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Medical Marijuana

Press Release -- Montel Williams to NY Legislators: Pass Medical Marijuana Now



JUNE 28, 2010

Montel Williams to NY Legislators: Pass Medical Marijuana Now

Former Talk Show Host, MS Patient Will Urge Lawmakers in Albany Tuesday to Pass Medical Marijuana Bill Without Delay

CONTACT: Vince Marrone ……… 914-912-0526 or [email protected]

ALBANY, NEW YORK — At a press conference in Albany on Tuesday, former talk show host, U.S. veteran and New York resident Montel Williams will urge New York Governor David Paterson and members of the state legislature to act quickly in order to finally pass New York’s medical marijuana bill, which would create one of the best regulated systems in the country for providing seriously ill patients with safe and effective access to medical marijuana, if they receive a recommendation from their doctor. Williams suffers from multiple sclerosis, and uses medical marijuana to help ease the effects of his condition.

WHAT: Press conference with Montel Williams

WHEN: Tuesday, June 29. 11:30 a.m.

WHERE: Common area outside Senate Lobby, near the stairs, 3rd floor of the Capitol

         Since 1996, 14 states and the District of Columbia have passed medical marijuana laws. More than a dozen state legislatures considered the issue this year, and in November, citizens of Arizona and South Dakota will vote on medical marijuana ballot initiatives. Under New York’s bill, the state department of health would play an active role in regulating pharmacies and dispensaries that would be licensed to provide medical marijuana to qualified patients.


Dr. Frank in Michigan June 24,25,28; seminars for patients, physicians in Oakland, California new location TBA

Dr. Frank Lucido | Family and General Practice since 1979 • Safe and Appropriate Recommendations since 1996 |

Dr. Frank in Michigan June 24,25,28; seminars for patients, physicians  in Oakland, California new location TBA!


Dr. Frank will be in Michigan June 24-June 28, and available to see patients in Ann Arbor, Lansing area

To schedule:
[email protected] or call office 510-848-0958 during office hours 9-noon, 1:30-4pm Pacific Time

Also in this blog:
Report on Frank's last trip to Michigan, and Dr. Frank's AIMLegal Physician Seminar in Detroit May 8

Coming up in Next Blog:
New venue for Dr. Frank's seminars for patients, physicians in Oakland To Be Announced soon!
Report on High Times 1st ever Medical Cannabis Cup in San Francisco this past weekend June 19, 20, 2010
Report on Maine Medical Cannabis Conference Saturday, University of Southern Maine, June 5, 2010
   Keynote speaker was Montel Williams
Also: My Montel Williams and Angel Raich story from Drug Policy Alliance Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico last November, 2009

Report on Frank's trip to Michigan: Michigan AIMLegal Michigan Pioneers of Medical Cannabis:

Report on Michigan trip
I was in Michigan April 30-May 10 to:
1. spend some good time with mom and family and friends
2. connect with the Michigan medical cannabis community
3. hold a seminar for medical cannabis physicians and
4. perform medical cannabis evaluations

I feel good about all 4, and had a great time for the 10 days I was in Michigan
1. Good family time staying at my Mom's for 10 days, in East Lansing area (Hi Mom, Dad, brother Mark!!)
2. connect with the Michigan medical cannabis community:
Saturday, May 1:
I had my brother Mark reserve a picnic area in Lake Lansing Park, and I sent out a last minute email invite to my Michigan contacts just before I left California, so I had no idea if ANYONE was going to show up.

I billed it as:
Dr. Frank Lucido's Seminar for Patients, Caregivers, and Patients Advocates: Everybody's Entitled to My Opinion, or 14 years experience with medical cannabis consulting. There will be ample time for Q & A.
My soundbite for Michigan:

I'm glad my brother Mark, and friend Derek came, because for the first hour it was just the 3 of us playing Frisbee. (still lots of fun!)
Then my only other guest showed up.
One person.
But it was the perfect person for me to meet:
Robin Schneider, president of the Capital City Compassion Club.
We spoke for the next hour. I got to talk about my 14 years experience, and got to hear what's been going in Lansing area medical cannabis issues.
I really like the idea of Compassion Clubs, especially to the extent that their intention is not commercial, but informational and networking.
That week, I got to see Robin's name in the Lansing State Journal, about her testimony to the Lansing City Council, about a proposed ordinance that "would require a permit for commercial establishments" growing, storing or dispensing of medical marijuana, including for home delivery."
according to the May 5 article. See:

