Consequences of Prohibition
Drug War Issues
A prosecutor in northern Michigan has cleared the police officer who shot and killed a Grayling man as police and Child Protective Services (CPS) employees attempted to seize his three-year-old. The attempted removal of the minor child came after a police officer who came to the scene on a call earlier that same day reported that he smelled marijuana and reported the incident to CPS authorities, who decided the child needed to be removed. The dead man, William Reddie, 32, becomes the 17th person killed in US domestic drug law enforcement operations so far this year.

[Editor's Note: This case illustrates the difficulties that arise in determining which deaths qualify as being a direct result of drug law enforcement. Police here were enforcing child protections laws, not drug laws, but the only reason CPS was called in was because of the allegation of marijuana use. There was no allegation of crazed behavior due to marijuana use; only the allegation of use. For Michigan CPS authorities, that was enough to remove the child. Bottom line: This guy died because the state tried to take his kid because he was accused of smoking pot, so he merits inclusion. That doesn't mean his own actions didn't contribute to his death.]Reddie's killing took place on February 3, but we only became aware of it when news broke this week that prosecutors had decided that the police officer's use of deadly force in the incident was justified.
According to the Crawford County Avalanche, Grayling police Officer Alan Somero was called to Reddie's apartment for an alleged domestic disturbance. Somero made no arrests, but believed he smelled marijuana and reported it to CPS. Two CPS employees went to Reddie's apartment to check on the situation. They then got a court order to remove Reddie's 3-year-old son, Cameron, and asked police to escort them to the apartment to serve the court order.
The Gaylord Herald-Times, which obtained the CPS removal order, added more detail. It reported that Reddie had been accused of smoking marijuana in front of his son, and that Reddie had become "agitated" and threatened police when confronted by that accusation earlier in the day.
The court order gave the following reason for removing the child: "There are reasonable grounds for this court to remove the child(ren) from the parent... because conditions or surroundings of the child(ren), and is contrary to the welfare of the child(ren) to remain in the home because: It is alleged that the father used marijuana in the home in the presence of the child. In addition, there is concern for the safety of the child due to a domestic disturbance and threats made toward law enforcement by the father."
Returning to the Avalanche's narrative, when police and CPS workers arrived to seize the child, Reddie then reportedly displayed a pocketknife and lunged at them. Crawford County Deputy John Klepadlo shot and killed him. Police had been deploying Tasers, but holstered them and grabbed their guns when Reddie displayed the knife.
Crawford County Sheriff Kirk Wakefield then asked the Michigan State Police to investigate his deputy's use of deadly force. The Michigan Attorney General's Office referred the case to the neighboring Roscommon County Prosecutor's Office. After receiving a report from the State Police, Roscommon County DA Mark Jernigan determined that the use of deadly force was justified and that Klepadlo would not be charged with any crime.
"The deceased was in possession of an edged weapon," Jernigan said. "The deceased pulled a knife and hid it behind his back. At the point where he pulls his hand forward and lunges at the officer, he is in such close proximity, and presents a clear danger of deadly force, the officer is left with no option other than to use deadly force to protect himself, the other officer and the three civilians that were present. The use of deadly force is completely justified and therefore, the homicide was justified."
Toxicology reports, which were included in the final investigation, showed there was no marijuana or alcohol in Reddie's system when he was killed.
Reddie had been seeking permanent custody of his son and was due in court for a hearing on that matter three days after he was killed.
"They took the only thing he ever loved," Reddie's mother, Michelle VanBuren, told the Avalanche after the prosecutor's announcement.
VanBuren said she was baffled by the conduct of authorities, especially since no evidence or alcohol or marijuana use was found. She said she had been in contact with her son throughout that day.
"I was on the phone with my son all day, and that cop was bullying him and harassing him so badly," she said. "Where was protect and serve?" VanBuren asked. "The officers always have to stick together and for them to do this is just totally uncalled for."
VanBuren said the family would continue to fight to ensure that CPS and law enforcement are held accountable for their actions. "They need to be held accountable and they will be held accountable, believe you me," she said.
Reddie's family is not alone in questioning police and CPS actions. "I can't believe they (police) could not subdue Will without killing him, and over what, marijuana," said Joanne Michal, who knew Reddie for half of his life. "Why didn't police just arrest him or cite him for marijuana instead of removing his child?" she told the Herald-Times.
