This article was published in collaboration with AlterNet and first appeared here.

Budget documents describe the drug war spending as "a 21st Century approach to drug policy that outlines innovative policies and programs and recognizes that substance use disorders are not just a criminal justice issue, but also a major public health concern" and calls for "an evidence-based plan for real drug policy reform, spanning the spectrum of prevention, early intervention, treatment, recovery support, criminal justice reform, effective law enforcement, and international cooperation."
But the rhetoric doesn't match up with the spending proposals. Instead, the decades old, roughly 60:40 split in favor of law enforcement over prevention and treatment continues. While the Department of Health and Human Services would get more than $10 billion for treatment and prevention programs (more than $6 billion of it for Medicaid and Medicare), drug law enforcement spending in the Departments of Defense, Homeland Security, and Justice, as well as the drug czar's office would total more than $14.5 billion.
Justice Department drug war spending would increase from $7.79 billion this fiscal year to $8.14 billion next year under the president's proposal. That includes nearly $3.7 billion for the Bureau of Prisons (up $187 million), $2.46 billion for the DEA (up $90 million), $519 million for the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (up $12 million), and $293 million for the Office of Justice Programs (up $50 million).
That last line item -- the Office of Justice Programs -- is where the Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grants, which typically fund multi-jurisdictional drug task forces, are found. It would see a rather substantial 20% funding increase despite congressional efforts in recent years to cut it back. That means more drug task forces, more drug busts, and more back-end costs associated with them (see the Bureau of Prisons line item).
While the overall federal drug budget is up to $27.57 billion (from $26.34 billion last year), there are decreases in some line items. The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP -- the drug czar's office) would be cut from $375 million this year to $307 million next year, the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) program would be cut from $245 million to $193 million, and Defense Department drug war spending would be cut from $1.307 billion to $1.267 billion.
There are no huge increases in the drug war budget, but neither are there significant decreases. This is very much a drug war budget on cruise control. And this is, of course, only the president's proposed budget. What the Congress will do with it remains to be seen.
If everyone agrees the drug war is a failure, someone forgot to tell the president.
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This man speak with Forked Toung
Any doubt that this man speaks from both sides of his mouth? It would be so refreshing if the Colorado along with Rand/Booker would file a petition to sue the DOJ for failure to mantain drug schedule per Title 21 (sub chapterI) to force the DOJ to do what Steve Cohen already grilled Holder for not doing. That is beginning the Cannabis rescheduling process as prescribed by sub chaper one and treaties.
If everyone agrees the drug
If everyone agrees the drug war is a failure, someone forgot to tell the president.- All Presidents for several decades have accepted ONDCP constituents (Commercial enterprises) assistance to become President, in exchange for promises to continue to support Federal allocations of tax dollars into the 'Anti-Drug' efforts which fund such things like the Council models, forced/plea agreement and prison provided and voluntary/drug counseling centers where the centers have NEVER EVERRRR, found a person they could not help... for a price.
Romney and Obama made their deals, Hillary and Rand Paul have also, towards more drug war funding, 50+ billion a year. Why?
Well the HHS, NIH, NIDA, DEA, FBI all get funding from the drug war.. if you want a friend in government positions. tell the Public what ever you wish, but don't forget to make essential promises to the Drug War Warriors for tax dollars, well before the Public gets their 'version' of possible policy. Let's not forget the Drug War Dollars also are illegally donated to State election candidates, wouldn't want those State officials making it to the National Stage and not understand how the Network operates.
Very disappointing.Very
Very disappointing.
Very disappointing indeed.
Obama's election was characterized by hope, innovation and social justice.
The Prohibition is the big dark shadow that threatens all of these and it should be the first target for swingeing cuts.
It's not as if the money isn't needed elsewhere.
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