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In The Trenches

COPs on the Hill: Stories from the week of July 30, 2010

COPs on the Hill

Stories from the week of July 30, 2010

The wine is sweeter today:  This week the House passed by voice vote (no one heard a nay) the Webb Criminal Justice Commission bill. The commission will study drug prohibition and make recommendations to the Congress on whether to keep all of it, some of it, none of it, etc. The Senate is expected (but don’t hold your breath) to pass it in September. Medium sized step..

As a bonus the House passed and it now goes for Obama’s signature a bill to reduce the disparity between crack and powder cocaine from 100:1 to 18:1. This an 82% improvement not based in science (in which case it would be 1:1).  Still this will allow thousands to dealers to go free and act as a model for the states to adopt the federal standard. Some states have already gone 1:1.

As my LEAP colleague Tom Angell pointed out, it was very significant that the Republicans did not demand a roll call vote on either bill. “Soft on drugs/soft on crime” has been used by the Rs for decades to hurt the Dems. On this day, they allowed good legislation to go forward without a recorded vote.

Karen and I start a week long vacation today, so no letter next week. considered this the best published LTE a  few weeks ago.  It was in my hometown paper.



When you lie down with dogs, often you will get up with fleas. Yet another in my profession (Megan Mattingly) has been tainted by the enforcement of drug prohibition. Add her to the many, many thousands who have been corrupted or killed, or who have committed suicide after being corrupted. And for what? We in law enforcement know that every drug dealer arrested is replaced within days. The nine suspects released (or even if they had gone to prison) are meaningless.

A trillion tax dollars spent and 40 years of serious effort have resulted in a Maryland free of drugs? No. Quite the contrary. Drugs are cheaper, stronger and readily available to our teens.

Please tell this reader again why you support this Bridge to Nowhere policy.

Howard Wooldridge

retired detective/officer


Source: Frederick News Post (MD)

Pubdate: Mon, 21 Jun 2010


 COP stats since August 2009:

 443  presentations to Congressional Staffers 

7 presentations to VIPs (elected officials)

37 published Letters to the Editor 

Numerous conferences, hearings & briefings attended.  C-Span broadcast my question at a Senate briefing. 

12  radio shows 

8  TV interviews (Colombian TV, Fox and Univision, NBC, cable)

Consider being a member of COPs at $30.00 or more per year.  Add your voice to those who agree that Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow. Go to: and click on Donate/Join – by credit card or check.


A Conversation About Drug Policy with Judge James P. Gray

Opposition to the war on drugs spans the political spectrum and often produces strange bedfellows. Join IPS Drug Policy Project Director Sanho Tree as he interviews Judge James P. Gray (Retired Orange County Superior Court Judge).

Before becoming a judge in 1983, Gray served as a Volunteer in the Peace Corps in Costa Rica, a staff judge advocate and criminal defense attorney in the Navy JAG Corps, a federal prosecutor in Los Angeles, and a civil litigation attorney in a private law firm. In addition to being a Republican candidate for US Congress in 1998, he was also a Libertarian candidate for US Senate in 2004. He has also authored the book Why Our Drug Laws Have Failed and What We Can Do About It. When conservatives and progressives agree, change can't be far away.

Please RSVP for this event by emailing [email protected]

Latest News

Sophisticated Schemes Used to Smuggle Drugs Into L.A. County Jails

Drug prohibition breeds innovation in smuggling techniques -- this is why such a small percentage of drugs is ever seized by authorities. The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department struggles daily to keep drugs out of the nation's largest county jail system. Read about the elaborate schemes used to breach jailhouse security for major profit.
In The Trenches

ACTION ALERT: Denver to BAN Caregivers (in most areas)

Sensible News header

Sensible Colorado - working for an effective drug policy


Poor patients need caregivers; Don't let Denver destroy them!



Stop Denver from limiting safe access!


On Monday August 9th, the Denver City Council will hear a first reading of an ordinance to BAN caregivers from growing medical marijuana for any patient in any residential zone district. The ordinance will make it a zoning violation for anyone to grow more than 12 plants in any residential zone district. In addition, the 12 plants can only be grown for patients who live at that address. This ordinance will effectively ban the caregiver model of safe access in Denver!

It gets worse.....

Ordinance C10-0607 is being introduced by Councilmember Jeanne Robb, who admits that she did notconsult a single patient during the drafting process!

