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Mike Huckabee Compares Using Drugs to Committing Incest

In defense of his anti-gay prejudice, former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee goes off the deep end:

"You don’t go ahead and accommodate every behavioral pattern that is against the ideal," he said of same-sex marriage. "That would be like saying, well, there are a lot of people who like to use drugs, so let’s go ahead and accommodate those who want who use drugs. There are some people who believe in incest, so we should accommodate them. There are people who believe in polygamy, so we should accommodate them." [TCNJPerspective]

Yeah, I'm not aware of any political movement to legalize incest, though. This reminds me of the popular prohibitionist argument that you can't legalize drugs without legalizing murder (except with a dose of homophobia mixed in for extra meanness points). Keep up the good work, Mike. We can't wait to see you back on the campaign trail.
In The Trenches

Drug Truth 04/12/10

Cultural Baggage * Century of Lies * 4:20 Drug War NEWS Cultural Baggage for 04/11/10 29:00 Rabbi Jeffrey Kahn, Dir of Clergy Against Prohibition + DEA bust of 16 year old, Chris Hermes of Americans for Safe Access LINK: TRANSCRIPT: TBD Century of Lies for 04/11/10 29:00 Jeff Blackburn, Dir of Innocence Project of Texas + Loretta Nall of Alabamians for Compassionate Care LINK: TRANSCRIPT: TBD 4:20 Drug War NEWS, 04/12 to 04/18/10 Link at on the right margin - Sun - NPR extract: Problems on Tex/Mex border Sat - Dr. Tom Trail a state rep introduces Med Marijuana law in Idaho Fri - Jeff Blackburn, Dir of Innocence Project of Texas Thu - Loretta Nall of Alabamians for Compassionate Care Wed - Rabbi Jeffrey Kahn, Dir of Clergy Against Prohibition Tue - Steven Betzen of Texan Compassion for Med MJ Mon - Mike Meno of the Marijuana Policy Project re changing MJ laws to make money Programs produced at Pacifica Radio Station KPFT in Houston, 90.1 FM. You can Listen Live Online at - Cultural Baggage Sun, 7:30 PM ET, 6:30 PM CT, 5:30 PM MT, 4:30 PM PT - Century of Lies, SUN, 8 PM ET, 7 PM CT, 6 PM MT & 5 PM PT Who's Next to "Face The Inquisition?": Reports from Psychedleic Science in 21st Century Conference in San Jose Hundreds of our programs are available online at, We have potcasts, searchability, CMS, XML, sorts by guest name and by organization. We provide the "unvarnished truth about the drug war" to scores of broadcast affiliates. You can tune into both our 1/2 hour programs, live, at 6:30 central time on Pacifica's KPFT at and call in your questions and concerns toll free at 1-877-9-420 420. The two, 29:00 shows appear along with the seven, daily, 3:00 "4:20 Drug War NEWS" reports each Monday morning at . We currently have 72 affiliated, yet independent broadcast stations. With a simple email request to [email protected] , your station can join the Drug Truth Network, free of charge. Check out our latest videos via Please become part of the solution, visit our website: for links to the best of reform. "Prohibition is evil." - Reverend Dean Becker, DTN Producer, 713-462-7981,
In The Trenches

Update on "Preparing for Victory"

Dear friends,We wanted to give you an update on Preparing for Victory, ASA's workshops next weekend in Rhode Island (April 17-18).

We have updated our registration so that those who may be on a limited budget can still attend.  The official registration fee is now on a sliding scale of up to $60 per person, and no one will be turned away for lack of funds.  One caveat:  we only have room for 50 attendees at the event.
The ASA workshops will follow the National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics (4/15-4/17), which is organized by Patients Out of Time.  If you are already attending the National Clinical Conference, add an extra day for Preparing for Victory.

At the National Clinical Conference, you will learn the science behind medical marijuana.  At ASA's Preparing for Victory, you will build the political skills for securing safe access.

