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Marijuana Legalization Bill Dies in Washington State

Submitted by Phillip Smith on (Issue #678)

A bill that would have legalized marijuana in Washington state has died. It failed to move out of committee by Friday, a legislative deadline for action.

Will voters take matters into their own hands now? (Image via Wikimedia)
The bill, House Bill 1550, sponsored by Rep. Mary Lou Dickerson (D-Seattle), would have legalized the possession and sale of marijuana, with sales regulated by the state Liquor Control Board. The bill would have imposed a 15% per gram tax on marijuana sales, which supporters said would bring hundreds of millions of dollars into state coffers in coming years.

The bill had the support of the entire Seattle legislative delegation, as well as the Seattle Times editorial board. But that wasn't enough to move it out of committee.

The legislature's failure to act clears the way for an effort to take the issue directly to the voters. Sensible Washington is already gathering signatures for a legalization initiative to go before the voters in November.

They need 241,000 valid signatures by July 8, a target they missed by some 50,000 signatures last year after failing to win the support of some key players in Evergreen State pot politics.


Bill Bensmithrie (not verified)

Thank goodness! that would'a started the end of days if they woulda passed marijuana. thank god for them listening to the REAL AMERICANS.and the REAL people of seniable washington. Key arugement is this marijuana makes you a homosexaul.and that's not natural. it says so in the bible.and dont tell me the bible mentions marijuana in it cause it  does not. and you demoralizing american's by trying to tell them that drugs are okay/.and trying to use the lies of science as a stupid arugment as fact.when real people know that science is not fact but raw intruding lies on americas founding fathers. and dont tell me our founding fathers grew it arugement either.cause they owned slaves.Proibition saves lives. your trying to destory familys,and american values. with you marijuana homosexual agenda. Your no better than hitler ,or nazi's. this is america and if you wanna smoke the devil's weed get the hell out and support your narco terrorism somewhere else. shame on you all and good ridence to that bill. I like 99.99% of washingtons voters  would not have approved.nor would our churchs. go live on mars to smoke your killer weed. since you think science found "water" on mars .geese you people are discusting .and ignorant of an open mind.and get your evilution out of my damn tax funded school .i dont support illogical theroys. good day and god bless

Tue, 04/05/2011 - 12:52am Permalink
Moonrider (not verified)

In reply to by Bill Bensmithrie (not verified)

this must be a 9 year old troll posting above.

Tue, 04/05/2011 - 4:22am Permalink
Chris H (not verified)

In reply to by Moonrider (not verified)

Whomever wrote this was brilliant... those of you who are arguing against him are foolish.... He was trying to make a point about ignorant people.. not trying to "talk down marijuana"... it was meant to portray the ignorant god fearing, homophobic bible thumpers that hold values based on long since died, old, or otherwise questionable information that has been passed down through the generations... I read it and laughed my ass off!!! All I could think is wooow, he really hit the nail on the head with that one. I for one do not believe that Cannabis is ready to be entirely legal as of yet but I am a medical patient. I don't want the government coming in and taxing it like tobacco... it's ridiculous. I believe it should have a massive decriminalization and that non-violent marijuana offenders should be release from jail, that you should not go to jail for smoking pot in public... maybe a ticket... kids should not see it. You shouldn't be allowed to drive while high... I know I know... it doesn't mess me up like Alcohol does either... but there are a lot of stupid stoners out there that can't handle the multitasking of vehicle operation while ripped.... Cannabis it's self does not hurt anyone... will probably be America's next big cash crop... but before we try to completely legalize it we need to get f'ing Federal's to take take it off there number one hit list... Class A... Schedule 1 narcotic??? come on... The rest of the US needs to fall in suite with the medical Idea(well most of them... good luck with AL, NC, SC... and a few others) . Once half of the US has given the OK for Medicinal use I believe full on we and others are ready for a total decriminalization. Just my two pennies worth.

