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Rudy Giuliani: We Don't Like Him

It became clear last week that Rudy Giuliani intends to be our next president. Notwithstanding the possibility that a pro-gay rights, pro-choice Republican might not do so well in the primaries, it's worth noting that Giuliani is an absolute horror show with regards to crime and drug policy.

MI: Hearing on Medical Marijuana Bill Featuring Patient Testimony

On Tuesday, Nov. 28, the House Committee on Government Operations will hold a hearing on HB 5470, the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act, introduced by Rep. Lamar Lemmons III (D-Wayne County). The measure, similar to laws now in effect in Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington, would protect seriously ill patients using medical marijuana with their physician's recommendation from arrest and jail.

The Neverending Story

Well...for those of us who came of age in the 60's (sorry, Dave, you're not included), the idea that, 40 years on, such a benign herb as marijuana would not only still be illegal, but causing more and more human pain and suffering through its prohibition, was unthinkable.

New User

High, everyone. I'm just climbing aboard here. Don't want to rock the boat, but somebody gimme an oar. P.S. It's Sat. 11/25/2006 2:25 PM not Wed, 12/31/1969 - 8:00pm why, that would make me "6".

Militarization of police forces/Atlanta woman

A very good editorial by David Borden, as usual. The militarization of virtually all US police forces is not good. I remember a friend of mine from youth, who always wanted to be a soldier--like his eventual father-in-law, he dreamt of the military. Then, he could not qualify for the military because of some weird heart thing. He is still alive today, but the military would not accept him.