Drug War Issues
Politics & Advocacy
A bill that would have lowered the maximum penalty for possession of two ounces of marijuana or less was killed Tuesday in a Senate committee. It died on a 5-2 vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee after law enforcement representatives testified against it.

The bill, Senate Bill 221, would have moved marijuana possession from a Class 1 to a Class 2 misdemeanor. That would have lowered the maximum penalty from a year in jail to 30 days in jail.
Both proponents and opponents of the measure agreed that the vast majority of people charged with pot possession serve little or no jail time, with most receiving only fines. Those fines can be significant, though. In east-central Beadle County, for instance, pot possession offenders are typically hit with a fine of $435, with some jail time thrown in for repeat offenders.
Attorney General Marty Jackley (R), the State's Attorney's Association's Paul Bachand, and lobbyists for sheriffs and police chiefs all opposed the bill, saying it would "send the wrong message" about a substance they consider a "gateway drug."
Earlier in the session, legislators defeated a medical marijuana bill (again). The state also criminalizes having gotten high, even if having done so elsewhere. Its "internal possession" law is unique in the country. South Dakota remains one of the most pot-unfriendly places in the country, something that summer vacationers and fans of the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally would do well to keep in mind.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
I was born and raised in
As a former binge drinker and
As a former binge drinker and admitted alcoholic, it's sad to see this fear and extensive lobbying drive continued prohibition. It's sad because marijuana is a safe alternative to alcohol for me. I don't wreck lives anymore. I'm not fat and lazy anymore. I'm healthier and more motivated than I've ever been. I will be happy to pay taxes to have this safe alternative to alcohol. I'm alive today because of cannabis.
Prohibition didn't work for alcohol, and it's not working for marijuana.
For anyone that believes in God, see the first chapter of the bible - Genesis 1:29. Cannabis is food. In fact, it's one of the most nutritious natural foods to us. Who is to tell us we cannot have food?
In reply to As a former binge drinker and by Former Binge Drinker (not verified)
Yes!!! Thank you!!
As a former binge drinker
As a former binge drinker and admitted alcoholic, it's sad to see this fear and extensive lobbying drive continued prohibition. It's sad because marijuana is a safe alternative to alcohol for me. I don't wreck lives anymore. I'm not fat and lazy anymore. I'm healthier and more motivated than I've ever been. I will be happy to pay taxes to have this safe alternative to alcohol. I'm alive today because of cannabis.
Prohibition didn't work for alcohol, and it's not working for marijuana.
For anyone that believes in God, see the first chapter of the bible - Genesis 1:29. Cannabis is food. In fact, it's one of the most nutritious natural foods to us. Who is to tell us we cannot have food?
As a former binge drinker
As a former binge drinker and admitted alcoholic, it's sad to see this fear and extensive lobbying drive continued prohibition. It's sad because marijuana is a safe alternative to alcohol for me. I don't wreck lives anymore. I'm not fat and lazy anymore. I'm healthier and more motivated than I've ever been. I will be happy to pay taxes to have this safe alternative to alcohol. I'm alive today because of cannabis.
Prohibition didn't work for alcohol, and it's not working for marijuana.
For anyone that believes in God, see the first chapter of the bible - Genesis 1:29. Cannabis is food. In fact, it's one of the most nutritious natural foods to us. Who is to tell us we cannot have food?
Marijuana as a Gateway
You know , marijuana might just be a " gateway drug " . A gateway into a jail cell . To a cop out on the street , marijuana possession can be a gateway for your arse to a jail cell . Maybe the cops have a point .
Canna revised
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