Drug War Issues
Politics & Advocacy
The Oklahoma Senate Wednesday passed a bill that would mandate a sentence of up to life in prison for making hashish out of marijuana. The House has already approved the measure, but it must go back to the lower chamber for a final vote.

Making this could get you life in prison in Oklahoma if a current bill becomes law (Image via Wikimedia.org)
The bill, House Bill 1798, creates a new felony of converting marijuana into hash. A first conviction could garner a $50,000 fine and prison sentence of two years to life. And that's a mandatory minimum two years. Second or subsequent convictions would net doubled penalties.
Oklahoma legislative analysts said the bill would cost the state $56 per day, or more than $20,000 a year, for each day someone is imprisoned. At that rate, if Oklahoma imprisoned five hash makers for 10 years each, the bill to taxpayers would be one million dollars.
The bill was the brainchild of the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (OBNDD), which says on its web site that its mission is "to serve the citizens of Oklahoma in the quest for a drug-free state."
According to the Tulsa World, OBNDD said there have been "few" cases of hash making in the Sooner State. But OBNDD spokesman Mark Woodward said the goal of the bill is to "send a message" that illegal drugs won't be tolerated in Oklahoma.
Neither, apparently, will common sense or a sense of proportionality.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
what a bunch of animals they are
They like to call themselves the buckle of the Bible Belt, but Jesus hated hypocrisy and they wallow in it. Keep pretending alcohol isn't way more dangerous than cannabis, Oklahoma. Enjoy the alcohol related and prohibition related violence that you create with your despicable bigotry.
In reply to what a bunch of animals they are by saynotohypocrisy (not verified)
I wonder if the "hollier than
I wonder if the "hollier than thou" crew in OK knows about what the BIBLE says concerning Cannnabis.
Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. I'm pretty sure HASH comes from a seed bearing plant, although we rather it not lol.... Its quite nice to know me n a buddy could been sent to prison for that amount of time for just fooling around
In reply to I wonder if the "hollier than by Henny P. (not verified)
Jesus goto jail
There's credible Biblical scholars who believe the "Anointing Oil" included hashish oil. And in Jerusalem, the traditional recipe includes hashish oil.
In reply to what a bunch of animals they are by saynotohypocrisy (not verified)
just ignorent
I agree that they are misled but I think that they are ignorent, most people pushing a ban on all drugs are older citizens who were brainwashed at an earlier age (unlike us) and tend to hold to their convictions stronger (or just plain stubborn) that along with earlier propaganda creates our biggest enemy. they are slowly dieing off tho, and support for legalization has grown as a younger more educated group has come into our own. I dont expect weed and hash being illegal for more than another 4 years if even
I am an Oklahoma by birth,
I am an Oklahoma by birth, and I am completely saddened by this news, I do not live in that state now and after this ruling I will never move back there! It's a sad day for Liberty in that messed up state! Good luck to all you Oklahomans that have to put up with these crooks! I WILL NEVER MOVE BACK TO OKLAHOMA!
I am sad to see this is going on, I am an Oklahoman by birth, but I do not live there anymore and after this ruling I will not be going back! I am sorry to hear that more and more Oklahomans are facing the possibilty of life in prison for simply making a pure form of THC! This is beyond insane and just shows you what kinda crazy morons they have as their so called leaders! I'm very sorry to see this happening and my heart goes out to anyone who is caught up in this b/s law! THANK YOU OKLAHOMA FOR HELPING ME MAKE UP MY MIND ABOUT NOT MOVING BACK TO THAT MESSED UP STATE! I will never return there again!
I live in Oklahoma now, and I
I live in Oklahoma now, and I can tell you that most of these people are so close-minded. We need more education in Oklahoma. Please send help.
In reply to I live in Oklahoma now, and I by Anonymous4444 (not verified)
In reply to I live in Oklahoma now, and I by Anonymous4444 (not verified)
Good Luck to you all. Google Endocannabiniods and Spread the word, and your seeds!!! Marijuana is a Medicene the cures Cancer, Google it! Hemp-Oil Cures! Please Overgrow the Government, We meet again in DC in September of 2011 watch for us on
http://www.facebook.com/Overgrowthegovtmedia Lisa
This makes me sick, life in prison for making hash, I seriously don't understand how they can justify this, a quest for a drug free state? what about prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco, you will never have a drug free state, NEVER.
