by Bernd Debusmann, Jr.
Mexican drug trafficking organizations make billions each year smuggling drugs into the United States, profiting enormously from the prohibitionist drug policies of the US government. Since Mexican president Felipe Calderon took office in December 2006 and called the armed forces into the fight against the so-called cartels, prohibition-related violence has killed an estimated 23,000 people, with a death toll of nearly 8,000 in 2009 and over 5,000 so far in 2010. The increasing militarization of the drug war and the arrest of dozens of high-profile drug traffickers have failed to stem the flow of drugs -- or the violence -- whatsoever. The Merida initiative, which provides $1.4 billion over three years for the US to assist the Mexican government with training, equipment and intelligence, has so far failed to make a difference. Here are a few of the latest developments in Mexico's drug war:

In Guatemala City, Guatemala, four human heads were left to be discovered near the national Congress and three other locations in and around the city. A note threatening the interior minister and head of the national prison system was left with one of the heads. While leaving decapitated heads to be found happens with some frequency in Mexico, such cases are rare in Guatemala. Organized crime in Guatemala is integrally linked to Mexico, as Mexican cartels have an extensive presence in the country, which they use to move shipments of cocaine into Mexico from South America.
In Houston, Texas, federal authorities announced the arrest of 2,200 suspects linked to Mexican drug cartels. The arrests came during a 22-month probe which targeted cells of every major drug cartel. On Wednesday, some 400 people were arrested across 16 states. The probe led to the seizure of $154, 1,200 pounds of meth, 2.5 tons of cocaine, 1,400 pounds of heroin, and 69 tons of marijuana.
Friday , June 11
In the city of Chihuahua, 19 people were killed and four were wounded when gunmen raided a drug-rehabilitation clinic. At least 30 gunmen traveling in six vehicles stormed the Christian Faith and Life Center, using assault rifles to kill 14 people immediately, which was followed by the execution of an additional five. The attackers left a threatening message as they withdrew. The attack was similar to two which took place in Ciudad Juarez in September, which left 28 people dead. Initial reports from police suggest that the center may have housed members of the "Mexicles" gang, which is allied to the Sinaloa Cartel as it battles the Juarez Cartel for control of the Chihuahua drug-trafficking corridors.
In Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas, at least 20 people were killed in five incidents across the city. The incidents began late on Thursday night when police clashed with an unclear number of gunmen who were moving in vehicles in the city. Police later discovered bodies on a nearby beach on several other locations in Madero.
Sunday , June 13
In Tepic, Nayarit, eight gunmen and a policeman were killed during a chaotic gun fight in a crowded shopping mall. At least 1,500 shoppers were present during the incident, which began when police entering the shopping mall to investigate a report of suspicious activity were met by gunfire from at least 15 gunmen. At least one civilian, a taxi driver, was killed in the crossfire. Four other killings were reported in Tepic on Sunday, making it the most violent day in the city's recent history.
Monday , June 14
Across Mexico, 43 people were killed in drug-related violence. In Michoacan, 12 police officers were killed after being ambush near the town of Zitacuaro. One gunman was killed in the ensuing firefight. The army and police launched an immediate manhunt for the remaining gunmen, who escaped.
In Mazatlan, Sinaloa, 28 prison inmates were killed in a gunfight inside the confines of the prison. At least some of the inmates were said to be members of the Zetas Organization. The incident comes just a week after Sinaloa Governor Jesus Aguilar warned about the repercussions of overcrowding in the Mazatlan prison, which houses 6,000 inmates, many of the linked to drug-trafficking organizations. Sinaloa has long been at the heart of the Mexican drug trade.
Tuesday , June 15
In Taxco, 15 gunmen were killed during a 40 minute-long firefight with elements of the Mexican Army. No soldiers were wounded or killed in the fight, which began after troops came under fire while investigating a suspicious location. Initial reports indicate that the gunmen were part of the Beltran-Leyva Cartel faction loyal to US-born drug trafficker Edgar "La Barbie" Valdez Villareal, so nicknamed for his blue eyes and light complexion.
Wednesday , June 16
In Ciudad Juarez, eight people were murdered in a 15-minute span across the city, and 22 were killed by the end of the day. In one incident, six people were killed at a methadone clinic, including a man who was killed next to his two-year old son.
In Monterrey, seven police officers were kidnapped and executed by armed men. The bodies of the officers -- all showing signs of torture -- were later found on an abandoned plot of land along with a message. One of the men was decapitated. Three teenagers were also killed in a separate incident in Monterrey. In Santiago, 19 miles away from Monterrey, two police officers were found shot to death.
Thursday, June 17
In Costa Rica, 14 drug traffickers were arrested by police. Four of the suspects were found to Mexican nationals and representatives of an unspecified cartel. Costa Rica has seen an increased presence of Mexican drug trafficking organizations who seek new routes for cocaine headed north from South America.
Total Body Count for the Week: 416
Total Body Count for the Year: 5,210
Read the last Mexico Drug War Update here.
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Stop the Violence in Mexico -- Support California Legalization
The only way to stop the heads from rolling in Mexico is to end prohibition in the US. Since 70% of the income of the drug cartels comes from cannabis, a good start would be to legalize weed.
In November 2010, Californians will get to vote to legalize, control, and tax cannabis. Support the initiative. Visit
Los responsables de la guerra son quienes la declaran
Los responsables de la legislación vigente son quienes promulgan las leyes. Los errores de esta legislación pueden corregirse enmendando las leyes. Los responsables de la guerra son quienes la declaran, no sólo quienes la ponen en práctica, y si esta arroja muertes en forma de ejecuciones se forma una responsabilidad compartida.
Consumidores y vendedores de drogas tienen como enemigo la ilegalidad que arroja persecución policÃaca, procesos penales y cárcel. Y tienen también en su contra la declaratoria militar de guerra al narcotráfico que crea un estado de excepción en el que todo se vale.
Partidarios de un libre consumo de sustancias prohibidas se atreven a externar sus ideas en los sitios de opinión. Ya proponen la legalidad de las drogas pero nadie habla del fin de la guerra. Quienes quieren la paz piensan en su bienestar individual, (dicen), no en el bienestar colectivo, y hasta la fecha la prohibición y la guerra cuentan con defensores que encuentran justificables la muerte y la cárcel para quienes tienen una actitud diferente ante la vida, para quienes aman la libertad.
En lo personal dudo que la actual ejecución de vendedores aparte a los consumidores del uso, y dichas ejecuciones que siembran el terror están justificando el sectarismo y un estado inconstitucional donde la vida no merece mayor respeto.
Legalicen las drogas escriben algunos, detengan la guerra militar a las mismas, serÃa una expresión más completa en sus objetivos.
Stop the drug war
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