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Medical Marijuana

Press Release: Maryland Senate Committee Approves Medical Marijuana Bill

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                                                 

APRIL 6, 2010

Maryland Senate Committee Approves Medical Marijuana Bill

By 7-4 vote, Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee OKs Bill to Provide Qualified Patients With Safe Access to Medical Marijuana

CONTACT: Mike Meno, MPP director of communications …………… 202-905-2030 or [email protected]

ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND — Last night, Maryland’s Judicial Proceedings Committee voted 7-4 to pass SB 627, a bill that would provide qualified patients with safe access to medical marijuana and protection from arrest for using the medicine that works best for them. The bill now moves to the full Senate for consideration.

         “This vote represents the biggest victory to date for supporters of an effective medical marijuana law in Maryland,” said Dan Riffle, a legislative analyst with the Marijuana Policy Project. “I look forward to a productive discussion on the Senate floor, and I sincerely hope Maryland legislators do all in their power to get this bill passed and ensure Maryland’s most vulnerable citizens don’t have to spend another year living without effective medicine or in fear of arrest.”  

         Sponsored by Sen. David Brinkley (R-Frederick), a two-time cancer survivor, and co-sponsored by Sen. Jamie Raskin (D-Takoma Park) and key members of the Senate leadership, including Senate President Thomas V. “Mike” Miller (D-Clinton), SB 267 would not only protect patients from arrest but also allow pharmacies or other similar dispensing entities to distribute marijuana to patients.

       Currently 14 other states, including New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Maine, have medical marijuana laws that provide qualified patients with safe access and protection from arrest. The District Council of Washington, D.C. is working on a medical marijuana law expected to be implemented by the end of this year.

         With more than 124,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Marijuana Policy Project is the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. For more information, please visit


Americans for Safe Access: April Activist Newsletter


In This Issue:

ASA Lays Out Strategy for Securing Safe Access for All

ASA Chapters and Affiliates Taking Action for Safe Access

D.C. Council Holds Hearing on Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana Bill Goes to Maryland Senate

ACTION ALERT: Tell Sen. Leahy to Challenge the DEA

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Americans for Safe Access
Monthly Activist Newsletter

April 2010

Volume 5, Issue 4

ASA Lays Out National Strategy to Win

Plan to Secure Safe Access for All Patients by 2013

This month, Americans for Safe Access is unveiling a new, three-year national plan for expanding safe access to medical cannabis. The multi-prong strategy for creating support at local, state and federal levels will be the centerpiece of "Preparing for Victory," a special series of workshops April 17-18 in Warwick, Rhode Island.

"ASA has worked with our lobbyists in DC and some of the sharpest legal minds in the country to develop a strategy to secure safe access nationally by 2003," said Steph Sherer, ASA Executive Director. "We're excited to share our plan to both fully implement state programs and establish a compassionate federal policy. There are roles for so many committed individuals and groups as we expand our successful grassroots efforts, build new coalitions with other advocacy groups, and pursue high-impact legal actions."

The workshops, which will help advocates build the political and strategic skills to make safe access a reality for patients everywhere in the country, follow the Sixth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics, which is being held April 15-17 in Warwick.

The national clinical conference, hosted by Patients Out of Time, includes a keynote address by the scientist who identified THC, Raphael Mechoulam, Ph.D., of Hebrew University in Israel, and a teleconference presentation by noted author and champion of holistic medicine Andrew Weil, M.D. The conference is part of a Continuing Medical Education series, partnering with the University of California.

"At the clinical conference, you will learn the science behind medical marijuana," said ASA Field Director Sanjeev Bery. "At ASA's workshops, you will build the political skills for securing safe access."

In addition to the workshops following the national clinical conference, ASA will be sharing key elements of the strategy with its membership through a series of weekly briefing emails this month.

Register now for ASA's Preparing for Victory workshops.