Tue, 04/05/2011 - 9:55pm Permalink
To (not verified)

In reply to by Chris H (not verified)

Medical use is great and it has paved the way for cannabis politics till this day. With that said, it time for a new plan. Tax & Regulate. The only way for the government to allow us to use weed like legal intoxicants. The Goverment has to get their cut. Regulation for tobacco and alcohol (We Card.) Has worked great to keep kids from using these legal substances. Cannabis will be teated like any legal intoxicant. Age limits and all.. Yet we can have an economy based out of the use of cannabis. Create jobs, and businesses. What if America became the worlds supply of top notch weed? Our whole economy will boom. :)

Wed, 04/06/2011 - 6:38am Permalink
Jen679 (not verified)

In reply to by To (not verified)

I completely agree!! Thank you so much for making these points so very clear! I just wish more people would open up their eyes to the obvious facts about marijuana rather than remaining so closed minded...

Sat, 04/30/2011 - 12:00pm Permalink
henrysaysfuck … (not verified)

In reply to by Bill Bensmithrie (not verified)

what are you fucking retarded just because you smoke weed your a terroristic homosexual? what the fuck are you sipping on? if weed became legal it would help this country out from multiple outlooks, The country could focus more on harder drugs, the tax alone would bring in a shit load of money, and think about tourism? dont you think more people would go to the U.S? and you cant die from smoking weed, and the only negative thing about it is the illegal factor, when alcohol is legal, and causes more deaths then any other drug, and its also a gateway drug, AND alcohol is the only drug you can die from a withdrawl, get your shit on check cuz im sure god doesnt hate potheads

Tue, 04/05/2011 - 2:07pm Permalink
Chris H (not verified)

In reply to by Bill Bensmithrie (not verified)

Whomever wrote this was brilliant... those of you who are arguing against him are foolish.... He was trying to make a point about ignorant people.. not trying to "talk down marijuana"... it was meant to portray the ignorant god fearing, homophobic bible thumpers that hold values based on long since died, old, or otherwise questionable information that has been passed down through the generations... I read it and laughed my ass off!!! All I could think is wooow, he really hit the nail on the head with that one. I for one do not believe that Cannabis is ready to be entirely legal as of yet but I am a medical patient. I don't want the government coming in and taxing it like tobacco... it's ridiculous. I believe it should have a massive decriminalization and that non-violent marijuana offenders should be release from jail, that you should not go to jail for smoking pot in public... maybe a ticket... kids should not see it. You shouldn't be allowed to drive while high... I know I know... it doesn't mess me up like Alcohol does either... but there are a lot of stupid stoners out there that can't handle the multitasking of vehicle operation while ripped.... Cannabis it's self does not hurt anyone... will probably be America's next big cash crop... but before we try to completely legalize it we need to get f'ing Federal's to take take it off there number one hit list... Class A... Schedule 1 narcotic??? come on... The rest of the US needs to fall in suite with the medical Idea(well most of them... good luck with AL, NC, SC... and a few others) . Once half of the US has given the OK for Medicinal use I believe full on we and others are ready for a total decriminalization. Just my two pennies worth.

Tue, 04/05/2011 - 9:50pm Permalink
Compassion 4 P… (not verified)

In reply to by Bill Bensmithrie (not verified)

I was a guard in 1985 and was attacked, I was hit in the middle of my back with a baseball bat and pushed 15 feet off a bridge and left for dead!


The docs said I broke nine bones in my spine with c-7 crushing into my spine This link posted shows the damage so people can't say I just want to get high.


If it was not for the Medical use of Marijuana I would be dead by now because of the pain, even 500mg of Morphine was not enough to stop suffering, any more pills would have killed me, are YOU saying that it is better to die from pills then to use what GOD placed on this earth?

Also to let you know the Government keeps marijuana a crime so they can make $1,725.00 off of each person that needs Dronabinol 10 MG at 90 pills a month. Look it up dummy these are man made marijuana pills, Look up how Mr. Ford made a car out of hemp and fueled it with hemp, Look at how much paper could be made with hemp over that of trees with much less toxic chem, going into our water.

Try to learn something from this and stop being one of the many sheepole out there being led by the nose.

Thu, 04/07/2011 - 11:54am Permalink
black metal mikey (not verified)

nothing wrong it help me better than myth the weed is better i feel perfect on it.

