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Happy 4/20

As support for marijuana prohibition continues to hemorage and calls for legalization reverberate louder than ever before, the 4/20 marijuana holiday has become much more than the official day to get stoned. Recent years have brought frenzied media coverage and cable TV specials, in addition to the famed improptu pot parties that just seem to escalate each year. It's a phenomenon, the very existence of which perfectly humiliates the great drug war army. Today we celebrate the culture that thrives despite decades of persecution and renew our commitment to the fight for freedom. A few links:

*Norm Stamper wants all you 4/20 revelers to Put Down That Joint and Pick Up a Pen, although maybe I should have mentioned this to you earlier in the day. Do not, I repeat, do not send letters to the editor if you're stoned off your ass.

*D.C.'s medical marijuana law takes another big forward step. This was a bit of a 4/20 surprise from the D.C. Council. We actually would have preferred that they wait a couple more weeks, so we'd have more time to push for amendments. If the law ultimately takes effect under the current regulations, we'll have some annoying problems. Nevertheless, the inevitable emergence of medical marijuana in the Nation's Capital is something to celebrate.

*A new AP-CNBC poll completely pukes all over our pot party. I'd like to know how they phrased the legalization question to come up with only 33% support. Every other recent poll is in the 40's. I call bullshit on this. A new CBS poll says 44%. That's more like it.

*You can download the book Marijuana is Safer today only. Click here.

*Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley is doing his best to interfere with California's legalization initiative. Someone give him a hug.

*Finally, since marijuana isn't truly legal yet anywhere in America, please take a few minutes to educate yourself about dealing with police. Click the link, dude. You'll love it. I swear.

In The Trenches

Your input needed: D.C. Council expected to vote on medical marijuana today

Marijuana Policy Project

Marijuana Policy Project Alert

April 20, 2010


Your input needed: D.C. Council expected to vote on medical marijuana today

Draft amendments to legislation answer some patient concerns, leave others unresolved.

Dear friends:

The D.C. Council may vote today on legislation to amend Initiative 59. The proposal would get a second vote in May. Please share your thoughts on implementation of medical marijuana with your councilmembers now.

Tell your DC councilmembers to put patients and voters first — tell them you want to see a medical marijuana program that resembles the one voters approved in Initiative 59.

Those of you in attendance at February’s hearing before the committees on Public Safety and the Judiciary as well as Health will be happy to know that this latest incarnation addresses many of the concerns you helped bring to the council’s attention. For instance, the bill no longer requires patients to seek recommendations from "primary care physicians," ensuring access for those too poor to see the same doctor regularly or, like many veterans, whose doctors are federal employees. The amended bill also reduces the minimum distance from which dispensaries must be located from schools — down to 300 feet from 1,000 feet — easing zoning and location concerns.

Still, several aspects of the bill now being considered raise concerns over the ability of patients to have safe, reliable access to medicine. For instance, the list of conditions for which medical marijuana could be utilized is needlessly restrictive. This would be only the second law in the country to completely exclude severe or chronic pain as a symptom or condition for which medical marijuana could be used as treatment. The bill would also mandate that patients use only marijuana or paraphernalia obtained from a District dispensary, and that they do so only in their own homes. A simple ban on smoking in public would be a much better and easier way to address legitimate concerns. Additionally, the bill limits the amount of marijuana that cultivation centers could grow to 95 plants, which would drive up costs and raise serious concerns about the ability of program supply to meet patient demand. Other concerns include:

  • The right of patients to cultivate their own medicine will not be addressed until at least 2012, and is not guaranteed even then.
  • Only physicians licensed in D.C. can make recommendations; a concern for the many District residents who see physicians in Maryland or Virginia.
  • Patients would be limited to acquiring only 2 ounces of medical marijuana in any 30-day period. Patients in the federal government’s own “Investigational New Drug” program receive upwards of 9 ounces in that same time span.
  • Dispensary transaction records identify patients by name rather than registry ID number, compromising patient privacy.

If you haven’t already, please do take just a minute or two to use our automated system to send your councilmembers a quick e-mail. When you’re done, go ahead and forward this on to a friend.

Thanks for all your help in shaping this legislation. We’ll be sure to keep you posted as the process moves forward.


Dan Riffle's signature

Dan Riffle
Legislative Analyst
Marijuana Policy Project

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In The Trenches

Free "Marijuana is Safer" download available now!

The Marijuana Book Giveaway - April 20, 2010

 Home         About the Book         Endorsements         About the Authors 

"Marijuana is Safer" is now available for FREE at!

The authors and publisher of Marijuana is Safer: So why are we driving people to drink? have made the entire book available for FREE for one day only -- April 20 (4/20). The book is now posted and ready for downloading. Just click on the following link to get started:

This offer ends at midnight (ET) tonight, so don't delay!

Enjoy the book -- and please be sure to circulate it to friends and relatives who need a little education about the relative safety of marijuana compared to alcohol.

In The Trenches

4/20 Marijuana Book Giveaway + Events

The Marijuana Book Giveaway - April 20, 2010

 Home         About the Book         Endorsements         About the Authors 

Get Marijuana is Safer for FREE on 4/20!

