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Medical Marijuana

ACTION ALERT: Statewide Bill Threatens Patient Rights

On Thursday, March 4, starting at 1:30pm, the Colorado State Legislature will hear the first reading of a bill which seeks to regulate dispensaries-- and weaken patient rights.  This bill, HB 1284, which was largely authored by law enforcement, threatens to cripple the state medical marijuana law in a number of ways. (Note a version of this bill will be posted on our website shortly.)


Here are a few of the most damaging provisions of the bill:


  • Prohibits patients from living near schools.  Patients could not possess medicine within 1000 feet of a school, which means patients could not live near schools.
  • Patients could not join together with family members or others to share grow space.
  • Would allow cities and towns to ban dispensaries-- forcing sick patients to "get on the bus" to find medicine.


Here's how you can help fight HB 1284


Attend the Thursday Hearing.  Legislators need to hear from patients and professionals about how damaging HB 1284 will be.  This Hearing should begin around 1:30 at the State Capitol in Denver in the Old Supreme Court Chambers (2nd floor).  Please show up, dress nice, and spread the message to "vote no on HB 1284."


Call your state legislator


Every state legislator should hear how bad HB 1284 is.  You can find and contact your state legislators here.  Note you will need to enter your nine digit zip code to find your state rep and senator.  Find your full zip code here.

What is Keeping Maryland from Passing a Medical Marijuana Law?

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                                                 

MARCH 2, 2010

What is Keeping Maryland from Passing a Medical Marijuana Law?

Despite overwhelming public support and virtually no opposition, key officials are still silent about their stance on the issue

CONTACT: Mike Meno, MPP assistant director of communications …………… 202-905-2030

ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND — Last Friday, Feb. 26, the Maryland House Judiciary and Health and Government Committees held a public hearing on a bill that would allow chronically ill patients to have safe access to medical marijuana with their doctor’s recommendation—an idea supported by 81% of Americans nationwide, according to a recent ABC News/Washington Post poll. Dozens of witnesses—including physicians, patients, and former law enforcement officials—testified in favor of the bill, and no one testified in opposition. Fourteen other states have already passed medical marijuana laws. So why hasn’t Maryland?

         Previous efforts to pass medical marijuana legislation in Maryland all failed to make it out of the House Judiciary Committee, chaired by Del. Joseph F. Vallario , Jr., (D-Dist. 27A, Calvert and Prince George’s Counties). In the past, Del. Vallario has expressed concern over legislation that might clash with federal law. But medical marijuana should no longer trigger such concerns following the October release of an Obama administration memo instructing federal prosecutors not to target medical marijuana patients or caregivers who obey state law.

         Just last week, a poll conducted by Conquest Communications in Del. Vallario’s House District showed support for passing this year’s medical marijuana bill outnumbered opposition nearly 3-1.  

         “Sometimes in an election year you’ll see politicians shy away from controversial issues, but these polls show there’s nothing controversial anymore about medical marijuana – except maybe opposing it,” said Dan Riffle, a legislative analyst with the Marijuana Policy Project. “Now that the federal government has given the green light to states to enact medical marijuana laws, there should be nothing stopping Chariman Vallario and others here in Maryland from listening to the will of their constituents.”

         With more than 124,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Marijuana Policy Project is the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. For more information, please visit


Medical Marijuana Bill Gets Hearing Today in Annapolis

MEDIA ADVISORY                                                                                                                                               

february 26, 2010

Medical Marijuana Bill Gets Hearing Today in Annapolis

HB 712 Would Allow Seriously Ill Patients to Use Medical Marijuana With Doctor’s Recommendation

CONTACT: Mike Meno, MPP assistant director of communications …………… 202-905-2030

ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND— Today, the Maryland House Judiciary and Health and Government Operations committees will hold a hearing to receive testimony on HB 712, a bill introduced by Del. Dan Morhaim (D-Baltimore County) that would make Maryland the 15th state in the nation to have a medical marijuana law. The bill would allow pharmacies or other state-regulated outlets to dispense medical marijuana to patients who receive a recommendation from their doctor.

         WHAT: Hearing on HB 712, a medical marijuana bill in Maryland

         WHERE: Maryland Legislative Services Building—across from the statehouse—in the hearing room

         WHEN: Friday, February 26, 1 p.m.