Tue, 04/05/2011 - 2:33am Permalink
Bill Bensmithrie (not verified)

In reply to by black metal mikey (not verified)

You do know,that's you marijuana addiction. telling you that my ungodley friend are sinning in a NO SIN ZONE. that's right my friend that no sin zone is my god loving god fearing country,the United States of are disrespecting my God. Last time i checked i had the right to worship Jesus.without bigotry from atheist and gays,and all other disrespectful religion. my son i will pray for Jesus to heal you,I'm sure your brain diesese is very troublesome for your family ,for your acts are just unamerican, how dare you try and justifiy that demon seed. you soon will be the grass getting smoked my friend in the fires of hell. repent,and thee who believe in Christ will be healed.

Tue, 04/05/2011 - 4:33am Permalink
Trenton Ricker (not verified)

In reply to by Bill Bensmithrie (not verified)

The national cancer institute released a paper stating that cannabis has a direct anti tumor effect, and further more, inhibits the cell reproduction process, so yes, is kills tumors, and makes sure there are more, new, better cells in place to replace it. Sir, I would also like to reference the Baptism of Fire, where holy water was combined with cannabis oils to drench the child in, known for it's cleansing processes. If you would like to see my proof, please click on my homepage link, the nice doctors at NCI say that it has these effects, and frankly, I believe the doctors, instead of the reefer madness propaganda of the Nixon administration. If you don't click on the link, I will just paste directly here what NCI has stated:

Antitumor Effects

Cannabinoids may cause antitumor effects by various mechanisms, including induction of cell death, inhibition of cell growth, and inhibition of tumor angiogenesis and metastasis. [9-11] Cannabinoids appear to kill tumor cells but do not affect their nontransformed counterparts and may even protect them from cell death. These compounds have been shown to induce apoptosis in glioma cells in culture and induce regression of glioma tumors in mice and rats. Cannabinoids protect normal glial cells of astroglial and oligodendroglial lineages from apoptosis mediated by the CB1 receptor. [10,11]

Tue, 04/05/2011 - 9:48pm Permalink
Worried (not verified)

I'm kinda worried about ol' Bill and his comment...He sounds like the type to bomb an abortion clinic or protest a military funeral....

Tue, 04/05/2011 - 11:02am Permalink
Moonrider (not verified)

In reply to by Worried (not verified)

is that my 9 year old grandson can spell better and has a better grasp of reality, religion, freedom, and fairness than that troll posting above.

Tue, 04/05/2011 - 1:22pm Permalink
Bill Bensmithrie (not verified)

In reply to by Moonrider (not verified)

You wanna complain about rights for drug abusers? yet your gonna attack my religion? that there my friend contradicts alot;not to menton that drugs are illegal for a reason .becouse they kill the user and everyone around them. stop attacking my rightful views. that makes you a criminal whos knowingly voliating my first admendement. Jesus said and the bible say nothing good about marijuana.marijuana is a highly addive ,deadly dangerous.toxic substance. You realize that marijuana smoke is the gas they use in the gas chambers during WW2 by the Nazi's. and no i dont go protesting military funerals. im not a idoit. I support the wars becouse thats what being a patroit is about.not going around complaining about my rights being taken away from big old bad hoo we are at war with terrorist give it up if you want to be safe from a muslim jihad coming to ur house and damaging or worse. I would be mindful if i were you to respect jesus and his teachings. stay off the marijuana ,and booze all drugs are bad even alcohol and cigarettes. they need to be illegal as well.they dont fit in with normal american family values that we've grown to love.also fast food needs to be removed as well cause they're taking people away from the dinner table to going and grabing a quick bite. which is also linked to drug abuse. stop complaining and  stop acting like drug cartels. NOBODY has any NO NO right to put anything in  or on their body that they are just borrowing from Jesus. you have no right to do that.this is america land of the free.not land of the dopers.jeese.  This is why christians should'a never messed up the constution and make people of all creed think they can have a peice of our constutional pie. everyone starts wanting rights. get out of here if you dont like  you freaking racist baboons

  may god have no mercy on you. trust me he's a cooking something up for you.

