Drug War Issues
Politics & Advocacy
In an August 24 ruling, the Colombian Supreme Court rejected a 2009 constitutional amendment recriminalizing the possession of personal use amounts of illegal drugs. Prior to that amendment, pushed vigorously by then President Alvaro Uribe, the possession of small amounts of drugs for personal use had been legal under a 1994 Constitutional Court decision.

Palace of Justice, Bogota (image via Wikimedia)
The ruling overturning Uribe's amendment came in the case of Juan Carlos Vela Gomez, a teenager sentenced to five years in prison after being caught with 80 grams of marijuana. Although Vela Gomez carried more than the 20 gram personal use amount, the court still found that subjecting him to a lengthy prison sentence violated "personal freedoms."
The move is a welcome step and one in line with drug policy reforms in other Latin American countries, but as Insight Crime noted, Colombia still has some of the most repressive drug policies in the region. More than 12,000 were doing time for drug crimes in Colombian prisons at the end of 2009, up 3% over 2003, and most of them are believed to be low-level offenders, including drug couriers and coca-leaf pickers.
Colombia has received around $6 billion in US anti-drug assistance since the inauguration of Plan Colombia in the late 1990s.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
US Drug prohibition is
US Drug prohibition is killing us here in the Caribbean, in Central America and in Northern South America. Two seemingly innocuous paradigms were formulated by Eisenhower long ago: that of a WAR on something (it was poverty then) and the idea of fighting all of US wars offshore. Sixty years later, we are the collateral damage.>When I saw two years ago that there was to be a new "sub" OAS, without the US & Canada, I thought that a change in drug policy was its chief aim, but I have heard nothing.
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