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Calderon: Mexico drug gangs seeking to replace state

Drug prohibition can even lead to governments being overthrown. Mexican President Felipe Calderon has warned that drug gangs are seeking to replace the state and impose their own law in parts of the country. The gangs were imposing fees like taxes in areas they dominated and trying to impose their own laws by force of arms, said Calderon.
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In The Trenches

MPP Insider Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4


Newsletter V1_I5 Header


Veterans Administration eases rules for medical marijuana patients!

vetstoryIn a historic move, the Department of Veterans Affairs has formally announced that patients being treated at V.A. facilities will be allowed to use medical marijuana if they live in one of the 14 states where it is legal. “We now have a branch of the federal government accepting marijuana as a legal medicine,” MPP’s Steve Fox told The New York Times in its front-page story trumpeting the news.Read more...

Washington, D.C. medical marijuana law clears congressional hurdle!

DC Clear WayAfter blocking implementation of a medical marijuana law in the nation’s capital for more than a decade, Congress is no longer standing in the way of D.C. patients and effective relief. Thanks in part to lobbying by MPP and our allies, Congress declined to take action against a bill that will allow the District to license between five and eight medical marijuana dispensaries.Read more...

More than 2,000 apply for marijuana business licenses in Colorado

Colorado LicenseIn another sign of the marijuana industry’s growing legitimacy, Colorado witnessed a tremendous outpouring of applicants for state licenses to run medical marijuana dispensaries and other related businesses, netting the state more than $7 million in application fees. Through taxation and licensing, Colorado is establishing what may soon be the largest regulated marijuana market in the world. Read more...

Police targeted wrong man in deadly Las Vegas marijuana raid

Trevon ColeIn June, Las Vegas police shot and killed 21-year-old Trevon Cole in front of his pregnant fiancé during a raid on their home. Police charged that Cole was a major marijuana dealer. Now it’s come to light that police meant to target another man with the same name. Their tragic mistake claimed one more needless victim in the government’s war on marijuana.Read more...

Two-thirds of Americans believe legalization “somewhat likely” in the next 10 years

two thirds mapA new Rasmussen poll shows that 65% of Americans believe it is “something likely” that marijuana will become legal in the United States in the next 10 years. Only 28% think otherwise. This is a huge sign that the movement to end marijuana prohibition is steadily moving in the right direction, but there’s still much work that needs to be done. Help us sustain the momentum by contributing to MPP today. Read more...


The MPP Insider - Video Edition

Newsletter V1_I4 Insider

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Featured Person

Newsletter V1_I5 VictimPeter McWilliams, stricken with both cancer and AIDS, died because the federal government prevented him from using the one thing that controlled his nausea.
Hear his story...

Your help is key!

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Goal in '10:


MPP will be able to tackle all of the projects in our 2010 strategic plan if you help us meet this challenge.


To contact MPP, please click here or reply to this e-mail. Our mailing address is Marijuana Policy Project, 236 Massachusetts Ave. NE, Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20002. Any donations you make to MPP may be used for political purposes, such as supporting or opposing candidates for federal office.



In The Trenches

Meet Neill Franklin, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition's New Executive Director


Jack A. Cole,
Chairman of the Board

Like most folks, I just sort of fell into things. It was my time, so I joined the Marines, after which I joined the New Jersey State Police where I served for 26 years. I was told to be a narc, so I spent over a decade working undercover. I passively accepted my role in the drug war just as the rest of the country accepted the war itself.

But it didn't last. What I experienced was disillusioning, disturbing. I began to deeply question what I was doing, even as I kept doing it.

Once retired, I acted on my personal questioning and transformation, and along with four other cops, we created Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. Just five of us, encouraged by a few brave allies, giving voice to those who fought on the frontlines and had the best chance to counter the poisonous misinformation and hysteria that fueled the drug war.

I can hardly believe that in less than eight years, LEAP has grown into a professionally staffed, internationally recognized organization with some 30,000 supporters and 100 speakers in 76 countries who have given over 5,000 presentations. It seems impossible, but it wasn't, because of the rapidly disintegrating wall of self-justification that surrounds the drug war, a political sea change LEAP helped to create.

Unique, gutsy  and improbable, LEAP is actively supporting local drug policy reforms, developing a cops and clergy alliance, and making significant outreach to communities disproportionately impacted by the drug war yet underrepresented in drug policy reform.

This is simply made possible by contributions from people like you - folks who let us know every day that we are not alone.

Neill Franklin,
Executive Director

And now, proudly, LEAP is undergoing a transformation in its leadership, as I step down and welcome our new executive director, Neill Franklin, a retired 33-year veteran of the Maryland police with extensive non-profit management and board experience.

I am blessed to introduce Neill - he has the vision, credibility and passion to lead us and the drug policy movement into the next, more ambitious phase of ending this destructive, wasteful policy.

Please give as generously as you can - your donation today will support LEAP and send Neill the message - as five cops who had had enough learned eight years ago - that he is not alone.

Thank you,

Jack A. Cole
Chairman of the Board
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition


Your donation puts LEAP speakers in front of audiences. To support LEAP's work by making a contribution, please click here.


121 Mystic Ave. Suites 8&9
Medford, MA 01255
(781) 393-6985 [email protected]

We need help growing our all-encompassing movement of citizens who want to end the failed "war on drugs," so please invite your family and friends to learn about LEAP.


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U.S. Marines to Costa Rica: What's Behind the Story?