Tue, 04/05/2011 - 2:40pm Permalink
D. Drew (not verified)

In reply to by Bill Bensmithrie (not verified)

To: Bill Bensmithrie BillBiBB

I love America, and I love the life that this great country has allowed me to have. the reason why this country is so great is because we are free to express our own individual views on our beliefs and religion. Now your probably right that marijuana is never in the bible, therefore god never said that it was good or bad. Next i want to ask who do you think you are telling everyone else what they should believe and what they should or shouldnt do with their own bodys? Sounds to me like your the one thats out of touch with american values; maybe you should try a communist country they have no problem dictating what people should believe and do. Also, as for it being bad just because its illegal right now doesn't make sense at all. There was a time when it was illegal for a black man and a white woman to get married, but that doesn't mean its right. If the last decade has taught us anything its that government can and does make mistakes, but it can also choose to fix them. Maybe next time before you make another ridiculous post like the one above you should ask yourself: would I want somebody telling me not to believe in Jesus because a majority of the world thinks im wrong or that i cant take part in a religious ritual of drinking wine that represents the lords blood because wine is bad for your health? Yeah maybe you shouldnt do it to others.

Tue, 04/05/2011 - 7:21pm Permalink
Anonymousandfree (not verified)

In reply to by D. Drew (not verified)

So you want to impose your beliefs on others, so I ask why or where is your God when people starve, fight wars, split the atom, impose fascism on the people?, looks rather evil to me yet you claim god is full of love, when all I see is neglect. It is about freedom, and you are a joke of a sheep so back in paddock and do what whomever is telling you to do, fool.

Tue, 04/05/2011 - 9:59pm Permalink
Bill Bensmithrie (not verified)

In reply to by Anonymousandfree (not verified)

its not calling the kettle black,if you noticed i said god loves me,and he allows this for true christians. so if you want safety from that type of lifestyle join me with christ,

Tue, 04/05/2011 - 11:47pm Permalink
Garry Minor 3 (not verified)

In reply to by D. Drew (not verified)

