CBD medical marijuana bills are moving in states that have traditionally been unreceptive to medical marijuana, New Mexico moves to increase supply, Maryland promulgates draft rules, and more. Let's get to it:

On Wednesday, marijuana foes urged the Justice Department not to reschedule marijuana, instead calling for more research. Project SAM, addiction-oriented medical groupings, and anti-drug groups sent a letter Wednesday to the Justice Department urging it to resist calls to reschedule marijuana and calling instead for easier access to marijuana for researchers. The signatories have "deep concern" about the "normalization" of marijuana and about "recent statements from members of Congress diminishing the harms and dangers of marijuana use."
Last Wednesday, Shasta County petitioners handed in more than 13,000 signatures, double the number required to force the county's pending ban on outdoor medical marijuana gardens onto the November ballot.
On Wednesday, a CBD medical marijuana passed a House Subcommittee vote. The "Charlotte's Web" bill (House Bill 843), named after a strain believed to reduce epileptic seizures, passed a subcommittee of the House Criminal Justice Committee and now awaits a full committee vote.
On Monday, a CBD medical marijuana bill passed the House. The bill would make CBD cannabis oil available to treat certain seizure disorders. House Bill 885 now goes to the state Senate.
On Sunday, a poll found solid majority support for medical marijuana in the Hawkeye State. The Iowa Poll had support at 59%. But support for general legalization was only at 28%. Medical marijuana bills introduced in the legislature in recent years have gone nowhere.
Last Thursday, the Maryland Medical Marijuana Commission released proposed draft regulations for medical marijuana programs and growers. The commission is taking comments for one more week. The program is supposed to be ready for implementation by July 1.
On Wednesday, a bill that would bar patients from growing or smoking in rental properties unless their landlord approves passed the Senate. The bill, Senate Bill 783, sponsored by Sen. Rick Jones (R-Grand Ledge), now heads to the House.
On Tuesday, a medical marijuana bill was approved by a House committee. House File 1818 passed the House Health and Human Services Policy Committee and now moves to the House Government Operations Committee, but faces opposition from law enforcement, which is demanding that marijuana be available only in pill, liquid, or vapor form.
New Mexico
Last Friday, the Department of Health announced it was taking steps to increase the supply of medical marijuana. It is proposing to increase the number of marijuana plants and seedlings that licensed, nonprofit producers can have and open the application process for more producers to become licensed. There are only 23 producers in the state now, but the number of patients is on the rise. After reviewing information about patients' weekly usage and purchases, officials concluded that the program's participants need more than 11,000 pounds of marijuana yearly. The problem: Producers were reporting harvests that would provide only about 2,200 pounds.Under the proposals announced Friday, producers would be able to boost their crop from a total of 150 plants and seedlings to as many as 150 mature plants and 300 seedlings. The state would also be looking to add another 12 producers to the list.
New York
On Monday, medical marijuana supporters launched a month-long campaign to get a bill passed. Patients, families, caregivers and healthcare providers gathered Monday in Albany to launch March for Compassion, a month of activities and events held around New York to demand the State Senate to past the Compassionate Care Act (Assembly Bill 6357/Senate Bill 4406) by April 1. The patients are living with cancer, multiple sclerosis, and other serious, debilitating medical conditions, and the families include parents of children who suffer from severe forms of epilepsy, such as Dravet's syndrome.
On Wednesday, legislators were still struggling to find compromise on the bill to regulate dispensaries statewide. Legislators trying to get the statewide dispensary regulation bill, House Bill 1531, through the House have floated the idea of allowing localities to enact temporary moratoria of up to a year in a bid to win over cities and counties that have objected to having to allow dispensaries to operate. The bill has already passed the Senate without allowing localities to ban dispensaries, and bill sponsors have indicated they will not support a bill that allows bans. Stay tuned.
On Monday, a CBD medical marijuana bill passed the Utah House. The bill would make CBD cannabis oil available on a trial basis for children suffering seizure disorders. House Bill 105 passed on a 62-11 vote and now goes to the state Senate.
[For extensive information about the medical marijuana debate, presented in a neutral format, visit MedicalMarijuana.ProCon.org.]
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
You're too late, dumb SAM, you scoundrels
The time for calling for more research into medicinal marijuana was 20 years ago, or more than 75 years ago, before alcohol supremacist bigotry became so shamefully enshrined in American law. Countless people have died and suffered because of this evil hatred of cannabis, and Project Sam can go to hell. It's time for medicine to regain it's sovereignty from control freak thugs who don't know jackshit about medicine.
been kinda slow
Feels like the last couple weeks have been really slow for drug war news. Felt like an avalanche of good news to read thru for a while.
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