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Personal Marijuana Use

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Poll Finds Texans Ready to Legalize Marijuana

Lone Star state voters are ready to legalize marijuana, legalize medical marijuana, and/or decriminalize marijuana, according to a new poll. The times they are a-changing.
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Majority Favor Marijuana Legalization in California, Poll Finds

The respected Public Policy Institute of California has just released a poll showing majority support for legalization in the state -- the first time PPIC has reported a majority on the issue. The poll results are likely to encourage efforts to get an initiative on the ballot next year.

Marijuana Initiatives Coming to Wyoming

Marijuana law reform in Wyoming? State activists are working to make it so with two different initiative campaigns, one for legalization and one for medical marijuana.

Marijuana Legalization Bill Introduced in DC

First, a District decriminalization bill was filed. Now, a marijuana legalization bill has been filed in the nation's capital. Public opinion there supports both efforts, and activists are ready to move with an initiative if the council falters.
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Majority Supports Marijuana Reform in Michigan

Public opinion has tipped in favor of marijuana reform in Michigan, with nearly half of respondents calling for outright legalization and more than two-thirds embracing either decriminalization or legalization.