Drug War Chronicle #696 - August 11, 2011

Phillip S. Smith, Editor - David Borden, Executive Director
Support for marijuana legalization is reaching the tipping point. (image via Wikimedia)
Support for marijuana legalization is reaching the tipping point. (image via Wikimedia)

Poll Finds Majority Support Marijuana Legalization

For the third year in a row, Angus Reid polling shows majority support for marijuana legalization. That is more optimistic than other national polls, but only slightly more optimistic.
Could this man be the Rosa Parks of the marijuana legalization movement? (Image: Dana Walker)
Could this man be the Rosa Parks of the marijuana legalization movement? (Image: Dana Walker)

WA Man Refuses Marijuana Fines, Chooses Jail

Marijuana civil disobedience came to a Washington state courthouse last week. That's an idea that needs to spread!
All the drug busts in Mexico don't seem to make a difference. (image via Wikimedia)
All the drug busts in Mexico don't seem to make a difference. (image via Wikimedia)

Mexico Drug War Update

CIA agents and US mercenaries stationed at a military base in northern Mexico are helping fight the drug cartels. And the killing continues...

British Lib Dems to Call for Drug Decriminalization

Britain's Liberal Democrats, junior partners in a governing coalition with the Conservatives, are set to call for drug decriminalization, a regulated marijuana market, and heroin maintenance.
Harris County SO.jpg
Harris County SO.jpg

Houston Deputies Kill Man Fleeing Drug Warrants

A Houston man attempting to evade arrest on drug and other charges was shot and killed by Harris County deputies after he did -- or did not -- hit one of them with his vehicle while trying to flee. That's US drug war death #33 for the year.
The lure of drug prohibition's filthy lucre proves corrosive to honest law enforcement. (image via Wikimedia)
The lure of drug prohibition's filthy lucre proves corrosive to honest law enforcement. (image via Wikimedia)

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

One crooked sheriff gets indicted, while another cops a plea. Meanwhile, the border generates another three cases of corruption or thuggery.

This Week in History

Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.

This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Source URL: https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/696