"It is particularly sad that Will was shot to death right in front of his son," Michal continued. "Why not use a Taser? Even if he (Will) had a knife and lunged at police, they didn't have to kill him. Instead of using a Taser, you shoot him in front of his child. It is just totally unjustified. They didn't have to kill him. I think it's very sad that his life was taken during the removal of his son. And the smell of marijuana shouldn't have been a reason for an emergency order. Just a few days before he was killed, Will was visiting, and he was so excited because a hearing was coming up for custody. And it seemed to give him hope of getting permanent custody. His son was everything to him."
Crawford County Clerk Sandra Moore said she also knew Reddie. "It's truly a shame," Moore said. "He was a good guy and very fond of his son. He had been very excited just days before" about gaining permanent custody.
Cameron Reddie is now in foster care. His father's family is seeking visitation rights.
Meanwhile, Deputy Klepadlo, who had been on administrative leave after the shooting, is back on the job.
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In reply to trigger happy by kickback (not verified)
Unnecessary Use of Deadly Force
The sad thing here is a Tazer is designed to extinguish a possible hostile situation in a safer manner than a gun. Now granted the story does not describe the actual size of the pocket knife in this story, it could have possibly been a six inch blade. With all the protective gear an officer wears these days a knife versus a tazer should win there should not be a need to utilize a gun to kill when the situation could have easily been defused. I am sure both those officers have had extensive training in disarming an assailant.
In reply to trigger happy by kickback (not verified)
This was not a drug case
This was not a drug case this was a custody battle. CPS kept Cameron from Will since day one. Yet they were there to protect Cameron. Since the cop was protecting the case workers who quit wills case last year, who was protecting Cameron? Everyone who knew Will knows his boy was at his side. That innocent child was'nt just in the same room he was right with Will. I am sick to my stomach to to think that since that moment CPS has had cared for Cameron. Hiding it from the start. I wonder which one got to clean up the little boy. Also its sad when the broke unemployed state of Michigan pays for foster care when family is right there.
In reply to This was not a drug case by CONCERNED MOTHER (not verified)
God Please Help This Family.
It is obvious by your post that you are related to or a close friend of Will. I just want to say that I know how CPS can be. They kept my kids from me for about 4 years. They wanted to take away my parental rights and their reasons for doing so were all lies. My heart and prayers go out to family and friends of Will and especially to Little Cameron. I pray that God brings peace and justice to this family, and that Little Cameron is returned to his family where he belongs. Bless his little heart. [email protected]
In reply to This was not a drug case by CONCERNED MOTHER (not verified)
See my blog on fostering children out in Michigan. Most do not even need to be in foster care. But if they keep a kid in foster care for 6 months (that's what it use to be), so they can get grant money....
Anybody know what the present rules are on getting that grant money is, today?
In reply to trigger happy by kickback (not verified)
These cops just created a kid
These cops just created a kid who will hate cops for his entire life. How can they expect that the kid will feel any differently when they killed his father over NOTHING!
In reply to trigger happy by kickback (not verified)
Yeah, cops ALWAYS smell pot even when there's nothing there.
In reply to pot by Pitdog3 (not verified)
DITTO! Again.....Just a thought......
It's almost funny. Makes me laugh. I think: The cops must go to bed and just dream about smelling pot. Or, they want to smoke some so bad, they begin to smell it? For real.
I remember when we had a farm and we would butcher our own chickens, hogs and cattle. And I swear, as we killed and butchered the pigs, we could actually smell ham cooking. Same thing when we would kill and butcher the chickens. So, maybe, they really do think they smell it "because they want to smoke it?"
In reply to DITTO! Again.....Just a thought...... by cynthia haynesc (not verified)
You Are A Sad Sick Individual
Wow, really? That's the best you can come up with. Did you miss the part where is downstairs neighbor tried to hand off drug paraphanelia? Or did you even bother to read the police and CPS reports on this when they were released to the Gaylord Herald? Probably not, might affect your ability to slander the cops.
In reply to You Are A Sad Sick Individual by Get Real (not verified)
none of this justifies murder
did you miss the part where he was murdered...... your brainwashed. oh my not drug paraphenelia lets just murder someone for that......
In reply to none of this justifies murder by meandonlyme (not verified)
He wasn't shot for having drug paraphanelia, he was shot for pulling a knife on a cop in self defense and self defense is not a crime in the state of michigan last I checked.