         WHO: House Judiciary and Health and Government Operations committees

         With more than 124,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Marijuana Policy Project is the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. For more information, please visit


ALERT: #434 The International Narcotics Control Board On Cannabis

THE INTERNATIONAL NARCOTICS CONTROL BOARD ON CANNABIS ********************************************************************** DrugSense FOCUS Alert #434 - Thursday, 25 February 2010 Today major newspapers across Canada printed articles with headlines like 'Strengthen Medical Marijuana Laws, UN Drug Watchdog Warns' which appeared in the National Post: The key paragraph from the article states "The Vienna-based International Narcotics Control Board said Canada is operating outside international treaty rules aimed at minimizing the risk criminals will get hold of cannabis grown under the program." The Board has only the power to encourage governments to act in accordance with the United Nations Conventions on Narcotic Drugs. Governments are free to express their sovereignty as their laws allow. The media is more often than not clueless about this. Understanding this may help you to counter the issues raised in your letters to the editor and your other efforts in support of marijuana law reform. MAP's news clippings are updated a few times each day at Some may touch on this issue, but many will not. Most clippings are worthy of consideration for your letter to the editor writing efforts. ********************************************************************** The Board's report is at and Chapter III, Americas is at The paragraph about the United States and cannabis is below. 400. While the consumption and cultivation of cannabis, except for scientific purposes, are illegal activities according to federal law in the United States, several states have enacted laws that provide for the "medical use" of cannabis.41 The control measures applied in those states for the cultivation of cannabis plants and the production, distribution and use of cannabis fall short of the control requirements laid down in the 1961 Convention. The Board is deeply concerned that those insufficient control provisions have contributed substantially to the increase in illicit cultivation and abuse of cannabis in the United States. In addition, that development sends a wrong message to other countries. The Board welcomes the reaffirmation by the Government of the United States that cannabis continues to be considered a dangerous drug. The Government has also underscored that it is the responsibility of the Food and Drug Administration to approve all medicines in the United States. The Board notes with appreciation that the Government, following new guidelines on prosecution, which stipulate that activities should not focus on individuals who comply with "medical" cannabis regulations in states, has confirmed that it has no intention to legalize cannabis. The Board is concerned over the ongoing discussion in several states on legalizing and taxing the "recreational" use of cannabis, which would be a serious contravention of the 1961 Convention. The Board emphasizes that it is the responsibility of the Government of the United States to fully implement the provisions of the 1961 Convention with respect to all narcotic drugs, including cannabis (see paragraphs 61-64 above). ********************************************************************** Suggestions for Writing LTEs Are at Our Media Activism Center ********************************************************************** Prepared by: Richard Lake, Senior Editor === DrugSense provides many services at no charge, but they are not free to produce. Your contributions make DrugSense and its Media Awareness Project (MAP) happen. Please donate today. Our secure Web server at accepts credit cards and Paypal. Or, mail your check or money order to: DrugSense 14252 Culver Drive #328 Irvine, CA 92604-0326. (800) 266 5759 DrugSense is a 501c(3) non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness about the expensive, ineffective, and destructive "War on Drugs." Donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by law.

Press Release: Medical Marijuana Bill Passes New York Senate Health Committee

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                                                 

FEBRUARY 23, 2010

Medical Marijuana Bill Passes New York Senate Health Committee

CONTACT: Kurt A. Gardinier, MPP director of communications … 202-905-0738 or [email protected]

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the New York State Senate Health Committee passed S. 4041-B, the Senate’s medical marijuana bill. This marks the second consecutive year that the bill has gotten out of the Senate Health Committee. The Assembly’s medical marijuana bill, A. 9016, passed the Health Committee last month and is now sitting in the Assembly Codes Committee.

         “We applaud the New York Senate Health Committee members for doing the right thing and taking this important step toward protecting sick and dying New Yorkers from arrest or jail,” said Noah Mamber, legislative analyst with the Marijuana Policy Project. “Let’s hope New York legislators will follow the lead of New Jersey, the state next door, which is about to become the 14th state to implement an effective medical marijuana law.”

         The New York State Assembly passed medical marijuana legislation in 2007 and 2008, but the issue has never gotten a Senate floor vote. For the first time in 2009, a Senate medical marijuana bill passed the Senate Health Committee, but progress stalled because of the Senate leadership struggle, which lasted until just before the legislature recessed.

         With more than 29,000 members and 124,000 e-mail subscribers nationwide, the Marijuana Policy Project is the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. MPP believes that the best way to minimize the harm associated with marijuana is to regulate marijuana in a manner similar to alcohol. For more information, please visit


Action #4: Share the science!


Dear friends,

An $8 million state-funded research effort on medical cannabis has just come to an end.  As written in today's Los Angeles Times:

"Investigators report that cannabis can significantly relieve neuropathic pain and reduce muscle spasms in MS patients. More research is urged."

