California cultivation fights continue, it's nail-biting time for the Florida initiative, Colorado wants to tweak its system, a Pennsylvania bill appears stalled, and more.
A suburban St. Louis cop spoils his department's first day in operation, a Minnesota jail guard gets charged with slinging meth, and Denver cops have to pay out big time for a bad drug raid.
The Library of Congress unveils writings on marijuana and drug reform from astronomer Carl Sagan, pot pops up in the Oklahoma Senate race, the Supreme Court will take up the issue of how long police can detain someone on the side of the road waiting for a drug dog, the "Baby Bou Bou" SWAT raid case isn't over yet, and more.
It's crunch time for those marijuana legalization initiatives, Dallas will quit making small-time pot arrests, Colorado's governor disses the voters, Pennsylvania's medical marijuana bill is stalled, and more.
The nation's leading newspaper endorses three pot legalization initiatives, the FDA sticks up for Zohydro, British Lib Dems endorse drug reforms as a new British poll suggests growing public support, Ecuador begins freeing drug mules under a new law, and more.
A Georgia businessman whose home was raided after a burglar told police he stole meth from a vehicle he burgled there was shot and killed by a SWAT team on a no-knock raid. An extensive search after the killing found no contraband. The family wants an investigation.
A Colorado legislative panel wants to tighten up on medical marijuana, a South Carolina legislative panel studies medical marijuana, the CDC says heroin overdoses are up, a North Carolina county engages in more drug war same old-same old, and there's news from Mexico, too. has teamed up on a project to track local, state, and federal candidates for office and what their positions are on marijuana policy.
A new study punctures some myths about medical marijuana in California, Connecticut's dispensaries finally open for business, the Illinois program is moving along, and more.
A Florida police chief gets caught with online pills, a North Carolina jail guard gets caught peddling pills, a former Pennsylvania cop heads to the slammer for cooking meth, and a Seattle-area former deputy gets even more prison time for lying during sentencing.
Rastas down Jamaica way will soon have something to smile about. (
Decrim comes to Maryland and Philadelphia, and Jamaica is working on it, too; the Oregon initiative campaign heats up, Chris Christie talks drugs, a SWAT reporting bill in Michigan gets a hearing, and more.
With marijuana legalization, there has been a lot less of this... (
With Oregon's Measure 91 marijuana legalization initiative in a tight race, supporters are pointing to the experience of Colorado and Washington as arguments for voting yes.
Medical marijuana news from several states today, the Baby Bou Bou SWAT raid case is before a grand jury, UMass examines it's student snitch policy, DA candidates in Houston are fighting over drugs, and more.
Addiction psychologist Stanton Peele rips into liberals who embrace the disease model of addiction. (
Marijuana politics is popping up in some US Senate races, pot arrests are still going up in some states, the Guam medical marijuana initiative faces a legal challenge, Stanton Peele takes on the disease model of addiction and liberals who love it, Jerry Brown signs the California Fair Sentencing Act, and more.
CA state Sen. Holly Mitchell's bill to eliminate the crack/powder cocaine sentencing disparity has been signed into law.
A new poll is surely leading to nail-biting in Oregon, a dirty narc is costing Philadelphia prosecutors dozens of drug cases, Colombia reveals details on drug accords with the FARC, a Canadian drug policy rally is coming next week, and more.
A 2011 fake drug house rip-off scheme in Miami that ended up with four people dead, including the police informant, has raised lots of questions about police tactics and accountability.
Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez (
Holder will resign, but has some parting words on rescheduling, Rahm Emmanuel supports marijuana decrim, but legalization is a step too far, Connecticut dispensaries are now open for business, and more.
California's Prop 47 would turn simple drug possession felonies into misdemeanors, saving the state hundreds of millions of dollars. Six weeks out, it looks set to pass, but we're still six weeks out.