Also on May 2, I was in Ann Arbor at a benefit for SSDP (Students for a Sensible Drug Policy), held at the Michigan Union, at my alma mater, University of Michigan.
Chris Chiles, the outgoing president of Ann Arbor SSDP used the occasion of his graduation to hold a benefit for National SSDP(Students for a Sensible Drug Policy)

I was honored to be asked to speak, and was happy to donate to this great organization.
Mission Statement

Students for Sensible Drug Policy is an international grassroots network of students who are concerned about the impact drug abuse has on our communities, but who also know that the War on Drugs is failing our generation and our society.

SSDP mobilizes and empowers young people to participate in the political process, pushing for sensible policies to achieve a safer and more just future, while fighting back against counterproductive Drug War policies, particularly those that directly harm students and youth.

Good going Chris!

Press Release: Colorado Gives Marijuana Dispensaries Legal Status

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                                                 

JUNE 7, 2010

Colorado Gives Marijuana Dispensaries Legal Status

Governor Signs Regulations for State’s Medical Marijuana Industry

CONTACT: Mike Meno, MPP director of communications …………… 202-905-2030 or [email protected]

DENVER, COLORADO —Today, Colorado Governor Bill Ritter (D) signed legislation that will regulate the state’s medical marijuana dispensaries through a system of local and state licenses, but still allow individual localities to ban dispensaries. Currently there are an estimated 1,100 medical marijuana dispensaries throughout Colorado — the most in any state other than California, which does not have statewide dispensary regulations. Colorado officials estimate that about half of current dispensaries will be able to comply with new regulations.

         “By approving a statewide system of dispensaries through which patients can safely acquire marijuana, Colorado is taking a significant amount of revenue away from the dangerous, illicit, and unsanctioned market created by prohibition,” said Karen O’Keefe, director of state policies for the Marijuana Policy Project. “Instead, patients will now be able to obtain marijuana from a sensible and orderly system of law-abiding and regulated providers. The scope of this newly regulated industry makes it the largest ever in the United States.”

         Under the regulations, dispensary owners will be subject to licensing fees and criminal background checks. Dispensaries will be required to grow 70 percent of the marijuana they sell and, like liquor stores, could not operate within 1,000 feet of a school.

         A state-regulated medical marijuana program is up and running in New Mexico and similar programs will soon be operational in Rhode Island, Maine, New Jersey, and Washington, D.C. — but the number of sanctioned dispensaries to be allowed in each of those states is fewer than 10. Colorado’s law will authorize hundreds, and potentially more if future demand increases.

         A Rasmussen telephone poll released May 15 showed that there is also plurality support among Colorado voters for further expanding the state’s marijuana laws. Forty-nine percent of likely voters said they support taxing and regulating marijuana like alcohol, with an additional 13 percent still undecided. 

         With more than 124,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Marijuana Policy Project is the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. MPP believes that the best way to minimize the harm associated with marijuana is to regulate marijuana in a manner similar to alcohol. For more information, please visit


Press Release: New Marijuana Ordinance Could Have Disastrous Impact on Los Angeles

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                                                 

JUNE 7, 2010

New Marijuana Ordinance Could Have Disastrous Impact on Los Angeles

By Closing More Than 400 Medical Marijuana Dispensing Collectives, City Will Lose Countless Jobs and Tax Dollars, Force Some Patients Into Black Market

CONTACT: Aaron Smith, MPP California policy director …………… 707-575-9870 or 707-291-0076

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA — Today, the City of Los Angeles is expected to begin enforcing an ordinance that could shut down more than 400 medical marijuana dispensing collectives within the city. Approved by the L.A. City Council, the ordinance will give collectives that opened prior to 2007 (about 130 of which remain) six months to comply with new regulations that will force many into new locations.