In reply to Seriously? by Get Real (not verified)
Nice try cop
All your posts are vehemently defending the cops except this one where you slipped up.
"He wasn't shot for having drug paraphanelia, he was shot for pulling a knife on a cop in self defense and self defense is not a crime in the state of michigan last I checked."
So here you admit the man was shot while defending himself which isn't a crime in michigan. These are your words letter for letter the only thing I added were parenthesis and periods. Again I quote " He was not shot for having drug paraphernalia.... he was shot for pulling a knife on a cop in self defense....and self defense is not a crime in the state of michigan last I checked." You openly admit this man was murdered in defense of himself at the hand of a cop. This is the same thing all the other posters are saying with one exception. The other posters aren't defending the cops actions. Actually you are the only one defending his actions which leads me to believe there is a possibility that you and this cop may be one and the same. That is a stretch. I know but it is not impossible or improbable.
In reply to Nice try cop by Anonymous123454545 (not verified)
TO: by Get Real
you..YOU, "Get real whoever" defend this cop? A LIFE IS GONE YOU IDIOT!!! PERIOD! "NICE TRY COP" PUT IT TO YOU STRAIGHT. (GOOD STUFF BTW) More and more people are seeing the corrupt system, while sheeple like the cop defender are feeling obligated cuz they're scared pussy's!
In reply to Seriously? by Get Real (not verified)
What happened to serve &
What happened to serve & protect?? Regardless if he pulled out a knife or not, deadly force was not the way to go in this case. Police are supposed to be trained to handle situation with "deadly force" as a final option. The officer should have taken into consideration that the child was right there. Why go for the gun rather than a taser?? A pocketknife?? How the hell can you justify taking the life of a man in front of his child because of a pocket knife, even in the hands of someone who knows how to use one the chances of striking a deadly blow in a lunging effort are slim to none. The really true victim in this case is the child, cooler head should have prevailed in the officer's judgement.
In reply to Seriously? by Get Real (not verified)
@Get Real "self defense? LMFAO-yes, the dead man!
"he was shot for pulling a knife on a cop in self defense and self defense is not a crime in the state of michigan last I checked."
No one here could agree with you more-so wtf is your issue. OBVIOUSLY, the father would be the one needing to employ self-defense. Too bad the COPS get to slander him, though, right?
Some New for you, Spanky: It isn't slander if you believe it to be true, and/or it is said without malice.
In reply to trigger happy by kickback (not verified)
Am I the only one who notices he lived in an apartment and so the smell of pot could easily have come from a neighboring unit?!
In reply to trigger happy by kickback (not verified)
Anyone posting a comment on this article, please read our commenting guidelines before doing so.
(That is not a response to kickback's comment; I replied to that in order to have this request show up at the beginning.)
In reply to trigger happy by kickback (not verified)
Is it any shocker that Al Samero was the one harassing Will? Samero never did like him and its my experience that he will go after anyone he does not like. As far as justifiable homicide? hahahaha who are these police trying to kid? its like the three musketeers all for one and one for all. same goes for the police. grayling itself has a LONG history of Officials covering up for other Officials its been happening for years, for years you have heard about judges wives being called when they were popped for dui and or being in possession of coke, also we have heard about our friends going before the courts on drug charges that were for way less then they were busted for because opps suddenly half of what they were busted for was never reported. In an area like this is there any wonder the popo are sticking together and saying it was justified my god they are probably all sittin back laughing about this now. I just hope to God that Wills family is able to fight and fight until someone admits there is a problem
Better off killing him...
When you make false accusations it's convenient that they disappear so they can't defend themselves.
In reply to Better off killing him... by Ziggy (not verified)
DITTO! Again.....
If they don't murder you, they make up BS calling it "Resisting and Obstructing" to put you behind prison walls when they come to arrest you. That's another way cops have of making things disappear and not get sued......Citizens called for jury duty on such cases should give this more thought when making their final decisions: Cops do lie and will lie for one another. It's their pact.
