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Voters Care About Drug Policies, Not Past Drug Use

It's a sign of the times -- more politicians are coming clean about their past experimentation with other illegal drugs, including cocaine. This honesty is a welcome change from the ridiculous responses about drug use by previous candidates, including George W. Bush's refusal to answer questions about his "youthful indiscretions" and Bill Clinton's claim that he "didn't inhale." But while candidates are becoming more honest about their drug use, voters are increasingly impatient with our current drug policies.
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Blast Hits Mexico's Televisa TV Station

Mexico's largest television broadcaster and the largest producer of Spanish language content in the world, Televisa, has come under attack by drug trafficking organizations in the northern city of Monterrey. Investigators say it was a warning for journalists to stay away from reporting on drug prohibition violence.
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Pot Smokers Say They Are Persecuted, Demand Investigation

In Israel, citizens wrote State Comptroller Micha Lindenstrauss with a request that he look into the 'waste of tax money' on police searches for them. The letter noted that "tens or hundreds of thousands of entirely normative people smoke marijuana" and that the police "are doing everything in their capacity to persecute them." The letter's authors claimed that the persecution has intensified in recent weeks, with the police searching private homes.
Detroit skyline
Detroit skyline

Detroit Marijuana Legalization Backers Appeal Ballot Rejection

Will Detroiters be able to vote in November on legalizing marijuana? Petitioners gathered the required number of signatures to put the question onto the ballot, but an unexpected roadblock thrown up by a city commission has sent them to the courts.

Mind Altering Science: An OPEN Conference on Psychedelic Research

Stichting OPEN is proud to organize the first academic conference on psychedelic research. We offer you two full days of 21st century, cutting edge research into psychedelics and the psychedelic experience. Our conference is organized for all those with a serious interest in psychedelic research. We also invite therapists, researchers, addiction experts and academics, as well as students to become acquainted with a field of research that regular university curricula barely touch upon.

From addiction treatment to psychotherapy with the aid of psychedelics; from the neurobiology of ayahuasca to the social, ritual and legal implications of its use, and from human psycho-pharmacology and research into extraordinary experiences to new views on the legalisation of psychedelic substances, this conference is dedicated to the exploration of psychedelics research from a broad scientific perspective.

The conference lasts two full days; the conference will start at 9 am each day and end around 6 pm. In between lectures attendees will have ample time to discuss with speakers, to buy books, to acquire more information on psychedelic research, associated organisations and more.


Some of our confirmed speakers are the following:

  • Torsten Passie MD (DE)
  • R. Andrew Sewell MD (US)
  • Peter Oehen MD (CH)
  • Amanda Feilding (UK)
  • Dr. Anwar Jeewa (SA)
  • Bia Labate PhD (BR)
  • Jordi Riba MD (ES)
  • Jose Carlos Bouso MD (ES)
  • Adèle van der Plas (NL)
  • Stephen Snelders PhD (NL)
  • David Luke PhD (UK)
  • Katharina Kirchner (CH)


Some confirmed subjects that will be addressed at our conference are posted below. Please keep an eye on our website: as soon as we receive more information, we will update our site immediately. An accurate timetable will also be posted here as soon as all presentations are confirmed.


9:00 - 18:00

  • Torsten Passie - "Astonishing Similarities of Physiological and Psychoactive Drug Induced States"
  • Jose Carlos Bouso - "Healing Mechanisms of MDMA"
  • R. Andrew Sewell - "Human Psycho-pharmacology Research at Yale University"


9:00 - 18:00

  • Peter Oehen - "MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy - Method and Current Research"
  • Bia Labate - "The Expansion of the Uses of Ayahuasca around the Globe"
  • Anwar Jeewa - "An Exploratory Study of the Short-term Effects of Ibogaine Treatment on Drug Addicts"
  • David Luke - "Exploring Exceptional Human Experience on Psychedelics: Ayahuasca, Telepathine and Parapsychology"


Early registration is now OPEN! Go to our website - - for further information, or head directly for our ONLINE TICKETSHOP. Reduced rates available to students and early birds! For questions and/or remarks: send us an email.

For more information about Stichting OPEN, visit our website at Unfortunately, due to site maintenance our website is temporarily only available in Dutch.