         “This new ordinance is all but guaranteed to have a disastrous impact on Los Angeles,” said Aaron Smith, California policy director for the Marijuana Policy Project. “By imposing zoning laws on medical marijuana collectives that are stricter than those for gun dealers, adult entertainment businesses, alcohol vendors, or pharmacies, the city is placing an undue burden on thousands of medical marijuana patients whose quality of life may depend on safe and reliable access to their medicine. There is no rational reason to impose stricter regulations on medical marijuana collectives than on liquor stores, which sell a substance that everyone knows is more harmful than marijuana and doesn’t require a doctor’s recommendation to purchase. With so many collectives being forced to close shop, many patients whose neighborhood dispensaries close will no doubt turn to the criminal market to obtain their medicine. That means sales taxes won’t be paid on those transactions, it will be impossible to monitor the quality or origin of that marijuana, and the typical turf wars and crime associated with black markets will become more prevalent in surrounding communities.

         “Even in terms of simple economics, closing these businesses makes entirely no sense,” Smith continued. “Why, in the midst of a recession, in a city already plagued by economic stagnation, would anyone think it’s a good idea to shutter more than 400 legitimate businesses that employ hundreds of residents and contribute millions in tax revenue? More empty storefronts are not the solution to L.A.’s financial woes.” 

         With more than 124,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Marijuana Policy Project is the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. MPP believes that the best way to minimize the harm associated with marijuana is to regulate marijuana in a manner similar to alcohol. For more information, please visit


Press Release: Canadians for Safe Access Denounces Police Raids of Medical Cannabis Dispensaries

For Immediate Release: June 7, 2010 Canadians for Safe Access Denounce Police Raids of Medical Cannabis Dispensaries Medical cannabis dispensaries, also know as compassion clubs, have played a vital role supplying safe access to cannabis for the critically and chronically ill in Canada for over 12 years. These organizations provide access to a variety of high quality cannabis strains and preparations that can effectively alleviate pain, muscle spasms, nausea, anxiety, and other serious symptoms. Compassion clubs are also at the forefront of academic peer-reviewed research on medical cannabis in Canada. The services provided by compassion clubs have been appreciated by their patients, accepted by their communities and municipalities, lauded by a Special Senate committee, and upheld in various court rooms across the country. In 2000, the highest court in Ontario ruled that those in medical need must be able to access cannabis without risking their liberty. The court decision called into question the constitutionality of the overall cannabis prohibition, and the government responded by creating a national medical cannabis program. The national program provides licenses for legal possession and production of cannabis, and provides medicine directly to those in need. However, the government program has not been able to fulfill the needs of Canadians and aspects of it have been found unconstitutional in several courts. To date, the government has not complied with the court-ordered remedies. Problems with the programme include a poor quality supply of cannabis, and lack of physician participation and patient confidence in the programme. Currently the program only serves about 4,000 patients. In the meantime, compassion clubs have been providing cannabis to over 15,000 people with documented medical need. Courts across Canada have ruled in favour of these operations, recognizing that they are fulfilling a vital service that Health Canada has not been able to fulfill. The recent police raids in Toronto, Guelph, Iqaluit, and most recently Montreal and Quebec City appear to be an orchestrated attempt by police to shut these organizations down. The result is that thousands of Canadians suffering from MS, Cancer, HIV/AIDS, arthritis and other critical and chronic illnesses have lost an important source of their medicine. Canadians for Safe Access denounces these raids. Rather than leave these organizations vulnerable to police raids, CSA is calling on Health Canada to work with these organizations to ensure they are legally protected to provide their services to those in need and continue to contribute to research on this important medicine. "Based on their actions and statements, the police appear to be trying to protect the government's monopoly on selling medical cannabis," notes Rielle Capler, a researcher and director of Canadians for Safe Access. "Our government should be supporting patients to access the best possible medicine, not using scarce resources to fight over turf." With the mandatory minimum bill, S-10, currently in the Senate, CSA would also like to draw attention to how this bill could negatively affect medical cannabis patients. "We are asking the Conservative government and opposition parties, in the Senate and the House Commons, to demonstrate their commitment to Canada's medical cannabis patients by ensuring that any new legislation will protect their needs", stated Philippe Lucas, a city counselor in Victoria, BC and also a director of Canadians for Safe Access. Contacts: Rielle Capler - 604-818-4082- [email protected] Philippe Lucas - 250-884-9821 - [email protected]