In 1936 a Polish Anthropologist named Sula Benet discovered that in the original Hebrew text of the Old Testament the word "kaneh bosm"(?????-??????) was translated as "calamus" or fragrant cane by the Greeks when they first rendered the Books in the 3rd century B.C., then propagated as such in all future translations from the original Greek without review, including Martin Luthers. During that same time period Hebrew slowly ceased to be used as a spoken language. It wasn't until the late 1800's that a man named Eliezer Ben-Yehuda revived it once again. Benet concluded through years of substantial research and etymological comparison that the correct translation of "kaneh bosm" should be "cannabis." In 1980 the Hebrew Institute of Jerusalem confirmed her claim that indeed "kaneh bosm" is cannabis. Ben-Yehuda's 1964 Hebrew-English dictionary confirms this fact, page 140. The Biblical “Canon,” from the Greek “Kanon,” meaning; "to measure, to rule, straight, upright," is also derived from the Hebrew word "kaneh"(?????). In fact we now know that all early religions used cannabis and, or, other psychotropic plants as sacraments. Calamus was used by ancient peoples and still today as an aphrodisiac and stimulant, its active chemical asarone is a precursor to the psychedelic MDMA, ecstasy. Benet traced the use of cannabis back to a group of early nomadic peoples called the Scythians whom the Greek historian Herodotus observed in the 5th century B.C., after funerals, throwing cannabis buds on hot stones, inhaling the vapors, and howling with joy. She goes on to say; “Since the history of cannabis has been tied to the history of the Scythians, it is of interest to establish their appearance in the Near East. Again, the Old Testament provides information testifying to their greater antiquity than has been previously assumed. The Scythians participated in both trade and wars alongside the ancient Semites for at least one millennium before Herodotus encountered them in the fifth century B.C. The reason for confusion and the relative obscurity of the role played by the Scythians in world history is explained by the fact that they were known to the Greeks as Scythians but to the Semites as Ashkenaz. Identification of the Scythian-Ashkenaz as a single people is convincingly made by Ellis H. Minns (1965) in his definitive work on Scythians and Greeks. The earliest reference to the Ashkenaz people appears in the Bible in Genesis 10: 3, where Ashkenaz, their progenitor, is named as the son of Gomer, the great-grandson of Noah. In Exodus 30:23 GOD instructs Moses to use 250 shekels of "kaneh bosm" in the oil for anointing all Priests, and later Kings and Prophets, for all generations to come, including that of Jesus and even today as the title Christ/Messiah means literally; "covered in oil, Anointed." "Kaneh" is also listed as an incense tree in Song of Songs 4:14. The error was repeated in Isaiah 43:24, Jeremiah 6:20, and Ezekiel 27:19, where "kaneh, kaneh bosm" are translated as calamus or sweet cane. There are 141 references to the anointing and 145 to burning incense in the standard Bible. However, not all pertain. Read the Book! Much has been learned regarding the role of cannabis and human development since Benet discovered the error over seventy years ago, and with these revelations along with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Nag Hammadi Library, certain Apocrypha, and a closer examination of the Bible, we find that in order to be called worthy of the title "Christian" one has to be anointed with the very Holy Oil as described in the original Hebrew text of Exodus. Johns water baptism is incomplete and any other oil counterfeit. Jesus came to free the restricted Holy Oil and make Anointed Priests of all men with ears to hear his message, baptizing with fire and the Holy Spirit, the “Chrism.” The Anointing is symbolic of being baptized in the “Holy Spirit.” It is synonymous with the Laying on of hands and also called the Seal, Unction, Advocate, and Counselor. It is "the Way." Under the old covenant Priests were ordained to stand between God and the people, Jesus died so that all believers could become Anointed Priests before the Lord. A chosen people, a royal Priesthood, a Holy nation. Ex 40:12-16, 1 Peter 2:4-10, Rev 1:6, 5:10, 20:6 Cyril of Jerusalem; For as Christ after His Baptism, and the visitation of the Holy Ghost, went forth and vanquished the adversary, so likewise ye, after Holy Baptism and the Mystical Chrism, having put on the whole armour of the Holy Ghost, are to stand against the power of the adversary, and vanquish it, saying, I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. “Having been counted worthy of this Holy Chrism, ye are called Christians, verifying the name also by your new birth. For before you were deemed worthy of this grace, ye had properly no right to this title, but were advancing on your way towards being Christians.”  Having been anointed, therefore, with this holy ointment, keep it unspotted and unblemished in you, pressing forward by good works, and being made well-pleasing to the Captain of your salvation, Christ Jesus, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Thu, 04/07/2011 - 12:39pm Permalink
you need help. (not verified)

In reply to by Bill Bensmithrie (not verified)

uhhhhhhhmmmm what? marijuana smoke was definitely not used in the GAS chambers. I think, along with everyone in the known world, that maybe oh i don't know... that the Nazi's used GAS?  And don't start about your religion. im Christian as well and i know fact for fact that no where in the Bible does it say anything about Marijuana. It doesn't even list anything about smoking!!! Get your facts straight and don't talk about things you don't understand

Sun, 11/20/2011 - 7:17pm Permalink
Anonymous2 (not verified)

I was going to comment on Bill's original post but I didn't because I genuinely thought it was satire...I guess I was wrong.

Tue, 04/05/2011 - 2:37pm Permalink
FlyNewsGirl (not verified)

It appears ol' Bill needs to go back to 1st grade for spelling lessons, First Communion for a lesson on how to treat your fellow neighbor and junior high for a lesson on WWII. Using marijuana smoke in the gas chambers to kill jews?!? It would be laughable if it weren't so scary that someone could honestly believe that, let alone spew such garbage on the internet. Bill has just proven himself to be the definition of "unamerican." I too thought he was being satyrical, until his idiocy continued in further posts. What a naive and desperately sad life he must live.

Tue, 04/05/2011 - 4:12pm Permalink
PotKillsEveryone (not verified)

Bill I'm so glad you're showing these Neanderthals how dangerous and evil Marijuana really is. The sooner Americans wake up and realize that weed kills everyone who uses it the better this country will be. I forget where I read it, but somewhere it says that behind every major genocide in history has been a pole smoking pothead!!! The facts don't lie Bill. I appreciate you bringing to light these irrefutable facts about weed and SIN in general. If these liberal hippies have their way the entire country will likely burn down from their joints. And I know for a fact Jesus was against weed. Look at any picture of Christ and ask yourself.... Have you ever seen a long haired, sandal wearing, blue color worker smoking pot???? Obviously not! They're out supporting our country by killing everyone else...just like they're supposed to. Bill let's educate these idiots before its too late and people are sitting around all willy nilly eating cheetos and watching cartoons....oh yeah and smoking pot!!!!

