Not So Fast -- Funny Numbers in the Same Old 2008 US National Drug Strategy Report
President Bush and ONDCP head John Walters released the 2008 National Drug Control Strategy over the weekend. They are claiming some important victories, but some critics say not so fast.
The New British National Drug Strategy -- A Little Tougher, Maybe a Little Smarter, But Essentially More of the Same
The British government unveiled its new 10-year national drug strategy last week. For critics, it looks like more of the same old failed policies, with a step forward on treatment and prevention and a few steps back on policing.
Law Enforcement: This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories
A former Cleveland cop heads to the slammer for protecting cocaine shipments, and a former Georgia narc pleads guilty to stealing $80,000.
Medical Marijuana: Kansas Bill Dies as Legislative Deadline Passes
The effort to pass a medical marijuana bill is dead for this year in Kansas -- killed by an obstructionist committee chair -- but organizers vow it will be back.
Medical Marijuana: Michigan Petition Signatures Approved, Measure Headed for November Ballot Unless Legislature Approves It First
The Michigan medical marijuana initiative has been approved by the state Board of Canvassers. Now, it heads to the voters in November -- unless the legislature approves it in the next six weeks.
Hemp: Licensing Bill Passes Minnesota House, Would Require Federal Approval
Maybe the third time is the charm. After going nowhere in 1999 and 2002, hemp legislation is moving at the Minnesota state capitol. A licensing bill has passed two committee votes despite law enforcement objections.
Appeal: Three Exciting New Book Offers for Our Donating Supporters
We are pleased to offer the works "Over the Influence: The Harm Reduction Guide for Managing Drugs and Alcohol," "Women Behind Bars: The Crisis of Women in the US Prison System," and "Cannabis: Yields and Dosage," as our latest membership premium gifts.
Europe: Czech Supreme Court Throws Out Medical Marijuana Grow Conviction
The Czech Supreme Court has overturned the marijuana cultivation convictions of a retiree who claimed she was growing to treat her ulcers and foot pain. It doesn't mean it's legal to grow pot now, but it appears the lower courts will have to take medical necessity defenses under consideration.
Pain Treatment: INCB Calls for Greater Access to Opioid Medicines in Developing World
The UN's International Narcotics Control Board has called for greater access to and use of opioid pain relievers in the developing world. In a slap at proposals to license and "medicalize" the Afghan opium crop, the INCB argues that global supply isn't the problem.
Latin America: INCB Calls on Peru, Bolivia to Ban Coca Chewing
The International Narcotics Control Board wants the governments of Bolivia and Peru to ban coca chewing. Not happening.
Jamaica: Government Considering Marijuana Legalization, Official Says
A Jamaican government official said last Friday that the island nation is considering legalizing or decriminalizing marijuana as part of a drug law reform proposal. But don't hold your breath, the government said this was coming "soon" back in 2003.
Weekly: This Week in History
Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
Students: Intern at DRCNet and Help Stop the Drug War!
Apply for an internship at DRCNet for this fall (or spring), and you could spend the semester fighting the good fight!
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