We hope to see you all at Mind Altering Science!

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Drug Raid: Oregon Utility Official Files Excessive Force Suit

An Oregon utility official, Eugene Water & Electric Board Commissioner JoAnn Ernst, has filed a federal lawsuit claiming that Eugene police used excessive force and violated her civil rights during a 2009 drug raid. The lawsuit claims the family was traumatized by "black-clad officers in riot gear screaming orders" and says Ernst's daughters are still afraid to sleep in their room.
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DOT to Publish Final Rule on Drug and Alcohol Testing

The Department of Transportation today gave notice of a Final Rule for transportation workplace drug and alcohol testing programs which includes testing for the drug Ecstasy, lowering cut-off levels for cocaine and amphetamines and conducting mandatory initial testing for heroin. DOT notes that it is required by the Omnibus Transportation Employees Testing Act (Omnibus Act) to follow the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) requirements for the testing procedures and protocols.
In The Trenches

Disenfranchisement News: VA, NY Governors on Right Track



Disenfranchisement News


Sentencing Project

In this issue

  • Virginia: Governor on Right Track » GO
  • New York: Newly Eligible Voters Now Have Right to Registrations Forms, Information » GO
  • Minnesota: Only One Way Around Voter Fraud » GO
  • Tennessee: "Warning:" Know the Rules Before Voting » GO


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The Sentencing Project.

The Sentencing Project
1705 DeSales Street, NW
8th Floor
Washington, DC 20036


August 13, 2010

Disenfranchisement News


Governor on Right Track

Since Gov. Bob McDonnell first announced his promise to streamline the voter restoration process for residents with felony records, he has granted voting rights to 506 of the 574 eligible applicants.

This is the first update since the administration announced a 60-day deadline to act on applications and a review process that it said would be faster and more efficient, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

Of the total 1,080 applications, 650 were left over from the Kaine administration. Another 430 applications were received under McDonnell's term between January and May.

Kent Willis, executive director of the ACLU of Virginia, said McDonnell could likely be as progressive as his Democratic  predecessors.  Gov. Timothy M. Kaine restored the rights of more than 4,300 persons. Gov. Mark R. Warner restored rights to 3,486.

In the Times-Dispatch's additional coverage, it reported that Frank Anderson was ecstatic to receive news in the mail about his restoration.

"I thank the governor for doing the right thing, not just for my case, but making the policy clearer," said Anderson, who under Kaine's leadership was denied restoration. "I hope he doesn't stop there."


Newly Eligible Voters Now Have Right to Registration Forms, Information

Gov. David Paterson signed a new law requiring the Department of Correctional Services and the Division of Parole to provide voter registration forms and information to people who are newly eligible to vote following a felony conviction. New York's new law is the latest in a national trend. Twenty-four other states and New York City already require certain state and local agencies to inform people when their voting rights are restored following a criminal conviction. "It is a simple, workable policy that promises to have a major impact in assuring successful reintegration and reconnection to the community," said Erika Wood, Director of the Brennan Center's Right to Vote Project which helped advocate for the policy change.


Only One Way Around Voter Fraud

A Minnesota policymaker wants to institute a photo ID requirement for voting in an effort to prevent felon voter fraud, but advocate Dan McGrath, writing in the Star-Tribune, noted that such a policy would not resolve the issue.

"If [Rep. Dan] Severson really wants to address this problem, a better solution would be for Minnesota to join the 14 states that restore a person's right to vote automatically upon their release from prison (or the two states, Maine and Vermont, that never take away a person's right to vote)," states McGrath, Executive Director of TakeAction Minnesota, a coalition of organizations concerned with economic and social justice.

The continuing debate of whether or not voting by people with felony convictions helped Sen. Al Franken win the 2008 Senate race has resurfaced on Fox News by way of Governor Tim Pawlenty.

"I suspect they favored Al Franken," the Governor told the FOX morning hosts, "I don't know that. But if that turned out to be true they may have flipped that election in a very close election."

His assertions, however, have not been proven, reports, as county officials and lawyers have conducted investigations in the matter. Their findings state that some individuals had been registered but did not vote in the 2008 election. Two individuals have been charged with election fraud. Minnesota law states that individuals are banned from voting until their sentence, including probation and parole, has been completed. Read coverage here. Click here to read a blog post by George Mason University Professor, Michael McDonald.