In reply to DITTO! Again..... by cynthia haynesc (not verified)
Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged In The Measure You Have Judged Other
Interesting... All my friends who are cops must have missed that pack when they went through school and field training. Odd... you say it as if it's law. You know what's a funny coincidence in this world? It's always those who are known for lying that accuse others of doing so. Just an observation I've made. If you want to be trusted as a "source" of reliable information you really need to change your reputation within your community and I'm not talking about the Emergency Services Community either. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
In reply to Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged In The Measure You Have Judged Other by Get Real (not verified)
What an ass
"It's always those who are known for lying that accuse others of doing so"
"Shot when pulling a knife in self defense"
Another interesting comment you make here-since it is always COPS accusing other people of lying. Man, you just keep digging your own hole deeper and deeper. OBVIOUSLY a cop. Cops and Cons, buddy-they all have CO in their names.
Takes a thief to catch one, is another good one for you. Pocket knife INDEED. Phht!
when is this going to f'ing stop?
so, now CPS has blood on their hands too although they personally didn't shoot and kill a man yielding pocket knife. I feel "A prosecutor in northern Michigan has cleared the police officer who shot and killed a Grayling man" he was cleared by a very biased agency in my mind who feel it's their job to continue to protect the Law Enforcement even when they murder someone and to hell with the constitution and my personal rights. We are the PEOPLE, STAND UP AND FIGHT, vote out the hypocrites (people in power who are addicted to prescribed pills) who argue/fight with their family members after a hard day at work, or the CPS agents who felt it was their moral and legal duty to take a child from a home on the first query? But, it would be alright if it was just ALCOHOL(blah, blah, blah) involved would not have been so, important to get the child out of that environment. PEOPLE, when are you going to stand up and take action toward the establishment that is corrupt and just trying to save their jobs? You voted to put most of these people into office or you didn't even vote and they got it that way! Vote these types out of office now as they are the ones who are taxing our system not you the pot smoker! How many more innocent people must be killed before this prohibition is appealed? Is it the time of another type of civil war? One that questions our Governments actions on our rights and freedoms? If I don't know the whole story then why wasn't it printed?
Rant off.
In reply to when is this going to f'ing stop? by Earl (not verified)
How many people die from Marijuana use?
The answer is "ZERO"
Marijuana does not kill.... cops kill. so why remove a child because a cop smells pot?
Cops ALWAYS smell pot no matter what!
This is a horrible abuse of power against innocent Americans.... those cops and CPS people should be charged with murder and the prosecutor needs to lose his or her job, immediately!
In reply to when is this going to f'ing stop? by Earl (not verified)
I Totally Agree! But Help Me Here.......
How do we, the citizens get them out of office if there is no one else on the ballot to vote for?
In reply to I Totally Agree! But Help Me Here....... by cynthia haynes (not verified)
First Their Has To Be A We!
You the citizen aren't going to get anyone out of office. There's a reason it's called a vote and a Democracy and not the United States of Cynthia Haynes.
In reply to First Their Has To Be A We! by Get Real (not verified)
If anyone is trying to bully
If anyone is trying to bully and control this conversation it would be you Get real!!! Back off what are you so worried about anyway if this person sooo obviously has absolutely no credibility then what is your problem? REALLY? Whether you like it or not there are people in this state that are taking a very close look at what is going on here. Knowing that you work with this officer and are so forcefully berating this individual really does leave me to wonder WHY? Your making yourselves look even more guilty. Heck If anyone has a link i would love to donate at this point to the family of this VICTIM to help find out what really did happen and bring someone to justice for this ridiculous over reach of power!!!!!!! You can spin however you wish but the facts remain a young mans son is fatherless, this child is completely traumatized for THE REST OF HIS LIFE, all because of unfounded FALSE accusations PERIOD!!!!!!!
In reply to First Their Has To Be A We! by Get Real (not verified)
Hey Cop-"you the citizen"...
Will one day regain the power belonging to WE THE PEOPLE. Better prepare yourselves for it, you're a dying breed.
when is this going to f'ing stop?
so, now CPS has blood on their hands too although they personally didn't shoot and kill a man yielding pocket knife. I feel "A prosecutor in northern Michigan has cleared the police officer who shot and killed a Grayling man" he was cleared by a very biased agency in my mind who feel it's their job to continue to protect the Law Enforcement even when they murder someone and to hell with the constitution and my personal rights. We are the PEOPLE, STAND UP AND FIGHT, vote out the hypocrites (people in power who are addicted to prescribed pills) who argue/fight with their family members after a hard day at work, or the CPS agents who felt it was their moral and legal duty to take a child from a home on the first query? But, it would be alright if it was just ALCOHOL(blah, blah, blah) involved would not have been so, important to get the child out of that environment. PEOPLE, when are you going to stand up and take action toward the establishment that is corrupt and just trying to save their jobs? You voted to put most of these people into office or you didn't even vote and they got it that way! Vote these types out of office now as they are the ones who are taxing our system not you the pot smoker! How many more innocent people must be killed before this prohibition is appealed? Is it the time of another type of civil war? One that questions our Governments actions on our rights and freedoms? If I don't know the whole story then why wasn't it printed?