Click here to register or read additional details on the workshops:

Thanks -
The ASA Team

Americans for Safe Access

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In The Trenches

Press Release: Rhode Island To Hold Hearing on Bill to Tax and Regulate Marijuana

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                                                 

APRIL 12, 2010

Rhode Island To Hold Hearing on Bill to Tax and Regulate Marijuana

H 7838 Would Create Regulated Marijuana Market Similar to Alcohol, Allow Adults to Purchase Marijuana From Licensed Retailers

CONTACT: Mike Meno, MPP director of communications …………… 202-905-2030 or [email protected]

PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND — Tomorrow, Tuesday April 13, the Rhode Island House Judiciary Committee will receive testimony on H7838, a bill that would tax and regulate marijuana similar to alcohol, allowing adults 21 and older to purchase up to an ounce of marijuana from registered retailers.

         Sponsored by Rep. Edith Ajello (D-Providence) and Rep. Rod Driver (D-Charlestown, Exeter, Richmond), H 7838 would prohibit advertising marijuana or using it in public places. It would also create a $50 an ounce excise tax on all marijuana sold by wholesalers. Revenue produced from the tax would go toward maintaining regulations, into the state General Fund, and also be used to fund drug and alcohol abuse treatment and prevention programs.

         WHAT: Hearing for H 7838, a bill to tax and regulate marijuana in Rhode Island

         WHO: Rep. Edith Ajello, the bill’s sponsor, and others will testify

         WHERE: House Lounge

         WHEN: Tuesday, April 13, Rise of the House

            With more than 124,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Marijuana Policy Project is the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. MPP believes that the best way to minimize the harm associated with marijuana is to regulate marijuana in a manner similar to alcohol. For more information, please visit


In The Trenches

Press Release: Maryland Senate Passes Medical Marijuana Bill

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                                                 

APRIL 10, 2010

Maryland Senate Passes Medical Marijuana Bill

Measure to Provide Patients With Safe Access Now Moves to House

CONTACT: Mike Meno, MPP director of communications …………… 202-905-2030 or [email protected]

ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND — Today, with no discussion or objections, the Maryland Senate voted 35-12 to pass SB 627, a bill that would allow qualified patients to be recommended medical marijuana by their doctor and receive safe access to their medicine through state-licensed distribution centers. The bill now moves to the House. The General Assembly’s session ends Monday night.

         “I’m very proud of my Senate colleagues today for voting to provide some of our most vulnerable residents with the compassion and care that they deserve,” said Sen. David Brinkley (R-Frederick), the bill’s sponsor and a two-time cancer survivor. “Anyone who has watched a loved one suffer from a debilitating illness would agree that we should not stand between doctors and patients, or deprive seriously ill people safe access to a legitimate medicine if it can help them cope with their illness.”

         “We think this bill offers the most carefully crafted medical marijuana law in the country,” said Sen. Jamie Raskin (D-Silver Spring), one of the bill’s co-sponsors. “It offers legal protection and safe medical access to patients who are desperately in need and takes every possible measure to prevent abuse. I’m hopeful that our colleagues in the House will give this proposal serious consideration, and make Maryland’s medical marijuana law a national model for how to promote medical privacy, social compassion, and security in administration.”

         Fourteen other states, including New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Maine, have effective medical marijuana laws. This year, more than a dozen other states, including New York, Illinois, Delaware, South Dakota, Arizona, and Kansas, are considering medical marijuana laws. The District Council of Washington, D.C. is working on a medical marijuana law expected to be implemented by the end of this year. 

         Under current Maryland law, medical marijuana patients are provided with a limited affirmative defense in court, no protection from arrest, and no safe means of access to their medicine. Patients can still be given a $100 fine that results in a criminal conviction.

         With more than 124,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Marijuana Policy Project is the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. For more information, please visit


In The Trenches

Press Release: Maryland Senate Passes Medical Marijuana Bill

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                                                 

APRIL 10, 2010

Maryland Senate Passes Medical Marijuana Bill

Measure to Provide Patients With Safe Access Now Moves to House

CONTACT: Mike Meno, MPP director of communications …………… 202-905-2030 or [email protected]

ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND — Today, with no discussion or objections, the Maryland Senate voted 35-12 to pass SB 627, a bill that would allow qualified patients to be recommended medical marijuana by their doctor and receive safe access to their medicine through state-licensed distribution centers. The bill now moves to the House. The General Assembly’s session ends Monday night.

