, soy, and dairy products with healthier hemp and coconut superfoods,” explains Roulac. “Nutiva is celebrating its 10-year anniversary this month and we are proud to be named one of the fastest growing companies in America by Inc. Magazine.” Earlier this year the HIA released final estimates of the size of the U.S. retail market for hemp food and body care products in 2008. Data supporting the estimates show that retail sales of hemp food and body care products in the U.S. have continued to set records in 2008. Strong sales of popular hemp items like non-dairy milk, shelled hemp seed, soaps and lotions have occurred against the backdrop of state-licensed hemp farmers in North Dakota fighting a high stakes legal battle against the DEA to grow hemp for U.S. manufacturers. “The HIA is confident that the total North American hemp food and body care market over the last year accounted for $100-120 million in retail sales,” comments Eric Steenstra, HIA Executive Director. “We expect double-digit growth of the hemp food sector to continue in 2009, as consumer interest about green healthy products grows,” says Steenstra. # # # The Hemp Industries Association (HIA) represents the interests of the hemp industry and encourages the research and development of new hemp products. More information about hemp’s many uses and hemp advocacy may be found at and DVD Video News Release featuring footage of hemp farming in other countries is available upon request by contacting Adam Eidinger at 202-744-2671.
In The Trenches

Drug Truth Update 08/17/09

The Unvarnished Truth From the Drug Truth Network *** Note: Schedule & NEW 800 # 1-877-9-420-420 *** This coming Sunday, August 23 at 6:30 PM central time I will interview Fred Gardner, editor of O'Shaughnessy's medical marijuana journal. Here's where you come in, following at 7PM central, Century of Lies will feature a new segment: "Face the Inquisition" where you get the chance to question him regarding the data on medical marijana. You can tune into both programs, live, at 6:30 central time on Pacifica's KPFT at and call in your questions and concerns toll free at 1-877-9-420 420. The two, 29:00 shows appear along with the seven, daily, 3:00 "4:20 Drug War NEWS" reports each Monday morning at . We currently have 69 affiliated, yet independent broadcast stations. With a simple email request to [email protected] , your station can join the Drug Truth Network, free of charge. Cultural Baggage for 08/16/09, 29:00 Loretta Nall, Alabama drug reformer + Fred Gardner editor of O'Shaughnessy's medical marijuana journal + Zapata County, Texas, Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez Jr. LINK: TRANSCRIPT: This Evening Century of Lies for 08/16/09, 29:00 Omar Figuero of California Cannabis Initiative, Ethan Nadelmann of Drug Policy Alliance, Neal Peirce of Washington Post, Phil Smith of Drug War Chronicle, Chris Hermes of Americans for Safe Access & Jacob Sullum of Reason Magazine LINK: TRANSCRIPT: This Evening 4:20 Drug War NEWS, 8/17 to 8/23/09 Link at on the right margin - Sun - Fred Gardner, editor of O'Shaughnessy's medical marijuana journal Sat - Jacob Sullum, columnist for Reason Fri - Chris Hermes for Americans for Safe Access Thu - NEWSWEEK focus on Ethan Nadelmann, Dir of Drug Policy Alliance Wed - Omar Figueroa, counsel for California Cannabis Initiative, 2/2 Tue - Omar Figueroa, counsel for California Cannabis Initiative, 1/2 Mon - Zapata County Texas Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzales Jr. Programs produced at Pacifica Radio Station KPFT in Houston, 90.1 FM. You can Listen Live Online at - Cultural Baggage Sun, 7:30 PM ET, 6:30 PM CT, 5:30 PM MT, 4:30 PM PT (Followed Immediately By Century of Lies) - Century of Lies, SUN, 8 PM ET, 7 PM CT, 6 PM MT & 5 PM PT Who's Next to "Face The Inquisition?": Fred Gardner, editor of O'Shaughnessy's medical marijuana journal Hundreds of our programs are available online at, We have potcasts, searchability, CMS, XML, sorts by guest name and by organization. We provide the "unvarnished truth about the drug war" to scores of broadcast affiliates in the US, Canada and Australia! Check out our latest videos via Please become part of the solution, visit our website: for links to the best of reform. "Prohibition is evil." - Reverend Dean Becker, DTN Producer, 713-849-6869,
In The Trenches

The Sentencing Project -- Disenfranchisement News: Media Spotlight on the Democracy Restoration Act of 2009