Rant off.
The state just loves daddys, don't they??
This story really hits home as I am a legal mmj patient and my 4 y/o son is a ward of the state because of hearsay and their own personal opinions. CPS pulled him from his mother for neglect due to pill and alcohol abuse but does his daddy get him???? hell no, daddy just gets to pay for his sons appointed lawyer that won't talk to him, but will talk to the losers parents....come on assholes, get over it, weed is harmless, and i'm sure that cop must be a total pussy to use a lethal gun agaist a lil old pocket knife....get a badge and team up with cps and you're free to kill daddys....things need to change
In reply to I LIVE IN CRAWFORD COUNTY . I by UNCLE DOOZER (not verified)
To all those that posted here
In reply to To all those that posted here by Cynthia (not verified)
Please contact me....
I need more info.
In reply to I LIVE IN CRAWFORD COUNTY . I by UNCLE DOOZER (not verified)
i had a similar incident. i
i had a similar incident. i was never able to speak either. i got into trouble because my son came over and brought some stuff with him. even after he told them it wasn't mine and i didn't even know about it mark jernigan (the roscommon county prosecotor) still put out a warrant for my arrest and had me charged. i think that is fucked up and i feel mr. jernigan is an asshole. i have lost respect for police officers. they wear a badge so they think they can do whatever they want. they are suppose to be setting a good example.
CPS and cops !!!
This is getting WAY out of hand and something has to be done to keep CPS and the police from thinking they are God and can do anything they want ! What do they think that poor little boy is going to go through for the rest of his life seeing his father shot and killed ? Does CPS really think they SAVED the poor boy ? They need to get rid of all those so called "child protectors" that have no brains and get some in there that have a brain ! This makes me sick! A lawyer should take up this case for the son and sue the pants off of all that took part in this murder !!
they killed the boy's father
they killed the boy's father because "they could". Had nothing to do with self defense. Just like when they bust down someone's door in the middle of the night, the first thing they do is kill the family dog even though the dog is no threat.... simply because they can, that's all.
It would seem that ir the LEOs had time to holster their Tasers than they would have had time to use them. Murdered because of cannabis. When will it end?
In reply to Tasers by Rebellion (not verified)
Alleged Cannabis
Alleged Cannabis, no less-in an apartment building, on top of that. Talk about a vapor of an allegation. A lie within a lie.
Has to stop.
I live here in Grayling, crawford county and the police are out of control, I don't know about CPS because I don't have kids, But the police here are basically playing god. They use their badges to harass people they don't like or approve of, Complete abuse of power going on in this small town, and it seems the state is helping them try to cover it up. I personally know that the father of a certain officer owns the local smoke shop, And you can see his son's cruiser sitting there all the time , being paid to visit his dad with our tax dollars, That's really keeping our streets safe.
In reply to Has to stop. by concerned citizen (not verified)
I live in Dundee, MI
I live in Dundee, MI (which is about 4 hrs south of Grayling, also a small town); since 911 the local police here think they are the "Supreme Forces to Be".
Cops pull over any and all people of this small town and put them up against vehicle with arms and legs outstretched and feel up for more than 10 minutes, search and tear apart car, keep on side of road for more than 45 minutes. They managed to pull my son and daughter EVERY DAY without cause and detain for more than hr and half each time with same procedures I already mentioned. Five yrs ago I thought this was cops just doing their jobs, youth - drugs - hell raisers, until it happened to me (their mother) several times. I came unglued the 3rd time it happened and demanded name, badge #, and supervisor name --- cop refused this info. I went to the Sheriff's office to file complaint but didn't have name and since no ticket was issued - no paperwork trail to find out the info so I couldn't file complaint.
Cops doing whatever whenever they want and leave with some perverted sense of hahaha and the ability to smell their fingers when its all over. One cop looked me right in the face and said "there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop me or any other cop cause the public loves us --- we have it made it now!" From all the stories I read, it certainly seems he is completely right ........