The ordinance will be heard for a first reading on Monday night at 5:30p. If it passes first reading, a public hearing will be scheduled for sometime in September, along with a final vote.

Please call you city council representative TODAY and tell them to vote NO on Ordinance C10-0607. The city council should send the ordinance back to the drawing board and draft an ordinance that regulates - not bans - small time caregivers in Denver.

Important Targets:

Councilwoman Jeanne Robb:  303 377 1807

Councilman Chris Nevitt:  720 865 8900

Councilwoman Carla Madison:  303 298 7641

Message:  Please vote NO on C10-0607.  This change will hurt medical marijuana patients who rely on small caregivers to provide them with low cost medicine.  Please don't act to limit patient access to medicine in Denver! 

**Support Sensible Colorado's efforts to help patients and caregivers by clicking here.

Sensible Colorado | PO Box 18768 | Denver CO 80218

Latest News

Ex-Mexico President Calls for Legalizing Drugs

It looks like the Mexicans are finally understanding the folly of drug prohibition. Last week, Mexico's President Felipe Calderon agreed to open the door to discussions about the legalization of drugs. Now, Mexico's former president, Vicente Fox, is joining with those urging Calderon to legalize drugs in Mexico, saying that legalization could break the economic power of the country's brutal drug trafficking organizations.
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Florida smoke shops sue state over new law restricting pipe sales

Smoke shops throughout Florida are hoping a new law that regulates what they can sell will be repealed. The law makes it a misdemeanor for a smoke shop to generate more than 25 percent of its sales from pipes or smoking devices. Thirty businesses have sued to block enforcement of the rules, which took effect in July.
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What if California makes marijuana legal?

California's Proposition 19 on whether to legalize marijuana has fueled a debate among bloggers and pundits over this question: Because Canada exports a large percentage of its marijuana to the United States, could legalization in the U.S. cripple the Canadian economy?
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A Unique Chance to Rethink Drugs Policy (Editorial)

The Guardian (UK) editorializes that this is a moment in which a political leader could steer the drug debate out of its current dead-end track and towards something more meaningful and more likely to deliver what the public ultimately wants: safer, healthier, happier communities.
In The Trenches

Drug Truth Network: Quigley, Cannabis Cooking, Confusion on Colombia, Pledge

PLEDGE DRIVE (1 Wk) FOR Drug Truth Network, Sun Aug 8, 6:30-7:30 PM... please email pledge or call 1-877-9-420-420, incentives include Oaksterdam's Marijuana Growers Guide, Oaksterdam T's, Sweats

Cultural Baggage * Century of Lies * 4:20 Drug War NEWS  *  Time 4 Hemp

Note:  We now produce a segment each Friday at 11:45 PM Central for Time 4 Hemp on American Freedom Radio (dot com)

Cultural Baggage for  08/08/10 29:00 Sanho Tree of Institute for Policy Studies regarding travel to Bolivia and Colombia + MJ Borden of Drug War Facts & Fox reporter for ending drug war?



Century of Lies for  08/08/10  29:00  Bill Quigley, legal director of Center for Constitutional Rights on racial aspects of drug war + powerful Cannabis-Lasagna recipe from Sandy Moriarty, instructor at Oaksterdam University



4:20 Drug War NEWS, 08/09 to 08/15/10  Link at on the right margin -

Sun - Fox debates cannabis use for autism Sat - Michael Krawitz, a US veteran on Fox regarding VA rule to allow use of cannabis Fri - Bill Quigley, legal director of Center for Constitutional Rights on America's caste system utilized in the drug war Thu - Sanho Tree of Institute for Policy Studies on ultra violence in cocaine trade Wed - Mary Jane Borden of Drug War Facts: "Does decrim work?"

Tue - Sandy Moriarty cannabis-lasagna recipe 2/2 Mon - Sandy Moriarty, cannabis chef at Oaksterdam University gives recipe for some powerful lasagna 1/2

Programs produced at Pacifica Radio Station KPFT in Houston, 90.1 FM.  You can Listen Live Online at

-  Cultural Baggage Sun, 7:30 PM ET, 6:30 PM CT, 5:30 PM MT, 4:30 PM PT

-  Century of Lies, SUN, 8 PM ET, 7 PM CT, 6 PM MT & 5 PM PT

Who's Next?":  TBD 

Hundreds of our programs are available online at, and now at James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy at Rice University.