Tue, 04/05/2011 - 5:38pm Permalink
To (not verified)

Bill Bensmithrie for biggest douche in the universe.


BTW Xtians are inherently sinners against God. You worship God's Son but not God. God sent down one son. To test you. Millions fell for it. FAIL

Wed, 04/06/2011 - 6:46am Permalink
To (not verified)

Bill Bensmithrie for biggest douche in the universe.


BTW Xtians are inherently sinners against God. You worship God's Son but not God. God sent down one son. To test you. Millions fell for it. FAIL

Wed, 04/06/2011 - 6:47am Permalink
POTMAN (not verified)

God Loves All. Even Drug Addicts.

And He even loves you........ Hypocrite.....

Thu, 04/07/2011 - 3:10pm Permalink
PotKillsEveryone (not verified)

Bill I'm so glad you're showing these Neanderthals how dangerous and evil Marijuana really is. The sooner Americans wake up and realize that weed kills everyone who uses it the better this country will be. I forget where I read it, but somewhere it says that behind every major genocide in history has been a pole smoking pothead!!! The facts don't lie Bill. I appreciate you bringing to light these irrefutable facts about weed and SIN in general. If these liberal hippies have their way the entire country will likely burn down from their joints. And I know for a fact Jesus was against weed. Look at any picture of Christ and ask yourself.... Have you ever seen a long haired, sandal wearing, blue color worker smoking pot???? Obviously not! They're out supporting our country by killing everyone else...just like they're supposed to. Bill let's educate these idiots before its too late and people are sitting around all willy nilly eating cheetos and watching cartoons....oh yeah and smoking pot!!!!

Tue, 04/05/2011 - 5:34pm Permalink
Cannibus (not verified)

In reply to by PotKillsEveryone (not verified)

Jesus had long hair, wore sandals, and was a carpenter. I'm pretty sure anyone who thinks they are the son of god has to be smoking something. And I think we all know what Moses was talking about when he said that god talked to him as a burning bush.

Tue, 04/05/2011 - 5:50pm Permalink
courtney (not verified)

ok 1st of all do ur research  ok when Jesus use the anoting oil  when he healed the sick look n see what the ingredients were  there were 3 and one was hemp, another point why is 5 and 7 dominate in the bible ant that the number of leaves on a plant  then when the had pray meetings in the tents they filled up with smoke and everybody laughed so don't tell me its not in the bible do  ur research .. thank you

Tue, 04/05/2011 - 9:38pm Permalink
Mister Nurse (not verified)

Bill you ought 2 be ashamed of yourself, I an a Christian but I am also a nurse & I see people as well as very young kids die everyday from cancer, & I have seen people with cancer use pot & it cured them some have been cancer free for decades.  What gives you the right? Who do you think you are?  If you were dying from a deadly for of cancer I would like to see if that would change your mind on pot..... You told one person above that God has something brewing up for her!  Where is god when there are good people dying from cancer every few seconds? 

Tue, 04/05/2011 - 9:52pm Permalink
BOB BOBBY BOB (not verified)

i think that it doesnt matter what other people think people are going to do what they want so why argue over it

Wed, 04/06/2011 - 9:05am Permalink
MaineGeezer (not verified)

I'm reminded once again of the quote, "Marijuana may or may not make its users irrational, but it certainly makes some non-users irrational."

Bill, you are so far away from Jesus you couldn't see Him with the Hubble telescope.

Wed, 04/06/2011 - 1:34pm Permalink
Moonrider (not verified)

to excise the puritanical streak that runs thru so many religious Americans.  It's like a virulent cancerous tumor destroying the freedom this country was founded to preserve.

Thu, 04/07/2011 - 4:07am Permalink

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