         “I’m very proud of my Senate colleagues today for voting to provide some of our most vulnerable residents with the compassion and care that they deserve,” said Sen. David Brinkley (R-Frederick), the bill’s sponsor and a two-time cancer survivor. “Anyone who has watched a loved one suffer from a debilitating illness would agree that we should not stand between doctors and patients, or deprive seriously ill people safe access to a legitimate medicine if it can help them cope with their illness.”

         “We think this bill offers the most carefully crafted medical marijuana law in the country,” said Sen. Jamie Raskin (D-Silver Spring), one of the bill’s co-sponsors. “It offers legal protection and safe medical access to patients who are desperately in need and takes every possible measure to prevent abuse. I’m hopeful that our colleagues in the House will give this proposal serious consideration, and make Maryland’s medical marijuana law a national model for how to promote medical privacy, social compassion, and security in administration.”

         Fourteen other states, including New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Maine, have effective medical marijuana laws. This year, more than a dozen other states, including New York, Illinois, Delaware, South Dakota, Arizona, and Kansas, are considering medical marijuana laws. The District Council of Washington, D.C. is working on a medical marijuana law expected to be implemented by the end of this year. 

         Under current Maryland law, medical marijuana patients are provided with a limited affirmative defense in court, no protection from arrest, and no safe means of access to their medicine. Patients can still be given a $100 fine that results in a criminal conviction.

         With more than 124,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Marijuana Policy Project is the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. For more information, please visit


In The Trenches

Americans for Safe Access: Choose Victory


Last week, when we began to unveil our strategy to win, we told you that we are committed to a 2013 victory-ensuring the framework for all Americans to have safe access to medical cannabis. We told you that we are going on the offensive; that we are through with putting out fires, responding to one narrow minded and misguided attack after another. We told you that this ends now and we are focused where we need to be on winning safe access, and winning it federally.
We wrote that over the course of this month, each week we would outline a different part of the strategy-our road map to win is divided into a series of core goals, and this week I want to tell you about
our top three national goals to assure safe access for every American.

1. Move the federal government to recognize the medical properties of marijuana.
2.  Create new federal polices to protect patients' rights by changing current federal policies for veterans and patients who live in government subsidized housing who legally use medical cannabis in their state.  
3. Dramatically increase our grassroots base of activists in key states, and across the nation, to compel federal action on the previous two goals.
We know that we have a 3 year window with this Administration (maybe longer, but we must be prepared for any political landscape).  While 14 states and the District of Columbia have passed medical cannabis laws there is still no safe access until federal law changes.  Our elected officials will not act unless we pressure them to do so.
Together we can make this happen!

Last week, we told you that in order for ASA to begin fully working towards a 2013 victory we needed to raise an additional $20,000-many of you responded so generously to that need and if you did, we thank you. It is because of your commitment to this movement that we are able to make these inroads, and it is your support that will catapult our movement to victory.

If you haven't given yet, it is my hope that you'll make a contribution today. We have raised a third of our budget for the year, but we still need to raise another $1.6 million to implement our strategy. Without your support, we will not see a 2013 victory. Our opponents are better funded than ever before, and we must match them dollar for dollar in this fight if we have any chance of winning. Your support will be what makes the difference between our movement forced into a defensive, reactionary position or a victory in 2013. Choose victory.
I'll be back next week with more of ASA's roadmap to win. Until then, thank you as always for your incredibly meaningful support.
In Solidarity,
Steph Sherer
Executive Director
To thank those that gave last week, I'll be sending out an invitation to a private conference call with me where I'll discuss the strategic plan and answer any questions you may have. If you give before the end of today, we'll make sure you have a chance to be on that call.

Americans for Safe Access

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