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Editorial: Their Security Demands You Vote Repeal
Alcohol prohibition tempted young people into lives of crime back then. Drug prohibition is tempting them again the same way now.
Feature: In Mexico, Now It's Calderon's Drug War
Mexico's new president, Felipe Calderon, has unleashed a vigorous attack on that country's powerful and violent drug cartels. Washington is happy, but Mexico analysts wonder if it's just another bit of poltical theater.
Feature: Drug Policy Reform Group to Partner with State of New Mexico in Federally-Funded Meth Prevention Education Program
In a first for a drug policy reform organization, the Drug Policy Alliance's New Mexico office has been selected to administer a $500,000 federal grant to develop comprehensive methamphetamine education and prevention strategies aimed at youth in the state.
Law Enforcement: This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories
Prison and jail guards gone bad! Evidence gone missing! Narcs gone to prison! Busy, busy, busy.
Law Enforcement: SWAT Team Flash-Burn Grenade Assault Injures Drug Suspect
More SWAT team madness -- this time, Indiana cops doing a small-time drug raid manage to inflict serious burns on their man when they fired a flash-bang grenade into his home -- business as usual, according to their leader.
Medical Marijuana: Vermont Bill to Expand Therapeutic Use of Cannabis Advances
A compromise version of a bill that would expand Vermont's two-year-old medical marijuana law has passed its first legislative hurdle.
HEA: UC Berkeley Student Senate Approves Bill to Provide Scholarships for Students Denied Aid Because of Drug Convictions
The UC Berkeley student senate Wednesday night passed a measure that will provide $400 scholarships for students denied federal aid under the Higher Education Act's drug provision because they were convicted on drug charges.
Europe: British Cannabis Confusion Continues as Policing Policies Evolve
Amidst confusion and uncertainty among police, politicians, and citizens alike, British police announced new arrest policies for marijuana possession this week. But a study just released says police are a big part of the problem.
Europe: Moscow Mayor Calls for Harsh Drug Laws Including Death Penalty
Moscow's mayor called for Russia to adopt harsh, Singapore-style drug policies in a speech to Russian narcs this week.
Canada: Vancouver Mayor Calls for Large-Scale Methamphetamine, Cocaine Maintenance Trials
Vancouver Mayor Sam Sullivan has called for stimulant maintenance trials for more than 700 hard-core methamphetamine and cocaine users as part of a broad plan to improve the quality of life in the city before the 2010 Winter Olympics.
Latin America: Mexican Narco-Saint On the Move
A Mexican folk saint who supposedly protects outlaws and drug traffickers as well as the poor and defenseless has a new shrine in Mexico City.
This Week in History
Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
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