Drug War Chronicle #939 - August 18, 2016

Phillip S. Smith, Editor - David Borden, Executive Director
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_151_86.jpg
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_151_86.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

The federal courts remind the Justice Department that Congress passed a law barring it from using federal funds to go after state-legal medical marijuana operations, Maryland takes a step toward getting its industry up and running, California balks at a medical marijuana grower tax, and more.

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

A North Carolina detective had a thing for "nudish fetish catfights," a Pennsylvania state trooper had a snitch scoring coke for him, an Oregon crime lab tech had a bad case of sticky fingers, and more.
DC activists are set to give the White House an earful after the DEA refused to reschedule marijuana.
DC activists are set to give the White House an earful after the DEA refused to reschedule marijuana.

Chronicle AM: Clinton Renews Rescheduling Call, Kerry Gets MX Human Rights Letter, More... (8/12/16)

The DEA's refusal to reschedule marijuana yesterday elicits reactions from Hillary Clinton and DC activists, a California bill to tax medical marijuana farmers dies in committee, Secretary of State Kerry gets a letter from Congress urging him to prioritize human rights when it comes to financing Mexico's drug war, and more.

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Source URL: https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/939