The California-funded Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research sponsored 14 studies at University of California campuses.

Will you help share the science?

The following link ( is a mini-link to the article.  Please take a few minutes to copy and paste this link wherever you can.  Put it on your Facebook page, send it via twitter, forward it to friends.

Find places online where opponents of safe access are making their claims.  Post the article there as well. 

It is time for opponents of safe access to learn the growing science behind medical marijuana.  You can help.

Thanks -

The ASA Team

Americans for Safe Access

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Action #3: Stop the DEA raids!

Dear friends,

Last month, President Obama nominated Acting DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart to formally head the DEA.  Previously, Leonhart was the DEA's Deputy Administrator during a time of more than 200 federal medical marijuana raids in California.

In the two weeks following Leonhart's promotion, the DEA just raided two Colorado medical marijuana laboratories that tested the quality of medical marijuana sold in the state.  Meanwhile, local and federal officials were complaining that medical marijuana needed to be better tested.   On February 12th, the DEA raided a Colorado medical marijuana cultivator.

Four months ago, the US Department of Justice issued a new directive ending the Bush Administration policy of aggressively raiding distribution sites. The new policy discouraged the arrest and prosecution of state-law compliant dispensaries.

Is the DEA ignoring this Obama Administration directive?  Please urge U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and the DEA to end arrests and prosecutions in medical marijuana states.

Click here to take action:

Thanks -

The ASA Team

Americans for Safe Access

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STOP THE RAIDS!!!: Join us Thursday (2/18) when President Obama is in Denver

Sensible News header

Sensible Colorado - working for an effective drug policy



Tell the President what YOU think

Medical Marijuana Patients and Supporters to Rally at Thursday Obama Event
Sensible Colorado leads protesters in call for end to recent "rogue" DEA raids and release of licensed provider and recent arrestee Chris Bartkowicz



On Thursday, February 18, at an event to be attended by President Obama, medical marijuana patients and supporters will participate in a protest of the continuing federal raids of medical marijuana patients and providers in Colorado. 

This event is a response to the recent Drug Enforcement Administration raids of two front-range medical marijuana testing facilities and the Feb. 12 raid of a licensed medical marijuana grower in Highlands Ranch.     

"These DEA raids are out of compliance with both the will of Colorado voters and that of the White House," said Brian Vicente, event organizer and director of Sensible Colorado.  "In particular, the recent, armed raid and arrest of licensed medical marijuana provider Chris Bartkowicz, highlights the rogue nature of the regional DEA office.  President Obama needs to be made aware of this agency's miscreant actions."      

Colorado voters passed a medical marijuana law in 2000.  In October, 2009, the Department of Justice issued a memo instructing federal agents to refrain from focusing resources on the arrest and prosecution of individuals following state medical marijuana laws. That memo is available


WHAT:   Medical Marijuana Protest at Event Attended by President Obama

WHO:    Sign-Waving Medical Marijuana Patients, Providers, and Supporters.

WHEN:  Thursday, February 18 from 12 - 1 pm

WHERE:  Across from the Fillmore Auditorium, at the corner of Colfax and Clarkson in Denver, CO.  See Directions HERE


For more information or to support our work, click HERE

Sensible Colorado | PO Box 18768 | Denver CO 80218

Action #2 for Medical Marijuana Week!


Dear friends,

With National Medical Marijuana Week fully underway, it is time for Action #2!

Show your support for a medical marijuana prisoner.

Although the actions of many medical marijuana prisoners were legal under state law, defendants cannot bring up a medical defense in federal court. 

Sending a letter is just one of several ways you can help a medical marijuana prisoner manage the tough day-to-day realities of a jail or prison sentence.

For a list of medical marijuana prisoners and ways you can help, click here:

Thanks for taking action --

The ASA Team

P.S.  For more info on National Medical Marijuana Week, click here.

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Action #1 for Medical Marijuana Week!


Dear friends,

This week is National Medical Marijuana Week.   Are you ready for Action #1?

29 Members of Congress have already cosponsored H.R. 3939, the Truth in Trials Act.   Is your representative on the list?   If so, they deserve your thanks.  If not, they need to hear from you. 

Either way, click here to take action:

One in four Americans now lives in a state with laws governing medical marijuana.  Unfortunately, law-abiding citizens can still be prosecuted on federal marijuana-related charges.   The "Truth in Trials" Act, H.R. 3939, would enable federal defendants to present evidence showing that they were following state medical marijuana laws.

Thanks for taking action --

Sanjeev, ASA Field Director

P.S.  For more info on National Medical Marijuana Week, click here.

Americans for Safe Access

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