Consequences of Prohibition
Drug War Issues
Politics & Advocacy
A deputy from Mexico's left-leaning Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) last Thursday introduced a bill (not yet posted) to legalize the use, cultivation, and sale of marijuana. The bill's chances of passage are slim, but in the wake of the successful marijuana legalization votes in Colorado and Washington, it will likely become a venue for further criticism of drug prohibition policies on both sides of the border.

Is there a better way to deal with Mexican marijuana? (
Mexico decriminalized the possession of small amounts of drugs, including marijuana, in 2009. But while that move arguably improved the situation of drug users there, it has done nothing to reduce the prohibition-related violence that has cost the country at least 60,000 lives since President Felipe Calderon took office in December 2006.
Mexico has repeatedly demanded that the US do more to curb drug consumption at home, which it charges is driving the drug trade there. The frustration with US policy has only increased since last week's victories for Amendment 64 in Colorado and Initiative 502 in Washington.
Earlier last week, President Calderon joined with Central American heads of state to issue a declaration calling for a review of international drug policies, while a week earlier, a chief advisor to incoming President Enrique Pena Nieto, Luis Videgaray, said the legalization votes meant Mexico must reconsider its approach to the drug trade. Also last week, the governor of Chihuahua, Cesar Duarte, suggested that Mexico should legalize marijuana exports to the US.
While discontent with US drug policies is growing in Mexico, support for marijuana legalization remains weak. The bill's fate is also dim because the PRD and associated leftist parties constitute only the second largest bloc in the Congress, behind Pena Nieto's Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI). Still, marijuana legalization will be on the congressional agenda in Mexico next year.
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Nobel Peace Prize
A majority of the voters in Colorado and Washington should be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. For example, consider the number of Latino lives their actions will save.
Tidal wave
Who would have thought that what happened on Nov 6th would have this big an impact.. it feels like a tidal wave is sweeping the entire world, but it's happening far faster than I think any of us were expecting. This has emboldened people. It's encouraged them to speak up and to speak out.
Mexico and Marijuana
If Mexican marijuana is going to remain relevant in the U.S.A. over the next decade , its quality is going to have to improve way beyond what it ships here now . Maybe the cartels should consider buying some seeds from abroad . That seedy , stemmy , dried out , low grade thc stuff just ain`t going to cut it anymore . The Mexicans should consider growing a strong sativa skunk variety . It could sell for $10/oz. in the U.S.A. in a few years . Killing over low grade cannabis must be a hard life .
Can't underestimate
The power of power.If no one can sell their Afghani or whatever because of the threat of imminent death from cartel gunmen.They have little trouble selling their inferior product because it becomes the only show in town.It doesn't take too much to get the message out.I watched it happen in my city over cocaine.So far the cannabis scene isn't too violent but then I know very little about what goes on there.No one wants to risk death just to sell a little weed.
The most useful plant on the planet
The people are waking up to all the lies. Marijuana aka cannabis hemp is the most useful plant on the planet. Food, clothing, shelter, energy, medicine, insight, re-creation. Henry Ford even built a car out of it. This plant has to be free in every country.
If u shift the growing of
I keep reading that marijuana
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