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Jack Herer Has Died

Jack Herer, author of "The Emperor Wears No Clothes," died this morning in Eugene, Oregon. He had been in ill health since suffering a heart attack at the Portland Hempstock Festival last Fall. Here's the report from the Salem News:
The Hemperor, Jack Herer has Died (SALEM, Ore.) - The sad news has been confirmed. Jack Herer, author of Emperor Wears No Clothes and renowned around the world for hemp activism, has died at 11:17 a.m. today, in Eugene, Oregon. Jack Herer suffered a heart attack last September just after speaking on stage at the Portland HempStalk festival. The last seven months have proven to be a huge challenge to the man, with several health issues making his recovery complicated. Jack Herer's health has been poor lately, this last week there have been reports of the severity, and an outpouring of prayers on his behalf. "It's shocking news, even after these last seven, trying months," said Paul Stanford, THCF Executive Director. "Jack Herer has been a good friend and associate of mine for over 30 years. I was there when he had the heart attack at our Hempstalk festival and I know he wouldn’t appreciate the quality of life he's endured these last months. Still he will be greatly missed. I honor his memory." "No other single person has done more to educate people all across the world about industrial hemp and marijuana as Jack Herer. His book is translated into a dozen different languages, it's a bestseller in Germany," added Stanford. "The Hempstalk stage will forever be the Jack Herer Memorial stage. And, a Memorial is planned to be built where he fell that day," Stanford said. "His legacy will continue to inspire and encourage for generations to come."

Michelle Obama's Awesome Plan for Winning the Drug War

When the First Lady speaks out about how to deal with the drug problem, you can bet she'll call for more of the same:

MEXICO CITY, Mexico (CNN) - The United States needs to do more to reduce demand for illegal drugs if it wants to help reduce the violence that has wracked its southern neighbor, Michelle Obama said Wednesday.

The first lady of the United States made that comment after meeting with her Mexican counterpart, Margarita Zavala de Calderon, whose "New Life Centers" help with prevention and education so that fewer young people will become addicted.

"We need to do more of the same," said Obama, who cited education and opportunity as key elements to any successful anti-drug campaign.

Wait, what!? Did she really say that? Ok, she's making a specific reference to a program she likes, but still. Prevention and education are not new strategies. They are more of them same, and they won't even dent the bloodly specter smoldering before us.

The war on drugs has never been as ugly and brutal as it is today. There truly exists no public policy failure so unambiguously catastrophic and hopeless as this. Yet our leaders discuss it like talking wind-up dolls, capable only of repeating the same stupid sentence. We can only hope that by the time they abandon their script, there will remain something worth saving.

Drug Cartel Assassins Caught on Camera

This video is freaking people out in Mexico. Most of the violence is occurring off-camera, but it's pretty effective at revealing how openly these guys operate. 8 people were killed in the vicinity of what you're seeing here:

But don't worry, the violence means we're winning the drug war. Soon, all the drug traffickers and innocent bystanders will be dead and then we can all go to Mexico for Spring Break and get wasted without worrying about getting shot by machine guns.
In The Trenches

10 Rules for Dealing with Police Now Available Free Online

Dear friends,

Flex Your Rights isn't just about selling DVDs. We do this work to educate communities and defend constitutional rights. No one should miss out. That's why we made our new film 10 Rules for Dealing with Police available for free on YouTube.

Here's how you can spread the word:

  • Share the below links with friends, family, activists and educators. Urge them to pass them on.
  • Send the links to your favorite bloggers and websites, and encourage them to share with their readers.
  • Post the video on Facebook, Twitter and other social media to help it go viral.

Of course, this work isn't possible without your DVD orders and donations. The DVD is still the best way to share 10 Rules with a classroom, if you're hosting a public screening event, or wherever you have an unreliable Internet connection.

Get $5.00 off 10 Rules DVDs between now and April 22. To qualify for the discount, click the green button and enter Coupon Code FLEXLUVSME in the shopping cart.


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SAFER 5th Anniversary Celebration

Former two-term Governor of New Mexico Gary Johnson will be joining us as our keynote speaker, and other confirmed guests include Denver City Councilman Chris Nevitt and SAFER co-founder and Marijuana
In The Trenches

SAFER: Celebrating 5 Years - Event May 8th

Join us to celebrate SAFER's 5th anniversary at its biggest event ever!