Why is the Costa Rican government now inviting the U.S. Navy to patrol its local waters? Offically, the Americans will be deployed to help stem the flow or drugs northward. But, moves to bring the U.S. Navy to Costa Rica have sparked widespread suspicions that Washington is looking for a justification to remilitarize the Central American region.
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Obama admin skewers GOP attack on stimulus cocaine monkeys (Opinion)

Are your stimulus dollars really being wasted on an Obama administration plot to get monkeys high on crack and cocaine as select Republicans and conservatives have been saying recently? No. The money is actually being spent on research into how to treat drug addiction in humans.
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Will Marijuana Crash the Tea Party? (Opinion)

With marijuana policy very much a states' rights issue and the Obama administration enacting a policy of deference to state policies on medical marijuana, NORML's "Radical" Russ Belville opines on whether the Tea Party's constituency is made up of ideological allies of marijuana law reform.
In The Trenches


We Are the Drug Policy Alliance.


Tell President Obama: Withdraw Michele Leonhart's nomination for DEA administrator.

Take Action!

Email the President

Dear friends,

The DEA’s vendetta against medical marijuana patients and providers keeps getting more and more infuriating.

Mendocino County, California passed a new medical marijuana ordinance this year that allows local growers to apply for a cultivation permit with the sheriff.  But earlier this month, the DEA swooped in and raided the home of the program’s first applicant.  Agents took money and property but made no arrests.

What a slap in the face to the local government!  The DEA has gone too far, and President Obama needs to replace Acting Administrator Michele Leonhart.

The president has directed federal officials to stop wasting time and money on medical marijuana prosecutions.  Yet even though Leonhart is blatantly flouting his directive, he’s nominated her to become the permanent head of the DEA.

Together with our allies in the movement to end marijuana prohibition, we’re calling on President Obama to withdraw her nomination.  Our whole movement is united and working together to demand a DEA administrator who respects the right of patients to use their legal, doctor-recommended medicine.  Will you join us?

The raid in Mendocino County is part of a disturbing trend.  DEA agents have raided four other medical marijuana providers in the past few weeks.  The timing is hardly coincidental — California voters could pass a ballot initiative in November that would make marijuana legal throughout the state, and I suspect the DEA is conducting the raids to intimidate growers and activists.

President Obama has called federal medical marijuana raids a waste of resources.  Yet his nominee continues to relentlessly harass patients and providers.  If she refuses to respect the administration’s stated principles, the president needs to find a new nominee who will.

Tell the president to withdraw Michele Leonhart's nomination for DEA administrator.


Bill Piper
Director, Office of National Affairs
Drug Policy Alliance

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Mexico's Vacation Paradise Marred By Drug Carnage

Once a playground for Hollywood stars and the epitome of jet-set glamour, Acapulco has been reduced to more of a local delight. Tourism is traditionally Mexico's third largest source of revenue, but drug prohibition violence in the past 3 1/2 years has claimed some 28,000 lives and sent foreign tourists looking for other holiday destinations.
better late than never: Pres. Calderon now supports discussing legalization
better late than never: Pres. Calderon now supports discussing legalization

Mexico Drug War Update

After a presidency most notable for the ever-rising death toll in his war with the cartels, Mexican President Calderon is starting to sing a different tune.
In The Trenches

Initiate This!

August 2010

Initiate This!


By now you probably know that voters will be deciding on a number of initiatives this fall. The most prominent is Proposition 19, commonly called Tax Cannabis 2010. It will allow Californians 21 and over to possess up to one ounce of cannabis and give state and local governments the ability to tax its sale. Medical marijuana initiatives will also be the ballot in Arizona, Oregon, South Dakota, and Detroit, Michigan.

These initiatives, particularly Prop 19, will change marijuana policy forever. Legal cannabis in California and Detroit. State licensed dispensaries in Oregon. Two more states join 14 others to permit medical marijuana. This is real progress!

If you're as passionate about these possibilities as we are, you'll be following these initiatives right up to election day. And we're here to help.

We've set up the following links to help you stay ahead of the news:

Yes on 19

California: Control and Tax Cannabis, Prop 19

Yes on 203
Arizona: Arizona Medical Marijuana Initiative, Proposition 203

Yes on 13
South Dakota: South Dakota Medical Marijuana Act, Initiated Measure 13

Media Activism Center

Donate Now!

You can also follow these initiatives and more at our Media Activism Center:

No one else offers the depth, breadth and timeliness of drug policy news as does DrugSense. Over the past 15 years, we've honed our craft and broadened our databases to enable you to have the initiative information you need, when you want it.

While we offer this information to you for free, it's not free to produce.

We rely on supporters like you to help defray costs by donating to DrugSense. Your donation supports services that keep this information flowing. And because, we're an educational 501(c)(3) non-profit, so your contribution is both tax deductible and funds a great cause.

Donating is quick, easy, and secure. Just visit

You can also make your check or money order payable to DrugSense and mail it to:

14252 Culver Dr #328
Irvine, CA 92604-0326

Or you can donates toll free by calling 1-800-266-5759.

Regardless of their outcome, these initiatives will forever change the face cannabis in the U.S. You can both follow and support them by donating to DrugSense.

Mark Greer
Executive Director

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Medical Marijuana Advocates Try Again With Limited Bill

The Texas Coalition for Compassionate Care, Texas NORML, and Medcan University are lobbying legislators in hopes of reforming Texas’ marijuana laws. The organizations don't agree on strategy, however, with the TCCC pushing only for a limited law allowing medical use as a defense against criminal charges, and the others seeking broader legalization that would include permitting and regulating sales outlets.

Welcome to Our New Web Site has completed the first stage of a major upgrade and expansion of our web site. This article explains some of what we've done so far, and also where some sections of the site that you've been used to from before can still be found.