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In The Trenches

Press Release: Religious Leaders Endorse Petition to Protect Landmark Drug Treatment Law

For Immediate Release: Friday, July 7, 2006 Contact: Anthony Marsh (213) 989-1630 Religious Leaders Endorse Petition to Protect Landmark Drug Treatment Law Elected Officials Ignore Prison Crisis, Scrap Country’s Most Effective Prison Diversion Program. Clergy Announce An Immediate Backlash. Los Angeles, CA – Over 50 religious leaders throughout Southern California joined Progressive Christians Uniting in urging Governor Schwarnzenegger to protect the landmark drug treatment law known as Proposition 36.
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In The Trenches

Vancouver MP Libby Davies Urges Campaign to Save Safe Injection Site

INSITE, Vancouver's Downtown Eastside safe injection site, is in danger of being shut down after September 12 if the new conservative health minister doesn't reapprove it. Here's the email MP Libby Davies sent out today: Dear friends, I am writing you today regarding the fate of INSITE, North America’s first supervised safe injection facility. As you may know, this program started as a three-year study in September of 2003, and the results have been incredibly impressive. INSITE has reduced public injections, reduced the transmission of blood-borne infections like HIV and Hepatitis C, and reduced the number of injection-related infections. Most significantly, however, is that of 453 overdoses at INSITE, not one has resulted in a fatality. This is strong evidence of the success that this project has had in reducing the harm to drug-users.

Feature: Battle Over California's Proposition 36 to Head to Court

Last week, the California legislature voted to approve changes to Proposition 36, the state's "treatment not jail" law, that would alter the law's basic philosophy. This week, Prop. 36 supporters are waiting for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to sign the bill into law. Then they will immediately file suit to have the new law overturned.

Editorial: Is Ecstasy a Dangerous Drug?

Member of the South Australian Parliament Sandra Kanck aroused ire from colleagues again by attending a rave then telling them she felt safer there than at a bar.