As the title implies, Marijuana is Safer was written to educate the public about the relative harms of marijuana and alcohol. In the book, the authors encourage readers to talk to others about this issue. They even encourage readers to pass the book along to someone who needs it once they are finished reading it.  Well, now it is going to be even easier to pass the book along.

Tomorrow, April 20th (4/20), from 7 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. ET, the authors and publisher of Marijuana is Safer: So why are we driving people to drink? are making the book available for FREE.  You will be able to download a PDF of the entire book via, which you will then be able to forward to as many people as you would like.

If you'd like to get Marijuana is Safer for FREE tomorrow, just click the button below -- or visit -- and enter your e-mail at the bottom of the form.  We will then send you a reminder about the giveaway tomorrow morning.  We also encourage you to spread the word about this great opportunity!

4/20 + Upcoming Events in Colorado

Tuesday, April 20th

Denver 4/20 Rally 

10am-7pm @ Civic Center Park, Denver (map)

Free event featuring speakers, vendors and musical acts from across Colorado

Join the "Green Team" -- Join volunteers from around medical marijuana community to clean up Civic Center Park during th 4/20 rally. For more details and to get involved, contact Denver Relief at 303-420-6337

4/20 Rally After-Party

6:30pm @ Casselman's Bar & Venue, 2620 Walnut St., Denver (map)

$10 cover gets you in to see performances by Pato Banton, P-Nuckle, and more

Wednesday, April 21st

What Are Your Legal Rights? 

5:30pm-7pm @ Apothecary of Colorado, 1730 Blake St., Suite 420, Denver (map)

Free legal and know-your-rights event presented by Sensible Colorado

Saturday, May 8th

SAFER 5th Anniversary Celebration

5pm-8pm @ The Grand Hyatt Denver, 1750 Welton St., DenverSuite 420 (map)

Featuring former two-term New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson

Sponsorship opportunities available -- CLICK HERE for more information


Will the Economic Argument Help Legalize Marijuana? Yes.

It's been the most prominent talking point for marijuana reform in recent months, but can the promise of tax revenue really convince people to support legalization? A new poll attempted to find out:

AP-CNBC Poll: Legalizing pot won't boost economy

LOS ANGELES — Few people see legalized marijuana as a way to boost the economy and create jobs, according to an Associated Press-CNBC poll.

About a quarter of those polled said legalized pot would lead to more jobs in their communities; 57 percent said there would be no effect. About a third think the economy would improve, while 46 percent foresee no impact.
And while 62 percent approve of states taxing the drug, with people from the West most likely to back the idea, only a third felt the levies would make a significant contribution to state budgets.

As far as I'm concerned, if you can get 62% to approve of taxation, you're heading hard in the right direction. The AP headline pours cold water on the argument's viability, but the goal here was never to convince everyone that legalizing marijuana would end the damn recession. The point is to increase support for taxing marijuana.

Given the poor showing for the "create jobs" argument specifically, maybe we want to lean away from that and just emphasize tax revenue and savings. The whole idea of new marijuana-related jobs wouldn't impress our target demographic anyway. They are people who generally don't like marijuana and just want to hear less about it. Hopefully, we can sell them on supporting legalization in exchange for a little bit of tax revenue and a lifetime of not having to watch these massive initiatives come along every two years for the rest of their life.

Ultimately, the reality of marijuana reform messaging is that there's no silver bullet. Some arguments poll better than others, but when you actually talk to casual supporters, they're often oblivious to half the arguments anyway. There are dozens of distinct and sufficient reasons to legalize marijuana and our goal is simply to connect with swing voters one way if not another. The only arguments to really avoid are those that only make sense to people who already love the stuff.
In The Trenches

Disenfranchisement News: Governor Backing out of 'Backwards' Requirement?

Disenfranchisement News

Sentencing Project

In this issue

·         Virginia: Governor Backing out of 'Backwards' Requirement? » GO


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The Sentencing Project.

The Sentencing Project
514 Tenth Street, NW
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Washington, DC 20004


April 16, 2010

Disenfranchisement News


Governor Backing Out of 'Backwards' Requirement?

Virginia's new governor, Robert McDonnell, last weekend proposed adding yet another hurdle for residents seeking the restoration of voting rights - writing an essay. Despite the fact that 200 letters were sent to individuals explaining the need to write a detailed letter for restoration consideration, spokesman Tucker Martin said the media had reported prematurely and explained that a staffer erroneously sent the correspondence to residents. "This remains a draft policy proposal. Nothing has changed," he told the Washington Post.

He continued, "The Governor believes strongly in second chances and helping individuals regain their voting rights, and he is committed to instituting a restoring process that is the fastest and fairest in the modern history of Virginia."

Throughout this week, organizations, individuals and media editorials called the governor's proposal 'backwards' including coverage on MSNBC's Rachel Maddow and a strong editorial in the Washington Post which read:

"Now Mr. McDonnell may be compounding the damage by insisting that nonviolent former felons -- people convicted of shoplifting and other property crimes, for instance -- must do more than just apply to the state if they wish to vote, a process that until now has been time-consuming but generally successful for those who stick with it. Mr. McDonnell would have them submit a letter making the case that they have contributed to society since their release -- an utterly arbitrary standard. What's more, they are asked to explain why they think they should get their rights back.

