Drug War Issues
Politics & Advocacy
The government of New Zealand plans to regulate and restrict access to legal synthetic cannabinoids, government spokesmen said last week. Under the plan, synthetic cannabinoids could not be sold to people under 18, and they would face regulation of their packaging, marketing, and sales.

New Zealand takes a reasoned approach to fake pot. (Image via Wikimedia)
Products containing synthetic cannabinoids have appeared in markets worldwide in recent years, typically sold as "incense" under brand names including Spice and K2. A number of European governments have responded by banning the substances, as has the US DEA, which imposed an emergency ban earlier this year.
Americans states have responded similarly, with more than a dozen of them imposing bans before the DEA acted, and moves are afoot in other state legislatures this year to enact more bans. California, however, responded similarly to what is proposed in New Zealand, banning it only for minors.
Under the New Zealand proposal, in addition to the ban on minors, sales would be banned in places where minors gather and there would be restrictions on advertising. Fake pot products would have to be sold in child-resistant containers and would have to be labeled with the synthetic cannabinoids they contain.
Moving synthetic cannabinoids from an unregulated substance to a restricted substance under the Misuse of Drugs Amendment Act of 2005 will require parliamentary approval.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Clean Green NZ
Now if they could only be this sensible with cannabis itself! For a nation that smokes as much per capita as NZ does, they have remarkably backward laws regarding its prohibition. Not even decrim, for God's sake...
Somethings needs to be done
I think the authorities needs to take this issue seriously. What will happen if everyone depends on Marijuana Medically. It's high time they find a solution
Better than the UK
It's good to hear that the NZ govornment listens to their advisers, unlike the UK, which only listens to what they want to hear and fires anyone who says the truth!
So NZ will legally regulate synthetic cannabinoids, which we know very little about, while continuing to prohibit natural cannabinoids (the cannabis plant), which science has shown to be about as harmless as drugs can get. Makes you wonder whose smoking the stuff.
In reply to cannabinoids by Forlen Ainjull (not verified)
new zealand
first earthquakes, now synthetic cannabinoids - how will they survive?
Brave New Zealand
Oh brave new zealand, which has such cannabinoids in it
Brave New Zealand
Oh brave new zealand, which has such cannabinoids in it
Brave New Zealand
Oh brave new zealand, which has such cannabinoids in it
Brave New Zealand
oh brave new zealand, which has such cannabinoids in it
Read Danny Kushlick's article on "securitization" to realize why democratic debate gets nowhere on this issue.
All the details and links can be found on Transform's website,
I'm optimistic
While these moves may not make sense to most people, actually this is a good sign. The fact that they have given up adding new drugs to the list of prohibited substances shows they are getting the message. Tax it and regulate it is the most effective way of dealing with new drugs so CHILDREN cannot buy the stuff. Making it ILLEGAL is basically saying we don't mind street dealers SELLING DRUGS TO CHILDREN. Yeah...... effing nazis.
Good old NZ being sensible.
I think restricting the sale of these things to adults and listing the actives in them is a great move! Good on you NZ! This is the first sign of some sensible drug policy. As long as people are responsible and go easy on the synthetics and get to know their limits, I think they are safer than alcohol. Finally I feel my freedom is being respected! Cannabis is still illegal, and that needs to change, but this is a good sign. All we need now is a few warnings or instructions on the packaging, which I think would reduce the number of first time users smoking too much and having a bad reaction.
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