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ASA Chapters and Affiliates Taking Action for Safe Access

ASA's chapters and affiliates across the country are busy with organizing and advocating on behalf of patients and caregivers in their areas. A few of the recent highlights of their activities include political lobbying in Michigan, California and Pennsylvania; signature gathering for an expansion of access in Oregon; and educating the community in New Jersey about the new state law.

On the grassroots lobbying front, in California the Silicon Valley ASA chapter has been organizing to convince the San Jose City Council to push forward an ordinance that would allow medicinal cannabis collectives to have storefront locations in that area. Patients and advocates attended the council meeting on March 30 to make their case.

In Michigan, the Metro Detroit ASA chapter has been engaging in lobbying and grass tops political activities with key politicians and opinion leaders, working closely with the Michigan ACLU, MPP and the Michigan Medical Marijuana Association on a statewide level. The Greater Flint ASA chapter, which has over 50 active members, has been more focused on grass roots activities in Michigan's Tri-City area of Flint, Bay City and Saginaw. The patient and caregiver community has been peacefully thriving in that area of the state, thanks to the excellent working relationship Flint ASA has developed with the Gennesse County Prosecutor.

In Pennsylvania, ASA affiliate Pennsylvanians for Medical Marijuana is working to push forward House Bill 1393, the Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act, which would allow patients and caregivers to cultivate and possess limited amounts of cannabis and establish state-licensed dispensaries. The group is holding a fundraiser on April 20 and a lobbying day in Harrisburg on April 21 so patients and advocates can visit their representatives. The House bill is awaiting a hearing before the Health and Human Services committee; a Senate version of the bill is expected sometime in May.

In New Jersey, the Coalition for Medical Marijuana--New Jersey (CMMNJ), an ASA affiliate, sponsored an informational town hall meeting to educate the community on the state's new medical cannabis law, which took effect in January. The "New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act" allows patients with qualifying conditions to possess and use of up to two ounces of marijuana a month with the recommendation of a licensed. Patients fighting such conditions as cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis and Crohn's disease can receive ID cards from the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services that will allow them to obtain cannabis from state-licensed Alternative Treatment Centers by July 2010. CMMNJ holds open, public meetings on the second Tuesday of each month at the Lawrence Twp. Library; the next meeting will be April 13.

In Oregon, ASA affiliate Voter Power is collecting signatures to qualify a medical marijuana initiative for the November ballot. Initiative 28 would create a system of state-regulated dispensaries and state-licensed medical marijuana producers. Dispensaries would have to be Oregon nonprofits and pay both a $2,000 license fee and a 10% tax on gross sales. Licensed producers would have to pay a $1,000 fee and the 10% tax. State-approved patients would be able to buy their supplies at any dispensary, and dispensaries would be able to buy from any licensed producer.

"The law works well for you if you live on a farm or can network with other patients, but if you're terminally ill in a hospice, you might be out of luck," said John Sajo of Voter Power, which also spearheaded the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act in 1998. "We'd like to do it like California, where patients can go to a dispensary and have myriad choices."

Advocates in Oregon need to submit 82,769 valid signatures by July 2 to make the November ballot. Organizers say they have over 90,000 signatures already and intend to file more than 120,000 by the end of May, leaving time to collect more if an unusually large number are ruled invalid.

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D.C. Cannabis Law Enacted then Suspended

District Council Working on Regulations for Safe Access

The medical cannabis initiative in Washington, D.C. passed its mandatory 30-day Congressional review period last month but was immediately suspended by the local District Council so they can complete regulations for implementing the new law.

Initiative 59, known as the Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Treatment Initiative, was approved by 69% of voters in 1998 but blocked by Congress from taking effect then. That ban was lifted earlier this year.

"We're extremely pleased that Congress finally decided to allow the District of Columbia's medical marijuana law to take effect," said Nikolas Schiller from the D.C. chapter of ASA."We're also anxious to see the District Council quickly establish regulations that will grant voter-approved rights to patients, which have been denied for far too long."

The local moratorium follows a hearing last month on proposed amendments co-introduced by District Council Chairman Vincent C. Gray (D) and Councilmembers David A. Catania (I-At Large) and Phil Mendelson (D-At Large).