The same exact day Oklahoma
The same exact day Oklahoma lawmakers approved a plan for reducing uncontrollable prison overcrowding. http://www.therepublic.com/view/story/a6b818136a5b409da9daa5d47583abca/OK-XGR--Criminal-Sentencing/
The hypocrisy is disgusting.
In reply to The same exact day Oklahoma by julia christine (not verified)
The idiocy is stunning!
The idiocy is stunning!
*Sigh* Looks like I'm
*Sigh* Looks like I'm startin' the meth lab back up
its amazing how oklahoma will
its amazing how oklahoma will use tax dollars to incarcerate someone but not feed the hungry
In reply to its amazing how oklahoma will by goolz (not verified)
Yeah, and prisoners don't
Yeah, and prisoners don't count. ha
In reply to its amazing how oklahoma will by goolz (not verified)
Not to mention all the
Not to mention all the prostitution that is seen on "The Video Vigilante" in Oklahoma City. This seems to be condoned by the state, nobody does anything about this or the alcohol that flows so freely right after church lets out!!
In reply to its amazing how oklahoma will by goolz (not verified)
wrong info
Oklahoma hands out millions in Food Stamps and we support numerous homeless shelters, day shelters, etc. Your information about not feeding the hungry is false.
Wow just wow Oklahoma
Okay so you would get more prison time for making hash then rape, child molestation, or even murder cases???? Something seriously is wrong with this.... As well as costing their tax payers money that is not needed. Wow Oklahoma you have your priorities backwards.
In reply to Wow just wow Oklahoma by Issa (not verified)
They can shoot anyone that
They can shoot anyone that tries to arrest them, what the hell their getting life anyway.
In reply to They can shoot anyone that by Milo (not verified)
Not quite
Milo, it's 2 years to life, not automatically life. I assume shooting an arresting officer is a lot more likely to get a life sentence than merely manufacturing.
In reply to Wow just wow Oklahoma by Issa (not verified)
Too true and way too sad
In reply to Wow just wow Oklahoma by Issa (not verified)
Your information is Flat Out Untrue
It's not that you WOULD get more time for this offense, but it would be possible. There are a multitude of factors that would be taken into account. It says you COULD get 2-Life, not that you WOULD. Rape, Child Molestation, Manslaughter, and Murder ALL carry the possibility of LIFE, as well.
hit the phone lines and tell your neighbors
time to lite up ur representatives phone lines OK's ... got to call and email your reps DAILY and encourage others to do the same. and dont forget ron paul in 2012!
In reply to hit the phone lines and tell your neighbors by Johnny Omaha (not verified)
Um, not quite correct
"time to lite up ur representatives phone lines OK's ... got to call and email your reps DAILY and encourage others to do the same. and dont forget ron paul (well, strike through isn't functioning) Gary Johnson in 2012!" It is better for us if Ron Paul remains in the House of Representatives and his son, Rand, in the Senate (and his other son, Robert, in congress, too if he runs and wins).
its amazing oklahoma will pay
its amazing oklahoma will pay to incarcerate people for drugs but not for dui's espeacially people that have 3 and 4 they would rather have people driving killing people than someone setting in their house staying out of everybody's buisness that being said maybe the oklahoma legislatives should smoke a joint .
In reply to its amazing oklahoma will pay by goolz (not verified)
Manslaugher gets less time
My aunt was murdered in OKlahoma while driving to a graduation ceremony at OU, killed by some idiot who didnt want to wait on a light, instead he drove 55mph in a 25mph,. IN THE WRONG DIRECTION AND RAN A RED LIGHT AND KILLED HER AND HE ONLY GOT 1 YEAR!!
yet hash is punishable up to life, the people running the state of oklahoma are
1. Puritans
2. Religious Hypocrits
3 Statist Twats
4 Loyalists/Nationalists
5. Nazis
find ur rep
tell them this is NOT "OK" ... today, and tomorrow!
Wearing it on their arms
Just look at the badge on their webpage. It's a calumet! What a bunch of ignoramuses.