National: Media Spotlight on the Democracy Restoration Act of 2009 A Project Vote blog posting notes the media attention and editorial support for the Democracy Restoration Act of 2009. Highlighting passages from national media outlets including The New York Times, the Patriot News in Pennsylvania, and the Detroit Free Press, the blog stated, "whether the message will affect the change needed to enfranchise the millions of Americans who currently cannot represent their communities in the democratic process, it is encouraging to find more citizens recognize the value in voting rights restoration and its impact on rehabilitation." Responding to a New York Times editorial calling felon disenfranchisement "bad prison policy," Adam Fogel, Right to Vote Director of FairVote, stated in a letter to the editor that the "lack of uniformity in election administration cannot help but lead to fundamental inequalities in our democracy." The Times' editorial noted that California, New York and, most recently, Massachusetts have upheld voting rights bans for individuals with felony convictions. Fogel further suggested that Congress set national standards for all elections. The Democracy Restoration Act of 2009 would grant individuals with felony convictions voting rights in federal elections only. Massachusetts: Court Denies Voting Rights Act Challenge to Felony Disenfranchisement In Simmons v. Galvin, a First Circuit panel ruled the persons currently incarcerated in Massachusetts' prisons cannot challenge the loss of their voting rights under section 2 of the Voting Rights Act and the Ex Post Facto clause. Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act states, "no voting qualification or prerequisite to voting or standard, practice, or procedure shall be imposed or applied by any State ... in a manner which results in a denial or abridgment of the right ... to vote on account of race or color." According to Ballot Access, plaintiffs wanted to present evidence that Massachusetts' felon disenfranchisement law has a disproportionally adverse effect on African Americans and Hispanic Americans, who are overrepresented in the prison population. The two-judge majority rejected the arguments and determined that Congress never intended for Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act to be used for this purpose. The dissenting judge, Juan Torruella, said the section's language is clear and unambiguous, and therefore speculation about what Congress intended is irrelevant. Advocates say his dissent was similar to Judge Sonia Sotomayor's opinion in Hayden v. Pataki. Some believe that the case might end up before the Supreme Court, presenting Justice Sotomayor another opportunity to consider an issue with which she is familiar. Click here to read the decision. - - - - - - Help The Sentencing Project continue to bring you news and updates on disenfranchisement! Make a contribution today. Contact Information -- e-mail: [email protected], web:

Purple Clouds

Purple Clouds in the sky take your consciousness so very high Over the feindish Master Eye Capturing all, truth justified Purple Clouds Illigalized Decriminalized Unjustified Lies!

Confused Cop Worries That Medical Marijuana Could be Laced With PCP

Legal medical marijuana has been around for more than a decade now, but that certainly hasn't stopped bitter law-enforcement spokespeople from conjuring horrific doomsday fantasies about it. Police in Rhode Island are still struggling to understand the issue, it seems:

State police Lt. Col. Steven G. O’Donnell said there is nothing prohibiting caregivers from lacing their marijuana with phencyclidine (PCP) or other powerful drugs. [Providence Journal]

No, no, no, you misunderstand, sir. It's medical marijuana that's legal in Rhode Island, not PCP. Got it? Medical m-a-r-i-j-u-a-n-a. You can still arrest people for PCP.  I doubt this will be an issue though, because for some reason, medical marijuana laws don't seem to result in increased use of PCP. It's awesome.

But O'Donnell still doesn't get it. There's something bothering him about marijuana policy, but he can't quite figure out what it is:

"It’s very unregulated," he said. "It makes no sense to us. We regulate hamburger and food, but we do not regulate medical marijuana. There are no checks and balances."

Here, lets try that line again, but this time without the word "medical." I think we're onto something here. If we could all just agree that marijuana – medical and otherwise – needs to be monitored for quality and sold by licensed professionals, maybe we can finally put this whole mess behind us.

Drug Czar Admits He Was Wrong About Medical Marijuana

Last month, Obama's drug czar raised eyebrows by claiming that "marijuana is dangerous and has no medicinal benefit."  Though not an unusual remark for a drug czar to make, the comment came as a surprise given the new administration's stated policy of respecting state medical marijuana laws.

Well, it looks like someone in the administration had a little talk with the drug czar, because he's already backtracking:

Asked if he regretted what he said, Kerlikowske said, "Sometimes you make a mistake and you work very hard to correct it. That happens. I should've clearly said 'smoked' marijuana and then gone on to say that this is clearly a question that should be answered by the medical community." [KOMO News]

Of course, this is still utter nonsense given the abundance of scientific evidence that medical marijuana works. But it's remarkable to hear the drug czar acknowledge making "a mistake." As false and obnoxious as his corrected statement may be, it's nice to know that the word "mistake" is in his vocabulary.

Weekly: Blogging @ the Speakeasy

"What Will the Cartels Do After Drugs Are Legal?," "The Drug Cartels Have Their Own (Stolen) Oil Company," "Drug Traffickers Plot to Kill Mexico's President," "Police Will Do Anything to Arrest People for Marijuana, Part II," more...