A drug decriminalization initiative could make its way to Oregon's 2020 ballot, South Dakota's Republican governor vows to veto any hemp bill again next year, a California marijuana banking bill is dead for the year, and more.

California Marijuana Banking Bill Won't Happen This Year. A bill that would have let the state charter special banks to deal with the marijuana industry is going nowhere this year, its sponsor said Monday. Sen. Bob Hertzberg (D) said there will be no vote this year and that if California is going to do this, "we have to do this right."
Baltimore City Councilwoman Introduces Ordinance Banning Marijuana Testing for Some City Job Applicants. City Councilwoman Shannon Sneed (D) filed an ordinance Monday under which applicants for many jobs with the city of Baltimore would not face pre-employment drug screening for marijuana. She said positive marijuana tests could keep otherwise qualified applicants from jobs "due to private recreational activities." Applicants for jobs with the health department, fire department or positions requiring certain security clearances or a commercial driver's license would not be included in the ban and could still be tested. The ordinance is cosponsored by five of the city's 14 other councilmembers.
South Dakota Governor Promises to Veto Hemp Again Next Year. Gov. Kristi Noem (R), who vetoed a bill legalizing hemp farming earlier this year, is now vowing to veto such legislation again if it resurfaces next year. She said she would continue to oppose hemp legalization until law enforcement can tell the difference between hemp and marijuana. "Every experiment needs a control," she wrote on Monday. "I believe the social experiment our nation is conducting with highly potent legal weed will end poorly. But to create evidence for a comparison, we need leaders willing to stand up and say, 'No.'"
Drug Policy
Oregon Drug Decriminalization Initiative Filed. Oregon reformers have filed an initiative to decriminalize the personal possession of all drugs with an eye on the November 2020 ballot. The measure, the Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery Act (Initiative 44), would make the possession of small amounts of drugs, including cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine, a civil violation punishable by a maximum $100 fine and no jail time. There would be an option to avoid the fine by completing a health assessment through an addiction recovery center. That process would involve a substance use disorder screening from a licensed health professional.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
South Dakota Hemp
Gov. Kristi is dumber than a cat in a dog pen when it comes to Hemp/Cannabis . Legal Cannabis is not a ' Social Experiment ' . It is a reality . A reality that she can't seem to comprehend . Wonder how hard it is to buy ' highly potent ' alcohol in South Dakota ? What need's to happen , is for voters to say ' NO ' to her reefer madness delusion .
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