Drug War Issues
Politics & Advocacy
Under changes in Czech drug policy approved November 28 by the Cabinet, growers of psychedelic cacti and fungi will no longer face criminal punishment. The hallucinogenic plants will be removed from the government's drug "black list," meaning that cultivation of more than "small" amounts will no longer be a crime.

Psilocybe cubensis, the magic mushroom. (Image via Wikimedia.org)
The 2009 reforms decriminalized the possession and cultivation of small amounts of marijuana, as well as the possession of small amounts of other drugs.
Last week's adjustment of the reforms actually tightened up a bit on the issue of marijuana cultivation. They include a change in the way marijuana's potency is calculated. Previously, authorities measures the amount of THC in pot plants by measuring the content of the whole plant; now, they will only measure the content of the flowers, where the THC is most concentrated. That means some pot cultivators who are growing low-potency marijuana will not be able to escape drug law enforcers.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Misleading and partially untrue :-(
Gowing magic mushrooms was NOT decriminalized. Growing of peyote and other cacti containing mecaline and plants containing DMT or 5-MeO-DMT was in fact decriminalized (as long as these were not intended for consumtion.
Source (list of prohibited plants and mushrooms):
Google translation:
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