"We will kill you for Jesus! God demands we torture you. No expense is too much to make your lives a living hell, as well as everyone else who has to pay for it! And if they don't like the fact we're robbing them to imprison you, then we'll accuse them of being druggies too!
"God only demands people feel suffering all the time. God hates it when people feel good. Why else would he send Jesus to suffer and tell us to deny ourselves!? We are agents of God and do his will by making you suffer!"
As we all know, marijuana is as hazardous as an assault rifle, so naturally hash, the collected and compressed resins, which produce less burning vegetable matter than your standard means of smoking, and less carcinogens to inhale, is obviously nefariously worse and is in the same class as methamphetamine and deserves even more harsh regulation for manufacturing that the previously mentioned synthetic. I am, have been, and always will be an Oklahoma native, but damn, this is really stupid
In reply to WOW by PissedOffPitBull (not verified)
Pitbull, you suck
Moron. End of story...
Not even for selling, but
Not even for selling, but just MAKING it for PERSONAL USE!!! How the hell is that worse than rape and murder?
PRISONS: the Republican version of government-subsidized housing.
In reply to BOYCOTT THOSE DUMBASS OKIES by Anon9 (not verified)
Uh, you need to get rid of that blind partisan streak
The Democrats are just as bad as the Republicans when it comes to making more laws to incarcerate more people. Don't believe me? Biden wrote the law that created the ONDCP and the office of "drug czar", including its mandate to lie to the American people and fight any attempts at legalization. Look up the actions Democrats have taken over the years that not only amped up the war on drugs, but restricted your unalienable freedoms in many other ways. Neither party is the friend of freedom or drug law reform.
In reply to Uh, you need to get rid of that blind partisan streak by Moonrider (not verified)
just as bad as Republicans???
You are talking what Biden did more than two decades ago. The times were a hell of alot different then. If we are going to flashback to the 80's, what did drug policy reformer Eric Sterling do while Biden was creating ONDCP or many of the current LEAP members? Well Biden didn't bitch about Pres. Obama demoting ONDCP from a cabinet level status, holding forums on 4/20, and answering questions about marijuana legalization. That's a change.
Sure there are small number of Republican reformers, such as Gary Johnson and Ron Paul. But that ain't the rule. The fact is that Democrats are far more supportive of marijuana legalization than Republicans and polls prove it. Just look at how marijuana policy reform progresses in the Democratic dominated Western/New England states compared Republican dominated states in the Midwest/Deep South, which were also the last states to end alcohol prohibition. You would have to be blind not to notice this.
In reply to just as bad as Republicans??? by Anon9 (not verified)
Just as bad as repeublicans?
This is not, and was not a left vs. right, or republican vs. democrat issue. The senate passed this with a majority (overwhelming majority) from both sides, same with the House. We should not let party loyalty divide us, they are two sides of the same coin and their are good and mostly bad in all parties. I believe we need to break away from legalization and start pushing for a complete repeal of cannabis prohibition altogether. One things for sure we have a lot of work to do on all sides here in Oklahoma. If you live in Oklahoma please join Oklahoma For Cannabis at: http://potforfreedom.com/oklahoma we are leading the way for real reform through ending cannabis prohibition once and for all!
In reply to just as bad as Republicans??? by Anon9 (not verified)
Biden wrote the patriot act
In reply to BOYCOTT THOSE DUMBASS OKIES by Anon9 (not verified)
Hey I never thought about it
These legislators are
These legislators are grandstanding. Two incidents of hash making in their entire history and they want to make it a life sentence? They are doing it just to look like they are 'tough on crime', and just to look like they are doing something. The problem is that some actual person somewhere in OK. will DO that time, eventually. Instead of 'tough on crime' this is stupidity.
My cousin and her family just
"...Mark Woodward said the
"...Mark Woodward said the goal of the bill is to "send a message" that illegal drugs won't be tolerated in Oklahoma."
I guess economic growth will also not be tolerated in Oklahoma either? How is it that these 'slave' states think they can maintain and expand their marijuana police states, when there are states that are allowing for marijuana freedom? Why would anybody live in a marijuana police state when their are alternatives? I can hear the loud sucking sound already....
Good luck OK. I think you are doomed in the future with laws like this.