  "Warning:" Know the Rules Before Voting

Prior to the start of early voting, the State Gazette put out a special notice to voters: "Warning: Don't vote in the Aug. 5 county election and state primaries if you're a convicted felon."

The editorial "warned" that state officials are cracking down on illegal voting. In fact, eight people with felony records who voted within the last four years were recently indicted.

"The district attorney said this is the first time anyone has been indicted for illegal voting in Dyer County, and it may not be the last," the editorial stated.

State laws allows some residents to request rights restoration after completion of their sentence. Individuals convicted of murder, rape, treason or voter fraud cannot vote.

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The Sentencing Project is a national organization working for a fair and effective criminal justice system by promoting reforms in sentencing law and practice, and alternatives to incarceration.


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Governor: Violence Paralyzes Mexico Border Areas

Some areas of Mexico along the U.S. border have been paralyzed economically by drug prohibition violence, and the governor of the border state of Tamaulipas said the federal government should send relief funds. Violence has affected tourism, commerce and investment, Gov. Eugenio Hernandez said during an anti-crime strategy meeting between Mexican state governors and President Felipe Calderon.
In The Trenches

ACTION ALERT: Is Your City on the "Ban List" ?


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Sensible Colorado - working for an effective drug policy

This alert provided by Sensible Colorado Action c(4)


Is Your City on the "Ban List"?

Stand Together and

Fight for Safe Access!

ALERT:  Many Colorado communities will have public votes this November to ban dispensaries-- and many others are considering enacting bans.  Sensible Colorado is working with local activists in communities across Colorado to fight these restrictions on safe access. If you live in one of these communities, the time to begin fighting these bans is now!

Here is a list of communities which either have a November vote planned, have a current ban, or are discussing a ban.

**URGENT** Broomfield

Activists in Broomfield are currently gathering signatures to overturn their local ban.  They have just a few weeks to collect almost 2000 signatures and need help gathering signatures today!

Contact: Pamela Gianola: 303 466 7420


Aurora, Loveland, Longmont, Windsor, Larkspur, Minturn, Grand Junction, Paonia, Broomfield


El Paso, Eagle, Larimer, Garfield, Granby, Fraiser, Douglas, Las Animas, Mesa, Ouray, Montrose

**If your community is being effected by a ban or you want to help fight these restrictions please contact us asap at [email protected] or 720 890 4247.

Sensible Colorado | PO Box 18768 | Denver CO 80218

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Marijuana Petitioners to Appeal Ballot Decision

On Monday, the Detroit Election Commission voted to keep a proposal that would allow adults over the age of 21 to legally possess up to one ounce of pot on private property off the Nov. 3 city ballot. Leaders of the original petition drive filed an appeal yesterday in Wayne County Circuit Court to overturn the decision.
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Student Risks His Life Documenting Mexico's Drug War in Gritty, Blood-Soaked Blog

An anonymous twenty-something blogger is risking his own life as he defies a culture of fear to post chilling pictures and videos of the ongoing battle between Mexico's drug trafficking organizations and law enforcement. The gruesome uncensored content on Blog del Narco is extremely graphic and appears to be provided by all sides - drug gangs to display their power, law enforcement to show resolve and the public so people in Mexico can learn about incidents the mainstream media is forced to ignore or play down.
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U.S., Mexico Drug Policies Need Debate (Opinion)

Daniel Robelo, a research associate at the Drug Policy Alliance, points out that multiple former and current national leaders are calling for a debate about legalizing drugs to reduce the killings in Mexico, and the issue has made front page news and is causing unprecedented debate around the world. Yet, sadly, legalization is not even part of the policy dialogue in D.C. In fact, the U.S. drug czar has repeatedly said it's not even part of his or President Obama's "vocabulary."
DC City Hall
DC City Hall

DC Issues Draft Regulations for Medical Marijuana [FEATURE]

District of Columbia voters overwhelmingly passed medical marijuana but waited 12 years for it to become law. Now the DC government is making them wait an extra five months before even beginning to set up a medical marijuana system, and the framework they've crafted has problems.