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Costa Rica Joins Call for Drug Legalization Debate

Costa Rican President Laura Chinchilla has added her voice to the rising clamor for discussions on drug legalization as an alternative to the current state of affairs, in which Central American nat

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Canadian Senate Passes Harsh Crime Bill

Canada appears set to march boldly backward as the Senate has passed a Conservative crime bill that includes mandatory minimums for growing as few as six marijuana plants.

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DEA Extends Ban on Fake Marijuana Chemicals

The DEA has extended for another six months its emergency ban on five synthetic cannabinoids used to manufacture "fake weed" p

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South Carolina Man Killed in Drug Traffic Stop

A South Carolina man was shot dead and a Kershaw County sheriff's deputy injured during a narcotics investigation traffic stop that turned violent Tuesday night.

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Another Dumb Drug War Idea: Banning Hidden Compartments in Cars

[inline:carsearch.jpg align=right]Frequent visitors to this site should know by now that there is no idea so absurd, no strategy so stupid, as to be rendered ineligible for introduction into the War on Drugs. There is nothing these people won't try, and by nothing I mean that literally, as in every bad idea that the human mind can possibly produce will eventually be attempted by amped-up narc-mongering nutjobs hellbent on bending our legal system to hell.

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Video: 5 Reasons You Should Never Agree to a Police Search

Steve Silverman and I recently started a new YouTube show called How to Deal with Cops. This is my first episode, which goes over the major points from my Huffington Post piece last week.

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U.S. Tells South America to Shut Up About Legalizing Drugs

[inline:legalizedrugs.jpg align=right]Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano has a message for everyone who thinks the drug war is bad: you're wrong, it's awesome.

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Opponents of Marijuana Legalization Finally Noticed They're Losing the Debate

[inline:marijuanaforsale.jpg align=right]I pointed out recently how silly it is for anyone to continue aggressively fighting back against marijuana legalization, given that the polls show public support increasing significantly every year. I've argued a few times now that our opponents' time would be better spent accepting that our laws have to change and joining the discussion of what legalization should look like.

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Anti-Meth Prescription Pseudoephedrine Bills Defeated

Lawmakers trying to stop meth labs by forcing people get to a prescription for popular pseudoephedrine-based cold medications l

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LEAP Urges Canada to Reject Harsh Crime Bill

LEAP has intervened in the Canadian debate over the Tories' harsh crime bill. So far at least they're not listening, to LEAP or others, but the pressure mounts.

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Seattle Mayor Says It's Time to Legalize Marijuana

Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn (D) used his state of the city address Tuesday night to make a heartfelt plea for marijuana legalization.

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Drug Cops Hatch Foolproof Plan to Arrest Every Teenager in America

[inline:marijuanaheart.jpg align=right]In case you haven't heard the news yet, it looks like police are going to win the drug war after all. Violence and corruption are bad enough, but if they're capable of something as sickeningly devious as this, I'm not sure I see the point in dragging things out any further.

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Medical Marijuana Update

From Alabama to Washington, medical marijuana continues to be a burning issue. Chronicle story here.

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This Week in History

Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past, in this week's Drug War Chronicle.

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5 Reasons You Should Never Agree to a Police Search (Even if You Have Nothing to Hide)

[inline:policesearch.jpg align=right]I have a new piece at Huffington Post breaking down why you should never, ever agree to a police search. It's a topic I revisit often, and each time I find a new audience that needs to hear this message. It's yet another tragic consequence of our all-consuming criminal justice conveyor belt that so many people have forgotten how to use their most basic rights at the time those rights matter most. If you're someone who assumes it's pointless to refuse a search because "they're just gonna do it anyway," then this article is for you. Please pass it along.

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California Marijuana Initiatives Starving for Cash [FEATURE]

A severe lack of funding could prevent any of the California marijuana reform initiatives from making the ballot.

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National Geographic "American Weed" Series Premiering Tonight

[image:1 align:right caption:true]The new National Geographic series "American Weed," exploring the Colorado's booming medical marijuana industry and the pushback, premieres tonight a

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This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

More asset forfeiture problems in Texas, plus a typical weekly rogues' gallery of dirty cops.

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Vermont Marijuana Decriminalization Bill Stalled

Although it has the support of the governor and the public, a Vermont bill to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana is stalled, held hostage by a hostile House speaker, the Bar

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Rand Paul Blocks Federal Synthetic Drug Bans

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is blocking three Senate bills that seek to prohibit new synthetic drugs.

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