"The District Council needs to consider regulations from the patient perspective," said ASA Executive Director Steph Sherer, who is a DC resident. "Patients are not served by only allowing primary care physicians to recommend medical marijuana, limiting patients to a single caregiver, relegating dispensaries to remote areas, or jeopardizing sensitive patient information."

Once the Council adopts regulations, the law will undergo a second 30-day Congressional review period, as required under the Home Rule Act.

More Information:
Temporary moratorium passed by D.C. Council
Proposed D.C. legislation to implement I-59
Text of I-59, as passed in 1998

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Medical Marijuana Bill Goes to Maryland Senate

Senate Judiciary Committee Passes Measure 7-4

The Maryland Senate Judiciary Committee sent to the full senate a bill that would expand the state’s medical cannabis law. By a margin of 7-4, the committee adopted provisions to protect patients from arrest and prosecution and reclassify cannabis as a Schedule II drug with accepted medical use.

ASA advocates were among those who helped convince committee members that they need to fix their state’s medical cannabis law.

"The Maryland legislature recognizes patients should not be treated like criminals," said Caren Woodson, ASA Government Affairs Director. "We are working to make sure they understand what it takes to meet the real needs of patients."

The new bill would make the state’s health department responsible for a medical marijuana program that would include licensing patients, caregivers, cultivators and distributors.

Maryland's current medical marijuana law reduces penalties for patients who present evidence of medical use in court to a $100 fine, but does not prevent them from being arrested, prosecuted or convicted.

A vote on Senate Bill 627 is expected within a week. The bill is a companion to House Bill 712, which was introduced by House Delegate Dan Morhaim M.D. If the senate bill passes, it will go to the House Rules Committee for consideration.

More information:
ASA Legislative Memo re: Maryland proposed law
Darrel Putnam Compassionate Use Act (current law)

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ASA's roadmap to win


ASA will build the federal framework that will bring safe and legal access to all Americans by 2013.

For too long the medical marijuana movement has been forced into a reactionary and defensive position, constantly having to push back against outrageously unjust legislation our movement has been so busy fighting for what we don't want, we lost sight of how to fight for what we need. That ends today.

Our movement has come to a crossroads, for the first time we have a political climate that is ripe for this victory but without
your support we'll miss this historic opportunity and will be forced back to treading water, back to spending our time and resources fighting diminutive, petty legislators state-by-state, case-by-case. This is our chance to end all of that; this is our chance to win.

ASA needs to raise $20,000 in April to begin immediate work towards our 2013 goal. The reality is fighting offensively is more expensive than fighting defensively and our adversaries are counting on our inability to raise the money we need to win. We hope you'll prove them wrong.

Think of your contribution today not as a chartable donation but as an investment. When you
contribute you're insuring that you will be able to access the medicine you need free of persecution. Your contribution says that you're done living in fear, done just barely pushing back and ready to finish this fight once and for all.

ASA, in partnership with our lobbyists in DC and some of the sharpest legal minds in the country has developed an extensive roadmap to a 2013 victory. Our opposition knows that we're well within the sight of meeting this goal and they have become more strategic and better funded than ever, we must do the same. ASA has created an air-tight strategy; we need you to create the funding.

Over the next four weeks, we'll be unveiling our strategy to win. Each Thursday, for the month of April, you'll receive an e-mail update from us letting you know how close we are to our goal and giving you more information about our strategy and a detailed outline of our work plan. There will be ways to plug-in to the work and we'll look to you for help implementing the plan but today, today we need to raise that $20,000 and we need your contribution to get there. Because as soon as we reach $20,000-we'll begin this necessary and important work and get us one step closer to a 2013 victory.
Help us begin that work today!

More than ever, thank you for your support,

Steph Sherer
Executive Director

We're inviting members who contribute today to a special conference call with me, Steph Sherer. I'll outline our strategy to win in 2013 and your questions on the call. 

