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Board of Advisors & UN Representatives

Board of Advisors

Betty Aldworth, Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies

Mohammad Ashrafuzzaman, Asian Human Rights Commission, Hong Kong

Justine Balane, Philippine human rights advocate

Rick Doblin, Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies

Major Neill Franklin (ret.), Law Enforcement Action Partnership (LEAP)

David Hadorn, MD

Heather J. Haase, LL.M, Co-founder, International Drug Law Advocacy & Resource Center

Jon Holmes, Northampton, MA

Khurshid Khoja, Greenbridge Corporate Counsel

Kris Krane, Founder, 4Front Ventures

Pamela M. Lichty, MPH, Drug Policy Forum of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI

Jason Ortiz, Students for Sensible Drug Policy

Eric Sterling, JD, Criminal Justice Policy Foundation (retired), Washington, DC

Mitzi Vaughn

Mitzi Vaughn
Attorney Mitzi Vaughn is a shareholder at Karr Tuttle Campbell in Seattle, Washington. She represents cannabis clients in matters of regulatory compliance, corporate transactions and governance, and intellectual property. She was a founding board member of the International Cannabis Bar Association and currently sits on its advisory board.

Vaughn has advised governmental bodies regarding cannabis regulation, including the Jamaican Cannabis Licensing Authority, the Hawaii Legislature's Joint Health Committee, members of the Washington State Legislature, and the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board.

She is also active in many drug policy reform organizations. Prior to joining our Advisory Board, she served on the Board of Directors from mid-2020 through early 2025. She serves as General Counsel to The Cannabis Alliance (WA), is an Advisory Council member and General Counsel for Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP).

Vaughn was awarded a J.D. from the University of California at Berkeley School of Law, studied international human rights at Central European University in Budapest, Hungary, and earned a B.A. in History, magna cum laude, from the University of Texas at San Antonio.

In Memoriam: Kevin Alexander Gray

United Nations Representatives

David Borden, CEO Representative, Geneva, New York, Vienna (bio above)

Michael Krawitz, Main Representative, Geneva, Vienna, Additional Representative, New York (bio above)

Marco Perduca, Administrative Representative, Geneva, Vienna (bio above)

Benjamin Phillips, Main Representative, New York, Additional Representative, Geneva, Vienna

Kenzi Riboulet-Zemouli, Additional Representative, Geneva, Vienna