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The violence needs to stop!
This is a good move.
Norman Lepoff, M.D. retired
Doesn't seem to be working.
Are we hearing some common sense? OMG, there may be some left. Of course folks like our esteemed President, "bush", will never listen. He has proven time and again that facts and proof are of no "matter" to he and his henchmen.
As my dear departed mother said upon hearing "tricky dick", that dumb SOB, "prohibition didn't work the first time, and it won't work now". She was so right.
Legal Marijuana
Mexico, You do not have to listen to Bush or his lies, the only difference between him and I is he was not caught. If you had of been caught your life would have been totally screwed up like you did mine Bush. I will be one happy man to see you IMPEACHED with Cheney.
Take out the killings and legalize it, you will NEVER win this war, it's a proven fact as you just make it look like it works, Americans are not stupid , Legalize herb and tax it to help get back some of the money you wasted Bush. You are a waste Mr Bush,someone that does it but never got caught, you are no different than I am.
Far to many people are in prisons for simple possession and thats wrong, but its a money maker aint it Mr Bush??
I wrote Sen Chas Grassley,
I wrote Sen Chas Grassley, great name, pukey politics, and he sent me back a form letter. I sent him another letter, this one with verbatum quotes and patent numbers proving the USA has patents protecting the federal governments rights to possess medical marijuana and the proceeds from it and got back... nothing.
The prohibition against marijuana is the worst scandle since slavery in the south and lying in the north.
Now Obama puts up Biden?
I asked Carl Olsen, a major figure for our side with his wonderful applications for injunctive relief if it made any difo which one of these two idiots wins and he said,"No, the way I work,they have nothing to do with it." So, friends, all is not lost.
I would like to ask McShame, "If you want us to get all worked up about Obamamama raising taxes, just what the hell do you think your dumbass idea of staying at war will do alot more of than his spending for health care???!"
I am still for Dr Ron Paul if just to tell these corporately owned two party bullshitters that we are not down with the new boss.
I am and if you support bushie you can kiss my ass.
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