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Patients Out of Time Conference Video Promotion

The Sixth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics, co-sponsored by the School of Medicine, University of California at San Francisco; the Rhode Island State Nurses Association and Patients Out of Time will be held on April 15 - 17, 2010 at the Crowne Plaze Hotel in Warwick, RI. The Rhode Island Patient Advocacy Coalition (RIPAC) is the local host and partner with Patients Out of Time for this forum. To view the video, see For more information and to register, see

Are dispensaries losing their bank accounts?


Dear friends,

Since June of 2008, ASA has been receiving calls from legally operating dispensing collectives stating that their business accounts have been closed by a variety of banking institutions.

These closures have occurred without explanation, and in many cases, without notice.   One collective even received an un-signed form letter dated 6 days AFTER the account had already been closed! 

Beginning in April of 2009, ASA has confirmed more attempts to shut down accounts by numerous financial institutions.  This is particularly concerning for us because this activity comes after the US Department of Justice disseminated its new policy re:  Investigations and Prosecutions in States Authorizing the Medical Use of Marijuana.   

ASA is currently working with Members of Congress to investigate whether the US Department of Justice is involved. If you or someone you know has been a victim of this process, please share the details with ASA by replying to this message ([email protected]).

Thanks -

The ASA Team

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Press Release: Colorado Health Department Lobbies Against Access to Medical Marijuana For Veterans

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                                                 

MARCH 19, 2010

Colorado Health Department Lobbies Against Access to Medical Marijuana For Veterans

CDPHE rushes to legislature to oppose compassionate amendment for Colorado veterans; ignores example set in New Mexico

CONTACT: Steve Fox, MPP director of state campaigns …………… 202-905-2042 or 202-905-2030

DENVER, COLORADO — On Monday, March 22, the Colorado House Judiciary Committee will consider HB 1284, a bill to regulate the distribution of medical marijuana in the state. Rep. Sal Pace will offer an amendment to allow individuals diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder to have access to medical marijuana, if they have a recommendation from a psychiatrist. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is actively lobbying members of the legislature to oppose this amendment.

         The actions of the Colorado Health Department stand in stark contrast to the thoughtful process followed by its counterpart in New Mexico, which added PTSD to the list of qualifying conditions for medical marijuana patients in that state in February 2009. The New Mexico Department of Health’s decision followed a recommendation of approval from an advisory board of eight medical practitioners, who examined the evidence and determined that the use of marijuana by patients with PTSD could be a beneficial treatment option, if used in accordance with a recommendation from a psychiatrist.

         “We are frankly disgusted by the actions of the Colorado Health Department,” said Steve Fox, director of state campaigns for the Marijuana Policy Project. “After a review of the evidence, health professionals in New Mexico agreed that medical marijuana could be beneficial for patients suffering with PTSD. By contrast, health officials in Colorado are attempting to deny veterans and other individuals with PTSD a legitimate treatment alternative based on nothing more than fear mongering and misinformation. We demand that officials in the department publicly release the studies they have reviewed to determine that the risks of using marijuana for PTSD patients outweigh the potential benefits.

         “We are further outraged by reports that Colorado Health Department officials are telling state legislators that allowing psychiatrists to recommend medical marijuana to PTSD patients is like giving alcohol to an alcoholic,” Fox continued. “The sad irony is that many PTSD patients have serious alcohol problems that worsen their overall state of health. As we have seen in New Mexico, the psychiatrist-advised use of medical marijuana can actually help PTSD patients reduce their alcohol intake, dramatically increasing their quality of life. Moreover, it is widely known that both alcohol and many of the pharmaceutical drugs given to PTSD patients increase the risk of suicide. Marijuana use does not. The Department officials’ callous disregard of this fact alone should make them ashamed of their actions.”

         With more than 124,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Marijuana Policy Project is the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. For more information, please visit


Legislative Update: PTSD and Veterans

Legislative Update:  Increase access to medical marijuana for Veterans!  Vote on Monday.


