Editorial: They Know More Than They're Willing to Admit About the Drug War
Some candid remarks from a Republican Senator this week suggest that our leaders understand more about the drug issue than they are willing to admit to most of the time.
Feature: Presidential Contenders and Drug Policy II -- Republicans
Last week, we looked at the Democratic presidential candidates' drug policy positions. This week, it's the Republicans' turn.
Feature: Would-Be North Dakota Hemp Farmers Have Another Day in Court
North Dakota farmers who are suing the federal government for the right to grow hemp had another day in court Wednesday in Bismarck as federal prosecutors sought to get the case thrown out. A decision on that motion is expected by month's end.
Weekly: Blogging @ the Speakeasy
"Marijuana Evolves Faster Than Human Beings," "Feds Predict Major Drop in Marijuana Prices," "Lamar Alexander Acknowledges the Futility of the Drug War" and "Eighty-Year-Old US-Mexico Drug Program is Far Over Budget," "Hemp on the Menu in Bismarck, North Dakota," "Top Drug War Advocate Publicly Humiliates Himself."
Students: Intern at DRCNet and Help Stop the Drug War!
Apply for an internship at DRCNet for this fall (or spring), and you could spend the semester fighting the good fight!
Full of It: Rep. Mark Souder Souder Gets Called on His Characterization of HEA Reform Supporters
Arch-drug warrior went a little too far when he called opponents of his pet financial aid drug convictions law a pack of drug legalizers. Now, he's being called on it.
Law Enforcement: This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories
Tennessee's narc of the year gets busted, and cops in Boston and Buffalo cop pleas.
Medical Marijuana: Invited By "Pro-Family Group," Drug Czar's Chief Scientist Testifies at Tennessee House Hearing
A Tennessee medical marijuana bill saw a bunch of hostile witnesses, as the drug czar's office teamed up with the local religious right to try to nip it in the bud.
Marijuana: California Cops Destroy Pot Worth Twice As Much as State's Largest Legal Cash Crop, But Still Miss Vast Majority of It
Another harvest season has come and gone in California, and law enforcement is crowing about record marijuana plant seizures. The numbers are huge, but the numbers missed are bigger -- and so are the lost tax revenues.
Marijuana: A Week After Initiative Vote, Denver Bites the Bullet -- Sort Of
A week after Denver voters for the third time in as many years signaled that marijuana users should not be arrested, city officials are moving -- reluctantly -- to implement a lowest priority initiative.
Popular Culture: One-Third of Hit Songs Contain Drug Use References
Pop music is full of drug references, researchers have found, most of them positive. Stop the presses!
Australia: Queensland to Increase Drug Penalties
The Australian state of Queensland is effectively increasing penalties for a number of drugs by rescheduling them as more dangerous.
Death Penalty: Two More Executed for Drug Trafficking in Saudi Arabia
Two more drug offenders were executed last week in Saudi Arabia. The kingdom is in a de facto contest with Iran, Indonesia, and Malaysia to see who is the world's leading killer of drug law violators.
Web Scan
CDC syringe exchange data, conservatives and religious use of marijuana, Anthony Papa on crack cocaine sentencing, medical marijuana on video and the web, DOJ drug threat assessment, Missoula lowest priority report, Liberty Pen, Karen Garrison, Marc Mauer, Jerry Epstein.
Weekly: This Week in History
Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
Job Opportunity: Drug Policy Alliance, Deputy Director, San Francisco Office
The Drug Policy Alliance is searching for a Deputy Director to work in its San Francisco office.
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