As the Jamaican parliament
moves toward a vote on the decriminalization of ganja for personal use
the government's top lawyer warned legislators Wednesday that the move
would violate international anti-drug treaties and draw the ire of the
United States. A National Ganja Commission has recommended that "the
relevant laws be amended so that ganja can be decriminalized for the private,
personal use of small quantities by adults." But Solicitor General
Michael Hylton told the Joint Select Committee of Parliament studying ganja
decrim that if "the Dangerous Drugs Act is amended to decriminalize the
private, personal use of marijuana in small quantities, Jamaica would,
in all likelihood, be in breach of certain international obligations in
respect of drug control."
Jamaican Parliament |
Decrim could also lead to
decertification by the United States as a good partner in the war on drugs,
Hylton warned. "Thus, if Jamaica were to decriminalize marijuana
for personal use, there would be a distinct risk that the country would
be subject to the sanctions associated with decertification," he said.
But Hylton's claims are questionable.
The US state of Ohio, for example, has decriminalized the possession of
up to 100 grams (or almost a quarter-pound) of marijuana. It has
been neither decertified by the United States nor invaded by the United
Nations. Still, his remarks were enough to wreak havoc with the pro-decriminalization
consensus that had been emerging in the committee. Now, according
to the Jamaica Observer, the committee is attempting to rebuild that near
-- END --
Issue #315, 12/12/03
Editorial: Steve Kubby IS a Refugee |
Canada Denies Refugee Status to US Medical Marijuana Exile |
Fallout Continues in Goose Creek, South Carolina, High School Drug Raid |
DRCNet Interview: Darrell Rogers, Acting Executive Director, Students for Sensible Drug Policy |
DRCNet Book Review: "A Drug War Carol," by Susan Wells and Scott Bieser (Big Head Press, $5.95) |
Newsbrief: Bush Campaign Letter Attacks Drug Reform Funders |
Newsbrief: Thai Government to Investigate Itself over Drug War Killings |
Newsbrief: Bolivian Government Shifts Away from "Zero Coca" |
Newsbrief: New Canadian Prime Minister to Revive Marijuana Decriminalization Bill |
Newsbrief: Jamaican Solicitor General Warns Ganja Decrim Could Violate International Treaties, Invite US Retaliation |
Newsbrief: Australian Prime Minister Says Injection Room Violates Treaties, UN Says No It Doesn't |
Newsbrief: Medical Marijuana Approved by German Court |
Newsbrief: West Virginia Supreme Court Grants Private Employers Greater Pre-Employment Drug Test Rights |
Newsbrief: NYC Cigarette Tax Hike Leads to Black Market Violence |
Newsbrief: Cop Kills Cop in Methamphetamine Raid Gone Awry |
DRCNet Temporarily Suspending Our Web-Based Write-to-Congress Service Due to Funding Shortfalls -- Your Help Can Bring It Back -- Keep Contacting Congress in the Meantime |
Perry Fund Accepting Applications for 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 School Years, Providing Scholarships for Students Losing Aid Because of Drug Convictions |
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