Legislative Update:  HB 1284-- which seeks to regulate dispensaries-- will be voted on in the House Judiciary Committee on Monday, March 22 at 1:30pm.  No public testimony will be allowed at this Hearing.  However, it is important that the Committee members hear from advocates in advance of the vote. 

Please call or email these legislators and ask them to:

(1) Keep patients needs in mind!  Don't restrict where patients can live or force them to give up their right to grow, if they choose to designate a caregiver.

(2)  Don't let cities ban dispensaries!  Patients get sick in all corners of Colorado and dispensaries should be allowed to service patients in their home communities.

(3)  Let Veterans with PTSD have access to medical marijuana!  Every month at Sensible's office we hear from dozens of Vets and other traumatized citizens who could benefit from medical marijuana.  On Monday, Rep. Sal Pace will offer an amendment to allow these disabled individuals to have access to medical marijuana for their diagnosed PTSD.  Please thank Rep. Pace and urge other Committee members to vote "yes" on this amendment!  

Here is the contact information for the House Judiciary members who will be voting on Monday:

Email all House Judiciary Committee Members [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Rep. Claire Levy (D) - Chairperson, Majority Whip District 13: Boulder, Clear Creek, Gilpin Profession: Attorney Cap: 303-866-2578 E-mail: [email protected]

Rep. Elizabeth "Beth McCann (D) District 8: Denver Cap: 303-866-2959 E-mail: [email protected]

Rep. Lois Court (D) District 6: Arapahoe, Denver Cap: 303-866-2967 E-mail: [email protected]

Rep. Bob Gardner (R) District 21: El Paso Profession: Attorney Cap: 303-866-2191 E-mail: [email protected]

Rep. Daniel Kagan (D) District 3: Arapahoe Cap: 303-866-2921 E-mail: [email protected]

Rep. Steve King (R)District 54: Delta, Mesa Profession: Violent Crime Investigator Cap: 303-866-3068 E-mail: [email protected]

Rep. Joe Miklosi (D) District 9: Denver Cap: 303-866-2910 E-mail: [email protected]

Rep. B.J. Nikkel (R) District 49: Larimer, Weld Cap: 303-866-2907 E-mail: [email protected]

Rep. Sal Pace (D) District: 6 Pueblo Cap: 303-866-2968 E-mail: [email protected]

Rep. Su Ryden (D) District 36: Arapahoe Cap: 303-866-2942 E-mail: [email protected]

Rep. Mark Waller (R) District 15: El Paso Profession: Attorney Cap: 303-866-5525 E-mail: [email protected]

Also, the public can attend this Hearing:

Public Hearing on HB1284
Monday, March 22, 2010
1:30 pm
House Judiciary Committee
Room: Room 0107 (Basement)

Please check our website for updates as this vote draws nearer.


Press Release: Medical Marijuana Qualifies for November Ballot in South Dakota

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                                                 

MARCH 17, 2010

Medical Marijuana Qualifies for November Ballot in South Dakota

“Measure 13” Would Allow Seriously Ill Patients to Use Medical Marijuana With a Doctor’s Recommendation

CONTACT: Mike Meno, MPP assistant director of communications …… 202-905-2030 or [email protected]

Emmett Reistroffer, South Dakota Coalition for Compassion … 605-370-1108, [email protected]

         PIERRE, SOUTH DAKOTA — In November 2010, South Dakotans will once again have the opportunity to make the medical use of marijuana legal in the state. The South Dakota Coalition for Compassion, a nonprofit group composed of physicians, patients, law enforcement officials and private citizens, received word from the Secretary of State this week that “Measure 13” had qualified for the ballot. The campaign submitted close to 32,000 signatures last month. They needed just 16,776 valid signatures to qualify.

         South Dakotans voted on a similar initiative in 2006, with the measure narrowly failing by a 52% to 48% margin. This year’s “South Dakota Safe Access Act” is sponsored by Patrick K. Lynch, former chairman of the board for the North Central States Chapter of the Multiple Sclerosis Society, and was drafted with the assistance of the Marijuana Policy Project.