We have potcasts, searchability, CMS, XML, sorts by guest name and by organization. We provide the "unvarnished truth about the drug war" to scores of broadcast affiliates.  You can tune into both our 1/2 hour programs, live, at 6:30 central time on Pacifica's KPFT at  and call in your questions and concerns toll free at 1-877-9-420 420. 

The two, 29:00 shows appear along with the seven, daily, 3:00  "4:20 Drug War NEWS" reports each Monday morning at .  We currently have 91 affiliated, yet independent broadcast stations.  With a simple email request to [email protected] , your station can join the Drug Truth Network, free of charge.

Check out our latest videos via  Please become part of the solution, visit our website: for links to the best of reform.  "Prohibition is evil." - Reverend Dean Becker, DTN Producer, 713-462-7981,

In The Trenches

Tell Your Congressperson to Oppose S.258


Dear friends,

The US Senate passed S.258, the "Saving Kids from Dangerous Drugs Act of 2010."  We are concerned that without amendments, this act goes too far and infringes on the rights of medical marijuana patients by doubling federal penalties. Now is the time to act -- Tell your Representative that medical marijuana patients deserve protection!

Many patients, particularly the elderly and those with compromised lung function, prefer to use medical cannabis in edible forms as opposed to smoking or inhaling their medicine. S. 258 unfairly puts these patients and their providers at a heightened risk of arrest and prosecution.

The House has an opportunity to make important changes to the legislation before they vote on the bill.  Patients and advocates are leading the call for sensible and responsible amendments to the legislation, and they need your help. Take Action Now Phone and email your Representative today! Please forward this action request to your friends, family and networks across the Country.


Steph Sherer     
Executive Director          

ASA needs your support!

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In The Trenches

D.C. Unveils Draft Medical Marijuana Regulations (Press Release)


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                                                 

AUGUST 6, 2010

D.C. Unveils Draft Medical Marijuana Regulations

Mayor’s Order Stalls Implementation Until January 2011, Advocates Say Delays Come at Cost to Patients

CONTACT: Dan Riffle: 202-905-2026 or [email protected]; Mike Meno: 202-905-2030 or 443-927-6400

WASHINGTON, D.C. — According to a series of proposed regulations released today by Mayor Adrian Fenty and the City Administrator, various agencies tasked with overseeing the District’s recently approved medical marijuana law will not have the authority to begin licensing providers or accepting patient applications until January 1, 2011. That means patients suffering from conditions such as cancer and HIV/AIDS will be unnecessarily forced to wait even longer for relief. The District still needs to consider and license potential applicants to manage medical marijuana dispensaries before patients can legally obtain medical marijuana to alleviate their symptoms. Under the District’s law, qualified patients will only be allowed to legally use marijuana that comes from a licensed dispensary. 

         “It was 1998 when District residents overwhelmingly approved Initiative 59, and the District Council has been considering this legislation since February, so there’s no reason for the mayor’s office to be dragging its feet,” said Dan Riffle, a legislative analyst with the Marijuana Policy Project. “Patients in the District who could benefit from medical marijuana have already had to wait 12 years for this law. Why should they be needlessly forced to wait another five months?”   

         Nearly 70 percent of District voters passed a referendum on medical marijuana in 1998, but Congress blocked its implementation until this past year. The D.C. Council approved an amended initiative in May, and last month Congress declined to take action to block the bill. 

         “The proposed regulations released today are detailed and comprehensive, but there are several issues that we hope are addressed before they are finalized,” Riffle said. “For example, the draft regulations call for applications from prospective dispensary or cultivation center owners to be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis, which could lead to the first applicants being awarded licenses, rather than the best applicants. Also, the lack of a competitive, scored application process—such as those utilized in Maine and other medical marijuana jurisdictions—raises questions of transparency and fairness. However, patients will benefit from the regulatory prohibition on the use of pesticides or contaminants, and the detailed packaging and labeling requirements for medical marijuana products.”