As we see it, the correct answer is: Because they are rights. Period. By insisting on this exercise in expository writing, Mr. McDonnell is transforming the process into a kind of literacy test -- as obnoxious in its own way as the literacy tests of Jim Crow, which were intended to exclude blacks from voting. Whatever the intent, the likely effect will be to dissuade thousands of people who might otherwise apply."

The news came on the heels of the Governor declaring April "Confederate History Month" without including any reference to slavery; he later apologized and amended the proclamation. As reported by CBS affiliate WTVR, Doug Smith of the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy said the idea has racist undertones, stemming from the 1902 Virginia Constitutional Convention when then-Delegate Carter Glass wanted to limit the power of African Americans in politics. In concurrence, American Prospect posted a blog that concluded with "Happy Confederate History Month."

Click the following news links to read more coverage.

Richmond Times-Dispatch

Washington Examiner

WHSV, ABC affiliate

Click the following news links to read editorials, blogs and op-ed columns:

Richmond Times-Dispatch

Huffington Post
Washington Post

The Grio


Prior to the governor's recanting, the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights wrote a letter to the Attorney General asking if Virginia would seek preclearance for the new requirement under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act.

Democracy Restoration Act Lobby Day is scheduled for April 28 in Virginia to urge leaders to support proposed legislation that would allow individuals with felony records to vote in federal elections.

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The Sentencing Project is a national organization working for a fair and effective criminal justice system by promoting reforms in sentencing law and practice, and alternatives to incarceration.

In The Trenches

Join ASA Online Sunday!


Dear friends,

This Sunday, find us online for ASA's "Preparing for Victory" workshop. Join us to enhance your political skills for securing safe access. ASA will be webcasting live from the National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics in Rhode Island where this workshop will be the final event! Join with other activists to gain skills to help achieve safe access for every American.

View the workshop binder at:

Leading the workshop are:

Steph Sherer - ASA Executive Director and the foremost medical cannabis leader in the USA.
Caren Woodson - ASA Director of Government Affairs and the leading activist in the Washington DC and Maryland campaigns for safe access.
Lauren Payne - ASA Legal Coordinator and a national medical cannabis legal expert.

To watch the workshop on Sunday go to: This link will take you to the UStream website where you will need to sign in to view the workshop. There is no charge and you may join the workshop at any time on Sunday, April 18, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm EST.

The workshop agenda is below. Don't miss ASA's first national webcast training!

Thanks -

The ASA Team

ASA's Preparing For Victory National Workshop

9:00 am - 10:00 am

Welcome / Introductions / Overview & Special Reports from the Field

10:00 am - 11:30 am

Strategic planning: Audience-driven cases, participatory solutions

11:30 am - 1:00 pm

Citizen Lobbying and Smart Coalition Building

1:00 pm - 1:45 pm

Lunch on your own.

1:45 pm - 3:00 pm

Message Training: Audience-driven cases.

3:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Open discussion / questions.

Americans for Safe Access

Please support ASA!

On The Web:

ASA's Mission

ASA Forums

ASA Blog

Take Action

ASA's Online Store

"Gear up" for medical cannabis activism with ASA's new T-shirts, hats, stickers, bags and more! All proceeds go to ASA advocacy

In The Trenches

The Safe Streets Arts Foundation: Volunteer Opportunity for Book Cover Designer


Dye painting 

 We are about to publish another book under our Foundation House Publishing imprint. We seek a volunteer book cover designer to create the cover for it using selected images of art made by imprisoned artists. All text and image files will be sent to you as email attachments.


The 250-page book is entitled "Art on the Inside: Understanding and Helping Imprisoned Artists." The table of contents reads as follow:

1. Creating Art in Prison

2. Men and Women Who Make Art in Prison

3. How Prisons Operate

4. Role of the Arts in Prisons

5. Helping Artists in Prisons

6. Getting Started as a Mentor to Artists in Prison

7. Duties of a Mentor to Artists in Prison

8. Dangers to Avoid When Mentoring to Artists in Prison

9. Mentoring Over the Long Haul

10. Marketing Art Made in Prison

11. Helping Artists After Their Release From Prison

12. Career Opportunities for Mentors


If you have the time and interest to help us design the cover for this exciting new book, please email [email protected]   Thank you.


  All art on this page created by imprisoned artists and available  at our Prison Art Gallery or online at


"The Safe Streets Arts Foundation, incorporating both the Prisons Foundation and the Victims Foundation, is proud to sponsor the annual From-Prison-to-The-Stage Show at the Kennedy Center and the Prison Art Gallery at 1600 K Street. NW, Suite 501, Washington, DC, three blocks from the White House."

Gallery logo 


~~~~To Spark A Resolution~~~~

~~~~To Spark A Resolution~~~~ One great idea can "snowball" into a movement which can become unstoppable in the Grander Scheme of things.