Oklahoma is an Embarrassment to ItselfâTypical
3.7-million inhabitants. Where tornado alley meets the Bible belt. Also known as ‘heart attack alley’ by the medical profession because Bible belters’ sanctimonious refusal to drink alcohol creates heart problems for a lot of fat white people of Ulster-Scots descent.
The Oklahoma government’s problem with hash is it has funny sounding names in front of it, like Nepalese, Afghani, Moroccan. And we know how those down-home-boys hate them foreigners! Or foreign symbols, if they can’t get their hands on an actual, living victim.
The xenophobia is so bad in the OK state that if you display out-of-state plates on your car, and you tow a trailer loaded with stuff through Oklahoma, you will be tailed by some Nazi, outback police car all the way across the state. Unless you stop somewhere and wait for the road cop to get bored and drive away.
So it can’t be a big surprise when a cannabis product with less vegetable matter in it scares the bejeezus out of some of the good white Christian leaders. Science says the fear centers in their brains are much bigger than most people’s. That’s lifestyle fear. Which is a really screwed-up way to live.
When dealing with Oklahoma officials, it’s best to counter fear with fear. Give the cigar-chomping back room guys something new to be afraid of besides hash and hippies, like bedbugs. Bigfoot or extraterrestrials might work. Or federal lawsuits up the yin-yang that expose the State’s legislative hysteria and stupidity.
The state’s leaders are insular and arrogant enough to believe they’re invulnerable to criticism and legal assaults by both insiders and outsiders. It’s easy and sometimes profitable to prove them wrong.
In reply to Oklahoma is an Embarrassment to ItselfâTypical by Giordano (not verified)
You are an idiot.
You are an idiot.
PissedOffPitBull seriously YOUR THE EXACT REASON! people get the wrong info. Marijuana actually Has Never killed anyone so comparing it to be as hazardous as an assault rifle is by far the most idiotic comment ive heard not to mention untrue and in fact on the other end of the spectrum it literally saves peoples lives and ive seen that first hand. Now onto your comment about it being in the same class as amphetamines, yea ythis is true but this only matters when it comes to the law and how much trouble you get in, The similarities end there guy. Amphetamines are nothing like cannabis or THC The compounds are two entirely different structures. Cannabis and The 70 give or take a few compounds in it have proven to be actually beneficial to the body and its systems. it has huge medicinal value. Amphetamines destroy heart rhythm and blood systems. Theres huge ups and downs with amphetamines taking a huge toll on the users body and mind. Users Teeth fall out, anorexia occurs , loss of reality and character then ultimately death. Cannabis is the total opposite and is used in a variety of treatments from fibromyalgia to dealing with nausea patients get from radiation therapy. To this day there has not been a single death directly related to the use of marijuana
In reply to PissedOffPitBull by Drew L. (not verified)
I think your sarcasm detector
I think your sarcasm detector might be broken.
In reply to PissedOffPitBull by Drew L. (not verified)
Maybe you should re-read THE LAST LINE of PissedOFF's comment before you go making an ass of yourself.
My god, what in the hell is wrong with these people? It's insanity, plain and simple. These lunatics must be suffering from some sort of psychosis. LIFE in prison, for harming no one? Jesus fucking Christ.
My god, what in the hell is wrong with these people? It's insanity, plain and simple. These lunatics must be suffering from some sort of psychosis. LIFE in prison, for harming no one? Jesus fucking Christ.
Are there any queers in the
Are there any queers in the theatre tonight?
Get them up against the Wall!!
There's one in the spotlight he don't look right to me!
Get him up against the wall!!
That one looks Jewish!! And that one's a Coon!!
Tell me who let all this Riff Raff into the room?
There's one smoking a JOINT!!
And another with spots!!
If I had my way!!
I'd have all of them shot!!
"One Step Closer To A Military State and Genocide to Conform the masses"
"Maybe not quite Nazi Germany, But America and States like Oklahoma are Close"
A One World Government, its a scam, Fascists and actors run our Government.
WW3 here we come. Big Brother is definately watching!! So Hide your kids, Hide your wives, Hide your Husbands, Cause they rapin everybody out here!!
In reply to Are there any queers in the by joseph smith (not verified)
Those are my all time
Those are my all time favorite lyrics from one of my all time favorite albums. Describes the situation perfectly. Tear down the wall!!
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