         With more than 124,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Marijuana Policy Project is the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. For more information, please visit


Latest News

Drug Economics in Burma’s New Political Order

Drug prohibition has not been successful at stopping the production of opium or keeping foreign governments from being corrupted. Burma remains the world’s second-largest opium producer after Afghanistan, and processed 330 metric tonnes, or 17 per cent, of last year’s world supply, according to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) 2010 World Drug Report. Poppy cultivation has also been on a steady incline for the past three years.
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D.C. Rules for Medical Marijuana Program

Citizens of Washington, DC have waited more than 12 years to see the implementation of I-59, the medical marijuana law passed by more than 69% of voters. District officials released regulations today that will govern the city's implementation of its medical marijuana program.
In The Trenches

ASA Activist Newsletter - August 2010


In This Issue:

New Jersey Officials Dither on Medical Cannabis Law

VA Relaxes Restrictions on Medical Cannabis

More Federal Meddling with Medical Cannabis

Decision Delayed on California Dispensary Bans

ACTION ALERT: Meet with your Members of Congress!


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Americans for Safe Access

1322 Webster St., Ste. 402
Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: 510-251-1856
Fax: 510-251-2036

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Americans for Safe Access
Monthly Activist Newsletter

August 2010

Volume 5, Issue 8

New Jersey Officials Dither on Medical Cannabis Law

ASA Director to Hold Stakeholders' Meeting this Month

Garden State citizens who use cannabis on the advice of their doctors were to have begun enjoying some legal protection this month, but Governor Chris Christie asked for a 90-day delay to come up with a new distribution scheme and has postponed enacting the law until next year. ASA Executive Director Steph Sherer will be facilitating a stakeholders' meeting in New Jersey later this month to help advocates and policymakers move forward.

The governor's idea was to have Rutgers University grow the state's medicinal cannabis, and teaching hospitals distribute it, but that was nixed by university officials over concerns they would lose federal grant monies. Since hospitals are in similar jeopardy over Medicare and Medicaid funds, hospital officials say they don't expect that part of the governor's plan to pan out, either.

As passed by the legislature last year and signed by outgoing Governor Jon Corzine, New Jersey's medical cannabis law stipulates six not-for-profit "alternative treatment centers" would grow and distribute it. One of the state senators who sponsored the bill, Nicholas P. Scutari, told the New York Times that Gov. Christie wants too much control over the program, leaving the state no choice but to approve private growers.

Americans for Safe Access is working with the Coalition for Medical Marijuana New Jersey (CMMNJ) to facilitate effective implementation of the state's new law. Steph Sherer will be in Trenton on Saturday, August 21 for a stakeholders' meeting at the New Jersey State Museum Auditorium from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm.

Like other stakeholder meetings ASA has been facilitating across the country, this event is aimed at creating meaningful national progress through building a strong grassroots that can advocate for change. CMMNJ's Executive Director Ken Wolski, RN, and the group's media spokesperson, Chris Goldstein, will be joining Sherer for discussion of how to not just pass federal, state, and local legislation that creates safe and legal access but also implement those laws so they meet the needs of patients.

The cost to attend the all-day conference is $20. A benefit dinner with Steph Sherer and CMMNJ volunteers and board members will be held the previous evening, Friday, August 20, at 7:00 PM. Tickets for the benefit dinner are $100. Go to for more information and reservations.

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VA Relaxes Restrictions on Medical Cannabis

Policy at Odds with Government's Classification of Cannabis

In a decision with far-reaching implications, the federal Veterans Health Administration (VA) last month reversed a long-standing policy that barred veterans who receive VHA care from using medical cannabis. The new policy states that "patients participating in state medical marijuana programs must not be denied VHA services."

The VHA directive is another formal acknowledgment that the federal government's contention that "marijuana has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States" is in error. As a result, Americans for Safe Access has filed a new brief with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in support of its lawsuit arguing that the government is required by law to correct its misstatements about the medical utility of cannabis.

"They've denied the science for years," said ASA Chief Counsel Joe Elford, who filed the notice with the court. "But it's all the more difficult for the federal government to say cannabis has no medical value when one of its agencies has accepted it as a legal medicine."

Prior to the directive being issued, the new policy was laid out in a letter to Michael Krawitz of Veterans for Medical Marijuana Access. In the letter, Department of Veterans Affairs Under Secretary for Health Dr. Robert Petzel writes that agreements between doctors and patients about how to treat pain "should draw a clear distinction between the use of illegal drugs, and legal medical marijuana."

