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ALERT: #434 The International Narcotics Control Board On Cannabis

Submitted by dguard on
THE INTERNATIONAL NARCOTICS CONTROL BOARD ON CANNABIS ********************************************************************** DrugSense FOCUS Alert #434 - Thursday, 25 February 2010 Today major newspapers across Canada printed articles with headlines like 'Strengthen Medical Marijuana Laws, UN Drug Watchdog Warns' which appeared in the National Post: The key paragraph from the article states "The Vienna-based International Narcotics Control Board said Canada is operating outside international treaty rules aimed at minimizing the risk criminals will get hold of cannabis grown under the program." The Board has only the power to encourage governments to act in accordance with the United Nations Conventions on Narcotic Drugs. Governments are free to express their sovereignty as their laws allow. The media is more often than not clueless about this. Understanding this may help you to counter the issues raised in your letters to the editor and your other efforts in support of marijuana law reform. MAP's news clippings are updated a few times each day at Some may touch on this issue, but many will not. Most clippings are worthy of consideration for your letter to the editor writing efforts. ********************************************************************** The Board's report is at and Chapter III, Americas is at The paragraph about the United States and cannabis is below. 400. While the consumption and cultivation of cannabis, except for scientific purposes, are illegal activities according to federal law in the United States, several states have enacted laws that provide for the "medical use" of cannabis.41 The control measures applied in those states for the cultivation of cannabis plants and the production, distribution and use of cannabis fall short of the control requirements laid down in the 1961 Convention. The Board is deeply concerned that those insufficient control provisions have contributed substantially to the increase in illicit cultivation and abuse of cannabis in the United States. In addition, that development sends a wrong message to other countries. The Board welcomes the reaffirmation by the Government of the United States that cannabis continues to be considered a dangerous drug. The Government has also underscored that it is the responsibility of the Food and Drug Administration to approve all medicines in the United States. The Board notes with appreciation that the Government, following new guidelines on prosecution, which stipulate that activities should not focus on individuals who comply with "medical" cannabis regulations in states, has confirmed that it has no intention to legalize cannabis. The Board is concerned over the ongoing discussion in several states on legalizing and taxing the "recreational" use of cannabis, which would be a serious contravention of the 1961 Convention. The Board emphasizes that it is the responsibility of the Government of the United States to fully implement the provisions of the 1961 Convention with respect to all narcotic drugs, including cannabis (see paragraphs 61-64 above). ********************************************************************** Suggestions for Writing LTEs Are at Our Media Activism Center ********************************************************************** Prepared by: Richard Lake, Senior Editor === DrugSense provides many services at no charge, but they are not free to produce. Your contributions make DrugSense and its Media Awareness Project (MAP) happen. Please donate today. Our secure Web server at accepts credit cards and Paypal. Or, mail your check or money order to: DrugSense 14252 Culver Drive #328 Irvine, CA 92604-0326. (800) 266 5759 DrugSense is a 501c(3) non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness about the expensive, ineffective, and destructive "War on Drugs." Donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by law.