On Saturday, May 8th, from 5pm to 8pm, SAFER will be holding its 5th Anniversary Celebration in the Mt. Sopris Room at the Grand Hyatt Denver (1750 Welton St.).  Former two-term Governor of New Mexico Gary Johnson will be joining us as our keynote speaker, and other confirmed guests include Denver City Councilman Chris Nevitt and SAFER co-founder and Marijuana Is Safer coauthor Steve Fox.  There will be a $10 suggested donation at the door - which includes one raffle ticket - but we encourage you to come prepared for the raffle and a silent auction. The event will feature a short program of speakers, plenty of hors d' ouevres and a cash bar, as well as some other surprises and goodies!

WHAT:  SAFER 5th Anniversary Celebration
Sat., May 8, 5-8pm - VIP/Sponsor Meet-and-Greet @ 4:15pm
Mt. Sopris Room @ The Grand Hyatt Denver, 1750 Welton St.
Former two-term New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson
            Denver City Councilman Chris Nevitt
            SAFER cofounder and executive director Mason Tvert
            SAFER cofounder and former SAFER executive director Steve Fox
            SAFER supporters, volunteers, and staff
            More special guests to be announced soon!

SAFER has been a driving force behind much of the progress that has been made in Colorado over the past five years.  Through successful ballot initiatives and campus referendum campaigns; statewide, local, and campus organizing; and a wealth of news coverage conveying its critical message, it has emerged as one of the most effective and productive reform organizations in the nation.  We hope you will continue to lend us your support as we approach our very reachable goal of a sensibly regulated marijuana market for ALL adults.

Help SAFER keep up the fight by donating today or becoming an event sponsor!

Sponsorships start as low as $100, and -- as always -- ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX-DEDUCTIBLE.   We are also seeking donations of goods and services to include in our silent auction and raffle, and we will consider accepting them in addition to (or in place of) financial donations as part of this event's sponsorship program.  The deadline for becoming a sponsor is Sunday, May 2, at 11:59pm, but the earlier you sign on, the more opportunities we will have to include your business or organization in our promotion of the event.

Please review the sponsorship chart below or CLICK HERE to determine what level of sponsorship is right for you or your business/organization, then:

•  Make your donation securely on-line using a credit card by clicking HERE or visiting
•  Send your donation via check or money order to SAFER, P.O. Box 40332, Denver, CO 80204
•  Deliver your cash donation to our office in Capitol Hill, Denver (please call ahead -- 303-861-0033)

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or would like any further information regarding the event or sponsorships.  You can reach us during regular business hours at 303-861-0033, or you can e-mail us at [email protected].  Otherwise, thank you for your support and we look forward to hearing from and seeing you soon!


The Government is Still Trying (and Failing) to Prove That Marijuana is Dangerous

Ever heard someone argue against medical marijuana on the grounds that there hasn’t been enough research to prove that it works? There's been plenty, of course, but there would be even more if the government weren't spending all its grant money trying to prove that marijuana is poisonous instead of therapeutic:

The Medical College of Wisconsin will investigate the effects of chemicals in marijuana on the development of psychiatric disorders thanks to $1.7 million grant from the National Institute of Health's National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Using lab research and mouse models, this study will test the hypothesis that the primary psychoactive chemical in marijuana produces an over-activation of an enzyme in the brain and that this is responsible for the increased incidence of psychiatric disorders in marijuana users.

Last I checked, the "primary psychoactive chemical in marijuana" is widely available in an FDA-approved pill that the National Institute on Drug Abuse has never lobbied to take off the shelves. How concerned could they possibly be about the dangers of THC if they let doctors prescribe it to people?

The sick truth here is that their only agenda is to create negative headlines about marijuana, not to discover anything of actual scientific significance. That's why they spend their money dosing rats with powerful synthetic chemicals instead of studying the massive population of real medical marijuana patients who are using it successfully to treat a variety of illnesses.

The Best Argument Ever for Legalizing and Taxing Marijuana

Ok, maybe it's not the best ever, but this observation from the comment section of a recent article caught my eye:

I never did (and pretty surely never will do) pot, alcohol or cigarettes in my life so legalizing pot (or even cocaine, heroine, crack etc) won't change my life at all. as a matter of fact any taxation that doesn't affect my pocket is welcomed.

I see two different important points here:

1. Legalization doesn't mean that people who don't do drugs will have to start doing them.

2. If other people are paying taxes on a product you don't buy, that just means more government services for you.

It sounds like a really great deal, as long as you can keep yourself from becoming confused by the apocalyptic predictions of people whose job it is to hate and vilify drugs.

Denver 420 Rally 2010

This action packed day is sure to get you Rocky Mountain High. Boasting a full line-up of bands and speakers, this is sure to be a beautiful and memorable event.