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Drug War Chronicle

Comprehensive coverage of the War on Drugs since 1997

  • MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_116.jpg
    MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_116.jpg

    Medical Marijuana Update

    The Colorado Supreme Court will take up an important medical marijuana employment rights case, Connecticut selects marijuana producers, Massachusetts gets ready to announce who gets dispensaries, California localities keep moving to restrict cultivation, and more.
  • MPP's Superbowl billboards take advantage of the hoopla to challenge the NFL.
    MPP's Superbowl billboards take advantage of the hoopla to challenge the NFL.

    Chronicle AM -- January 29, 2014

    Superbowl-linked banners chiding the NFL on marijuana policy go up, drug testing of students, workers, and welfare recipients is in the news, a federal sentencing reform bill picks up support, Guatemalan peasants pick up rocks and sticks to chase off eradicators, and more.
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    This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

    Two cops go down for providing info to drug dealers, a DARE officer who ripped off the program gets a slap on the wrist, a Philly narc entangled with a snitch gets entangled with lies, and another prison guard gets popped.
  • Destiny Hoffman sat in jail for 154 days after a drug court judge forgot about her. (Clark Co. Jail)
    Destiny Hoffman sat in jail for 154 days after a drug court judge forgot about her. (Clark Co. Jail)

    Chronicle AM -- January 28, 2014

    The hemp amendment gets included in the farm bill, Colorado's Supreme Court will review medical marijuana patients' employment rights, we have a couple of drug war horror stories, Mexico's security apparatus is joining forces with anti-cartel vigilantes, and Saudi Arabia's premarital drug testing program isn't working, and more.
  • Drug War Chronicle takes no position on the game.
    Drug War Chronicle takes no position on the game.

    Chronicle AM -- January 27, 2014

    Florida's medical marijuana initiative will go to the voters in November, the DEA administrator is being both jeered and cheered for her criticism of President Obama's remarks on marijuana, the Supreme Court makes it harder to punish drug dealers for deaths related to their wares, and much more.
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    Two Oklahoma Cops Among Four Latest Drug War Deaths

    A Louisiana man is dead over what looks like a case of pot smoking in a car, and in a bizarre incident, two Oklahoma cops were killed when their cars collided chasing a drug suspect, who himself had died in a separate crash as he fled moments earlier.
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    Chronicle AM -- January 24, 2014

    Bills are popping at state houses across the land, pot politics continues hot and heavy, world leaders have harsh words for prohibition at Davos, and much, much more.