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Drug War Chronicle

Comprehensive coverage of the War on Drugs since 1997

  • Rick Steves, Keith Stroup, Ethan Nadelmann, Brian Vicente for OR Amendment 64, Roy Kaufman for OR Measure 80 (
    Rick Steves, Keith Stroup, Ethan Nadelmann, Brian Vicente for OR Amendment 64, Roy Kaufman for OR Measure 80 (

    At NORML, A Sharp Focus on the Marijuana Initiatives [FEATURE]

    NORML's 41st annual national conference took place in Los Angeles over the weekend. Discussion of pending marijuana legalization initiatives dominated the event.
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    This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

    Some Michigan narcs were up to no good, a New Mexico probation officer getscaught carrying pounds of weed, a New York City prison guard gets caught peddling pot and placebos (!) to prisoners, and a Florida cop gets caught stealing weed to use as probable cause for a search warrant. Just another week in the drug war.
  • Ann Lee, 2012 NORML conference (
    Ann Lee, 2012 NORML conference (

    Richard Lee's Mom Wows 'Em at NORML [FEATURE]

    The marijuana reform movement has found a most unlikely spokeswoman: A silver-haired octogenarian Texas Republican woman. But Ann Lee isn't just any silver-haired octogenarian Texas Republican woman.
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    Initiative Watch

    Just over a month out, medical marijuana and marijuana legalization initiative campaigns are heating up.
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    MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_51.jpg

    Medical Marijuana Update

    Mitt Romney (mis)speaks out on medical marijuana, the LA dispensary ban is repealed, and the feds keep on grinding away at medical marijuana providers with another conviction in Montana and a lengthy prison sentence in Michigan. And that's just for starters.
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    This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

    A former Pennsylvania prosecutor gets caught peddling pot, and a TSA agent and an Alabama cop head to prison for taking bribes from drug dealers.