In reply to I live in Dundee, MI by JandJ (not verified)
Yall need a pre paid legal
Yall need a pre paid legal service so you can have the lawyers get on to them.
In reply to Has to stop. by concerned citizen (not verified)
I'm a Senior Here in Grayling and Jacobi Harrasses Me....
You are right. They are out of control. I got this one harassing me because he knows damn well I told the truth about him in court about his abuse and he actually had the nerve to tell me I need to move out of the county. He also told me I smelled like I've been smoking marijuana. What a bully! And Sheriff Wakefield won't do a thing about it. I call to make reports and they tell you THAT is the report....over the phone. I told them I want a written, filed report and they tell me they will get back to me, that there is other paperwork to fill out and then they won't contact me and I call and leave messages and they STILL won't get back to you. All "under the rug."
All I can hope for is my blogging will make them wake up and behave like they should.
In reply to I'm a Senior Here in Grayling and Jacobi Harrasses Me.... by cynthia haynes (not verified)
Oh Brother
You know you say Jacobi harasses you, but that certainly isn't what it looks like from where I'm sitting. How many nasty gram posts have you done about him? Seriously! And I can completely understand them ignoring you at this point! You sound like one of those mothers on tv whose son is caught red handed commiting a crime then sits there crying and whining because, your baby would never do such a horrible thing!
In reply to Oh Brother by Get Real (not verified)
Just another dirty cop
And here you are AGAIN, lmfao!
Isn't it just like a cop to use half-truths and innuendos, and slander, to justify illegal behavior by a cop, prompted by something a citizen has (supposedly) "done", that is NOT against the law. So, rather than follow actual procedure, the cops REFUSE to do what they are actually supposed to do, and investigate the harassment claim properly-and then cry because the accusation persists due to their own dereliction of duty.
Here's a thought Pig-do your damned job, first and foremost. Secondly, stop HARASSING people and breaking the law.
In reply to I'm a Senior Here in Grayling and Jacobi Harrasses Me.... by cynthia haynes (not verified)
I have a tip for you sir, go
I have a tip for you sir, go on the internet and purchase a button camera and DVR (Digital Video Recorder) perhaps, carry it on your person at all times if you can, well at least when your out, simply record your torment and post it on youtube, thats the only way you can win, although they would probably torture you first, then shoot you and perhaps burn your house down well at least you would die trying.
Cops had better cop
Cops had better cop themselves. Tables are turning and thier lack of humanity will NO longer be tolerated. The 1% protects them to protect themselves. The 99 % have had enough of this one sided bullshit.
In reply to Cops had better cop by David M. Tweedie (not verified)
Too Bad
Too bad that I have no faith in the cops or the stories they invent to cover up their bullying and harassment. Really wish we could see an end to this insane abuse of power! Too bad that a boy has lost his daddy because someone "thought they smelled pot" ... Too bad that a prosecutor would enable the guy to work the system and help get him back on the job ... too bad they didn't just tase him ... too fn bad, indeed.
In reply to Too Bad by Anne E Oakley (not verified)
Ditto! You Are Right
I feel for the Reddies. And it does need to be looked into way way more. At least my son was not murdered. He was just punched in the face, giving him a bad concussion, and sexually assaulted and sent to prison for a false R&O and his wife and I witnessed it all!
In reply to Ditto! You Are Right by cynthia haynes (not verified)
Wrong On So Many Levels
I feel for the cops personally. Because of Reddie's poor decision Deputy Klepadlo was forced to make a decision no cop ever wants to make and is stick having to live with that for the rest of his life.
In reply to Wrong On So Many Levels by Get Real (not verified)
Yes, you are wrong on so many levels
Because of poor police decisions, an innocent father is gunned down, in front of his innocent child. And that CHILD has to live with, along with his family, the piss poor violations of the law that the police chose to make, under color of authority.
Not even a decent try, n your part, by the way.
Two things
1)They didn't mention that they found any marijuana in the house (not that it would matter, but just saying; the guy didn't even turn out positive and there's no mention of having found any at the house).
2)Exactly what clintjcl said: if they had the tasers out to begin with, and the supposed reason for the use of deadly force was that the officer didn't have time to protect himself any other way, then why not use the taser? shouldn't it have taken him longer to take out the gun than to use the taser that was already in his hand?
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