Consequences of Prohibition
Drug War Issues
Politics & Advocacy
A Uruguayan bill that would create a system of state-licensed marijuana sales and commercial cultivation was presented to Congress last Wednesday, and, according to Reuters, includes a provision that will allow Uruguayans to grow their own at home or in clubs.

Uruguayan President Jose "Pepe" Mujica (
Unlike earlier news reports, which spoke of a state monopoly on marijuana cultivation and sales, the bill introduced Wednesday says only that the government will manage and regulate commercial cultivation and sales. Whether it will actually open state-run pot farms or marijuana retail outlets is yet to be decided, but in either case, a National Cannabis Institute will be in charge.
"The idea is to grant licenses for production, distribution, storage and for retail. We haven't said whether that will be done by the private or public sector, the government will decide that," Sebastian Sabini, a ruling party lawmaker who heads a congressional committee on drugs and addiction, told Reuters.
Under the pending legislation, each household could grow up to six plants or possess up to 480 grams, or slightly more than a pound. People could also join "smoking clubs" with up to 15 members and grow six plants per member, up to an annual production of 15.8 pounds. Marijuana users who wanted to buy through state-operated or -- regulated facilities would be limited to purchasing 40 grams (just under 1 ½ ounces) per month.
Because Uruguay is a parliamentary democracy and because Mujica and his political allies control both houses of Congress, the bill is expected to be approved sometime next year.
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Thanks to CO and WA, it looks
Thanks to CO and WA, it looks like Uruguay is being progressive and allowing cultivation and even clubs. Hopefully they allow for drug tourism. Despite whether prohibitionists recognize it or not, drug tourism (read: marijuana tourism) is just as relevant as wine tours in Napa Valley, and will account for huge draws and a boost to local economies. Since marijuana freedom is rare on planet earth, free states and countries will have a draw akin to what Vegas had when they had gambling all to themselves. If you want to know where the best economic opportunities in the near and long term, look for legalized marijuana.
Will this start a domino effect in South America?
Will this start a domino effect in South America?
In reply to Will this start a domino effect in South America? by Uncle Bob (not verified)
domino effect
I hope so!
This is mentioned in the thursday, nov 15th washington post, on page A10.
The use of cannabis and other drugs is already legal in Uruguay, one
of Latin America's safest countries............
the pending legislation,
The only problem I see is that it should be 1.5 oz. per week. The only way to judge how much should be allowed is to track some medicinal users that do not have to buy their Meds. and average them out. When I did not have to buy mine, I smoked an oz per week.
Drug Policy Reform for Public Schools
We cannot pass along to another generation the responsibility of ending prohibition that is in our power to resolve in our life time. Canada is now preparing for another federal election in 2015 with a new and progressive Liberal leader, Justin Trudeau who recently announced he supports the legalization of cannabis. Our present Prime Minister has adopted instead to introduce mandatory minimum sentencing and a tough on crime agenda that puts non-violent drug offenders incarcerated. This is outrageous! We look to the next election to see a dramatic change in our country. Under this regulated and taxed model educators can begin the process of teaching ideas over ideology, compassion over coercion and rehabilitation over punishment. We can now stop arguing about the past and create solutions and make decisions for our student's future based on solid scientific evidence and where truth matters. Thank you Jose Mujica for showing leadership and courage. Hopefully Canadians will acknowledge the possibilities and potential for Canada to become one of the smart and leading nations of the world in bringing about an end to prohibition.
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