Over the past several years, ASA has received numerous reports of veterans being denied pain medication by VHA physicians for refusing to discontinue their medical use of cannabis, even though it had been approved by other doctors. Dr. Petzel's letter states that under the new policy, "if a veteran obtains and uses medical marijuana in a manner consistent with state law, testing positive for marijuana would not preclude the Veteran from receiving opioids for pain management." VHA physicians are still prohibited from directly authorizing cannabis use.

Numerous clinical and pre-clinical studies have demonstrated that cannabis is not only an effective analgesic in its own right but also creates an "entourage effect" that increases the effectiveness of opiod pain killers, allowing patients to reduce the dosage of drugs with potentially dangerous side effects. Other reports indicate that cannabis can be an effective treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). According to Krawitz's group, more than 100,000 veterans, or 27% of veterans treated by the VHA, have been diagnosed with PTSD.

The brief ASA just filed as the result of this policy change is in support of ASA's lawsuit to compel the federal government to correct its misstatements about medical cannabis. The suit, which is currently on appeal, stems from an administrative petition ASA filed in 2005 under the Data Quality Act, a federal law that says information disseminated by government agencies must be based on sound science.

More Information:
Veterans Health Administration policy directive issued July 22
Letter from the VA to Michael Krawitz
ASA's legal brief on the directive
Data Quality Act appeal filed by ASA

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More Federal Meddling with Medical Cannabis

New Raids in California, Patient-Provider Denied Defense

It's been nine months since the Department of Justice handed down a new policy on medical cannabis, but some federal officials apparently haven't gotten the memo. In the past two months alone, federal agents raided three medical cannabis dispensing collectives in San Diego, a federal defendant was denied the opportunity to tell the jury in his case that he was operating a medical dispensary in compliance with state law, and the first person to be certified by the Mendocino sheriff to grow cannabis for patients had her farm raided and plants and computers seized by the DEA.

Following President Obama's campaign promises to end federal interference with state medical cannabis programs and official statements from the White House and Attorney General Holder that those promises would be kept, the attorney general's office sent a memo to U.S. Attorneys in October 2009 telling them it would be an "inefficient" use of federal resources to prosecute individuals who are in "clear and unambiguous" compliance with state law.

"This pattern of continuing interference with state medical cannabis programs suggests the Obama Administration can't control the DEA or federal prosecutors," said Caren Woodson, ASA's Director of Government Affairs. "How could anyone's compliance with state law be any clearer or more unambiguous than having certification from the sheriff? And then preventing them from presenting evidence about their medical conditions or state law only guarantees their conviction."

Joy Greenfield was the first person in Mendocino County to register with the sheriff's office to cultivate cannabis for patients. Shortly after she received certification last month, which included individual zip-ties to identify the registered plants, DEA agents raided her property, confiscating all her plants and the sheriff's zip-ties.

James Stacy, a San Diego-area medical cannabis provider raided by the DEA in September 2009, goes to trial in federal court on August 30. The judge in his case ruled last month that Obama Administration's new policy on medical cannabis would not change what he was permitted to introduce as evidence. Legislation is currently pending in Congress that would change those rules of evidence.

"Despite a new Justice Department policy on medical marijuana enforcement, James Stacy was still denied a defense in federal court," said Congressman Sam Farr (D-CA), author of HR3939, the Truth in Trials Act, legislation that would allow defendants such as Stacy to use evidence of state law compliance in federal court. "The Truth in Trials Act would correct this aberration of justice and ensure that no one else will needlessly face years in prison without the means to defend themselves."

Further Information:
Ruling by federal judge denying Stacy's defense
October 2009 Justice Department policy directive on medical cannabis

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Decision Delayed on Calif. Dispensary Bans

A California appeals court has again postponed judgment on the critical question of whether California state law prevents local governments from banning the operation of storefront dispensing collectives. The appeals court has twice used procedural maneuvers to escape time limits on filing its decision in Qualified Patients Association v. City of Anaheim, the first to solicit more briefs and now to "circulate its opinion."

"It's hard to read the tea leaves, but we're encouraged that the court is referring to a single opinion rather than more than one," said ASA Chief Counsel Joe Elford, who argued the case before the Fourth Court of Appeals. "We expect a unanimous decision in favor of patient rights.

Elford told the court that California's Medical Marijuana Program Act (SB420) specifically bars local governments from using nuisance statutes to ban medical cannabis dispensaries. That argument was bolstered by a concurring brief from Senator Mark Leno, one of the principal co-authors of the bill.