         “We are excited that South Dakota voters will have another opportunity to make the medical use of marijuana legal for patients in the state,” said Steve Fox, director of state campaigns for the Marijuana Policy Project. “Given the increasing level of support for medical marijuana across the country over the past few years, we are fully confident that a solid majority of voters in the state will support patients’ rights this November.”

         The initiative, if passed into law, would allow medical marijuana cardholders to possess up to one ounce of marijuana if they have been diagnosed with or are undergoing treatment for certain cancers, glaucoma, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, seizures or multiple sclerosis, along with other specifically diagnosable ailments. The initiative outlines specific disabilities that qualify patients for use, rules regarding registration cards, distribution, and rules for establishing a registry for medical marijuana users.

         The entire initiative can be read at

         With more than 124,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Marijuana Policy Project is the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. For more information, please visit


Press Release: Medical Marijuana Bill to Be Debated by Senate Committee Thursday

MEDIA ADVISORY                                                                                                                                               

MARCH 17, 2010                                                                                                                                                     

Medical Marijuana Bill to Be Debated by Senate Committee on Thursday

SB 627 Would Allow Seriously Ill Patients to Use Medical Marijuana With Doctor’s Recommendation

CONTACT: Mike Meno, MPP assistant director of communications …… 202-905-2030 or [email protected]

ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND— Tomorrow, on Thursday, March 18, the state Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee will receive testimony on SB 627, a bill that would make Maryland the 15th state in the nation to have an effective medical marijuana law. Sponsored by Frederick County Republican Sen. David Brinkley, the bill would allow pharmacies or other state-regulated outlets to dispense medical marijuana to patients who receive a recommendation from their doctor. The bipartisan bill is cosponsored by Senate President Mike Miller, Minority Leader Allan Kittleman, Minority Whip Nancy Jacobs, and Deputy Majority Leader Robert Garigiola, among others.

         WHAT: Hearing on SB 627, a medical marijuana bill in Maryland

         WHERE: 2 East, Miller Senate Building, 11 Bladen Street, Annapolis, MD

WHEN: Thursday, March 18, at 1 p.m. (Please note that 11 bills are scheduled for the 1:00 p.m. hearing and we don’t know what order they will be called in.)

         WHO: Patients, advocates and others will testify

         The House Judiciary and Health and Government Operations committees heard testimony Feb. 26 on HB 712, companion legislation sponsored by Del. Dan Morhaim (D-Baltimore County), an E.R. physician, and cosponsored by 47 other delegates. Several doctors, patients and advocates spoke in support of the bill during the previous hearing, and a similar turnout is expected Thursday.

         With more than 124,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Marijuana Policy Project is the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. For more information, please visit


Press Release: Kansas Medical Marijuana Bill to be Subject of Informational Hearing Today

MEDIA ADVISORY                                                                                                                                               

MARCH 17, 2010                                                                                                                                                     

Kansas Medical Marijuana Bill to be Subject of Informational Hearing Today

Rep. Gail Finney Has Proposed a Bill that Would Allow Doctors to Recommend Medical Marijuana for Seriously Ill Patients

CONTACT: Mike Meno, MPP assistant director of communications …… 202-905-2030 or [email protected]

TOPEKA, KANSAS— Today, the Kansas House Health and Human Services Committee will hold an informational hearing on a medical marijuana bill proposed by Rep. Gail Finney. Under the proposal, doctors could recommend medical marijuana to patients with serious illnesses such as cancer or HIV/AIDS. Fourteen other states, including Colorado and New Mexico, have passed similar laws.

         WHAT: Informational presentation on medical marijuana

         WHERE: Docking State Office Building, Room 784, 915 SW, Harrison Street, Topeka

WHEN: Wednesday, March 17, at 1 p.m.

         WHO: Patients, medical professionals, and others will speak.  

         With more than 124,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Marijuana Policy Project is the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. For more information, please visit