Media Advisory: Medical Marijuana Press Conference at Trenton State House on 6/4/10 at 1:00 pm



For more info, contact: Ken @ (609) 394-2137

Medical Marijuana press conference at Trenton State House on 6/4/10 at 1:00 pm

WHO:     Patients, professionals and medical marijuana advocates

WHAT:   Plan a medical marijuana press conference

WHEN:   June 4, 2010 at 1:00PM

WHERE: Trenton, NJ State House – State Street entrance steps

WHY:       To urge the timely implementation of the medical marijuana law

On Friday June 4, 2010 at 1:00 pm local medical marijuana advocacy groups will hold a press conference at the State House steps in Trenton, NJ.  Doctors, nurses, potential medical marijuana patients, and supporters of the new law will address recent news of a proposed delay in implementing the program.

The New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act was signed into law in January 2010. As passed, the Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) was to issue regulations in July and patients were anticipating access to the program by the fall.  Last week a request was made by the Christie administration for an additional 6 to 12 months before the medical marijuana regulations would be issued. The extension would require legislation.  Ken Wolski, a registered nurse and Executive Director of the Coalition for Medical Marijuana--New Jersey said, “If the Department of Health cannot write these regulations in 6 months, there is no guarantee they will be able to write them in 18 months. There is no need for this delay.  Patients are suffering continuously as they wait for this program.”

Anne M. Davis, Executive Director of NORML-NJ said, “This is a law and there are no exceptions.  There are patients with chronic or even terminal illnesses that cannot get an extension on life.”

Wolski continued, “Marijuana is recognized as medicine in New Jersey and patients deserve timely access to it.  The recent trial and conviction of MS patient John Wilson in Somerville amply proves that patients desperately need regulated access to marijuana that is legal in the eyes of police, prosecutors, judges and juries around the state.”

Ken Wolski, RN, MPA, Executive Director

Coalition for Medical Marijuana--New Jersey, Inc.
219 Woodside Ave., Trenton, NJ  08618
609.394.2137   [email protected]

Additional contacts for further information:
Anne M. Davis:
[email protected] 732 477 4700
Chris Goldstein:
[email protected] 505 577 5093(cell)

We are all Arizonans

Donate Header AZ
Dear friends:

Can you help a "fellow" Arizonan out?

Since 1996, 14 states and the District of Columbia have passed effective medical marijuana laws. Whether you live in one of these states or not, you can certainly appreciate the benefits enjoyed by patients who do. And we hope this appreciation makes you care as much as we do about adding another state to that list.

As it turns out, a golden opportunity to add another state is before us. Yesterday, the Arizona Secretary of State informed the MPP-backed Arizona Medical Marijuana Policy Project that its medical marijuana initiative has qualified for the November ballot! This initiative would establish a system of 120 dispensaries throughout the state, ensuring that patients have safe and reliable access to the medicine they need.

Each time another state makes medical marijuana legal, we get closer to a day when it becomes generally accepted and legal across the country. So if Arizona wins, we all win. With that thought in mind, through November of this year, we are all Arizonans in spirit.

As an honorary Arizonan, your help is needed. Specifically, the campaign needs to raise funds for a basic expense: yard signs. Each sign costs approximately $2.50, so a contribution of $10 will put 4 signs on the ground and a contribution of $25 will cover 10. Even $5 will pay for a couple of signs that hundreds of voters will see! Please visit the AMMPP campaign site and make a contribution to our yard sign fund to help us reach our $5,000 goal.

Steve FoxDirector of State Campaigns
Marijuana Policy Project
Washington, D.C.
Donate Image AZ2

Press Release: Medical Marijuana Qualifies for Arizona Ballot

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                                                 

JUNE 1, 2010

Medical Marijuana Qualifies for Arizona Ballot

Arizona Will Join South Dakota in Having Medical Marijuana on the Ballot in November; 14 States and Washington, D.C. Have Similar Laws

CONTACT: Mike Meno, MPP director of communications …………… 202-905-2030 or [email protected]

PHOENIX, ARIZONA — Today, the Arizona Secretary of State announced that an initiative to pass a medical marijuana law in Arizona has qualified for the November ballot. In April, the Arizona Medical Marijuana Policy Project, the group that organized the initiative, turned in nearly 100,000 more signatures than were required to qualify. 