A decision is now expected within the next 30 days.

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ACTION ALERT: Meet with your Members of Congress!

Call today to schedule a meeting or locate a town hall forum

In August your U.S. Senators and Representatives will be home to meet with constituents like you. The summer recess provides an opportunity to advocate for medical cannabis patients and their caregivers by communicating directly with your Members of Congress.

Tell your personal story, share research information, or explain how federal law affects you and your family. Ask your Representatives to explain what they are doing to help bridge the divide between state and federal medical cannabis laws. Here are some other ideas:

~ Cosponsor the "Truth in Trials Act" (H.R. 3939)
~ Oppose the "Saving Kids from Dangerous Drugs Act" (S.258)
~ Discuss concerns about the nomination of Michele Leonhart to head the DEA

For information about how to request a meeting with your Members of Congress, visit .

Click here to download a pdf of this newsletter to copy and distribute

Latest News

2012 Mexican Elections May Yield New Approach To Drug Cartels

From the 1960s through the ’80s, organized crime was intertwined with the government, according to Diego Enrique Osorno, a Mexican journalist and author of the recently published history, The Sinaloa Cartel. Whoever wins the 2012 elections is expected to take a new approach toward the cartels. Many voters may hope for a return to the days when the PRI let organized crime run drugs unfettered up to the U.S. border, but kept the violence off the streets.
In The Trenches

Police Raid of Medical Cannabis Dispensary Puts Patients at Risk (Press Release)

For Immediate Release: August 5, 2010

Police Raid of Medical Cannabis Dispensary Puts Patients at Risk

Yesterday, Cannabis as Living Medicine (CALM), one of the most well- established medical cannabis dispensaries in Canada, was raided by police in Toronto for the second time in five months. In the last couple of months, a dispensary in Guelph, another in Iqaluit, and several in the province of Quebec were also raided.

Canadians for Safe Access, a national patient advocacy organization, is denouncing these raids. The result is that thousands of Canadians suffering from MS, Cancer, HIV/AIDS, arthritis and other critical and chronic illnesses have lost an important source of their medicine, laments Rielle Capler, a researcher and co-founder of the organization. They will have to go to the streets or suffer without their medicine. Capler adds, Rather than leave these dispensaries vulnerable to police raids, CSA is calling on Health Canada to work with them to develop regulations that would ensure their protection as well as the highest quality of care for patients. Our government should be supporting patients to access the best possible medicine, and supporting the organizations that are providing this vital service."

While the use of cannabis for medical purposes is constitutionally legal in Canada, the Federal Governments program, which provides licenses to patients for legal possession of cannabis, does not provide an adequate legal source of this medicine. Government statistics show that only about 800 of the 4000 licensed medical cannabis users access the governments supply, which is considered by many to be inferior. Research indicates that over half of license holders acquire their cannabis from dispensaries, which currently supply high quality medicine to an estimated 20,000 Canadians with critical and chronic medical conditions.

Medical cannabis dispensaries, also know as compassion clubs, have played a vital role supplying safe access to cannabis for the critically and chronically ill in Canada for over 12 years. These organizations provide access to a variety of high quality cannabis strains and preparations that can effectively alleviate pain, muscle spasms, nausea, anxiety, and other serious symptoms. Compassion clubs are also at the forefront of academic peer-reviewed research on medical cannabis in Canada. Well-run dispensaries are appreciated by patients, accepted within communities, and their work has been lauded by various court  rooms across the country.


Rielle Capler 604-818-4082- [email protected] Philippe Lucas 250-884-9821 [email protected]

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Marijuana legalization may harm Canada's export economy

A thriving marijuana industry has aided Canada's economy, but it is almost completely dependent on U.S. exports. Various agencies and economists agree that marijuana is Canada's largest cash crop ($20 billion per year) and the industry employs 250,000 in British Columbia alone. Now, political shifts in the U.S. and at home are now threatening this boost to Canada's economy.
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U.S. Warns Terrorists May Enter the Country From Mexico as Drug War Rages

Many fear that drug prohibition may play a roll in a future terrorist attack in the United States. Now, the U.S. State Department is warning that Mexico’s drug prohibition violence is straining local law enforcement in the northern part of the country, making it easier for terrorists to enter the U.S. through the border.