         Under the proposal, seriously ill patients with certain qualifying conditions would be given legal access to medical marijuana if they have a recommendation from their doctor. Since 1996, 14 other states and the District of Columbia have passed similar laws, and more than a dozen state legislatures across the nation have considered the issue this year. In March, a medical marijuana initiative in South Dakota also qualified for the November ballot. 

         “We are very happy that Arizonans will have the opportunity this November to vote for a compassionate and responsible law that protects seriously ill patients,” said Steve Fox, director of state campaigns for the Marijuana Policy Project, which provides significant funding and support to AMMPP. “By voting in favor of this initiative, Arizonans will ensure that residents suffering from cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, and other serious ailments will be given safe access to a medicine they and their doctors believe can relieve their condition. The proposed law will also create a dispensary system that will provide patients the same reliable access to medical marijuana that they would have to any other medicine – meaning they won’t have to risk their own safety by purchasing it from the criminal market.”   

         Upon passage of the initiative, the Arizona Department of Health Services will regulate medical marijuana, and qualifying patients or their caregivers will be permitted to legally purchase their medicine from tightly regulated clinics. The new law will protect seriously ill patients from arrest and prosecution for the simple act of taking doctor-recommended medicine. A January ABC News/Washington Post poll showed that 81 percent of Americans support medical marijuana laws.

         With more than 124,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Marijuana Policy Project is the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. For more information, please visit


Press Conference and Clips: Marijuana Workers Vote "Union Yes"!

ADVISORY FOR: May 28, 2010 CONTACT: Mark Capitolo at 916.267.8894 Cannabis Workers Vote "Union Yes,” Oaksterdam Workers Have Joined United Food & Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 5 Oakland business, labor, faith communities to form new coalition Oakland City Council Member Rebecca Kaplan will join medical cannabis workers at a news conference Friday to announce that employees of Oakland’s medical cannabis industry have voted to join the Retail, Statewide Agriculture, Food Processing and Community Patient Care Union, UFCW Local 5. Independent card check verifications recently performed at Oakland medical cannabis facilities certified the UFCW Local 5 union recognition for these pioneering medical cannabis industry workers. Statewide worksite locations include: • Oaksterdam University (Oakland, LA & Sebastopol Campuses) • The Patient ID Center (OCBC, Oakland) • The Blue Sky Coffee Shop (Oakland) • The Bulldog Café (Oakland) • The Oaksterdam Gift Shop (Oakland) • AMCD, Inc (aka Old Oaksterdam, Oakland) Elections are also being verified at Agri-Med, a first-of-its-kind urban greenhouse facility. Council Member Kaplan, along with Oakland business, labor and faith leaders will also announce a new coalition that is begin to coalesce in Oakland dedicated to recognizing and protecting the rights of both medical cannabis patients and the dedicated professionals that serve them. WHO: Oakland City Council Member Rebecca Kaplan, Oakland cannabis leaders and employees, UFCW Local 5 representatives WHAT: News conference announcing cannabis workers vote to join UFCW Local 5, formation of new cannabis patient and employee rights coalition WHEN: Friday, May 28, 2010, 1 p.m. WHERE: Oaksterdam University Auditorium, 1600 Broadway, Oakland, CA

Press Release: F&M Poll: 8 in 10 Pennsylvania Residents Favor Medical Marijuana

Contact for comment: Chris Goldstein
[email protected]

New poll shows 8 in 10 support medical marijuana in PA

Medical cannabis legislation is active in PA and residents continue to show strong support. New polling conducted by Franklin & Marshall College saw a full 80% respondents either ‘Strongly Favor’ (53%) and ‘Somewhat Favor’ (27%) legal medical marijuana in Pennsylvania.

F&M poll was released this week and showed an increase in support from 2006.

Medical marijuana is active in both the House (HB 1393) and the Senate (SB 1350) of PA.

The same poll also saw a full 11% jump in support for overall marijuana legalization.

The full F&M release can be found at :


MEDIA CONTACT: Chris Goldstein [email protected]