Drug War Chronicle #648 - September 9, 2010

Phillip S. Smith, Editor - David Borden, Executive Director

Mexico Drug War Update

The mass murder of 72 migrants reported two weeks ago continued to suck up more lives in its aftermath. Three suspected murderers from the incident, and two police officers who were investigating it, were found dead this week.
too much cash can corrupt cops
too much cash can corrupt cops

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

Why do I feel like I just keep writing the same stories of law enforcement venality over and over again? More crooked jail guards, more sticky-fingered cops, more cops on the take, and another pervert power-tripper cop.
poster of assassinated human rights advocate Ricardo Murillo
poster of assassinated human rights advocate Ricardo Murillo

US Withholds Some Mexico Drug Aid Over Human Rights Concerns

To gently chide Mexico for continuing human rights violations by its military, the US will withold $26 million that Mexico won't see until next year anyway. To make up for that, the US is releasing $36 million it withheld last year.
Israel Medical Marijuana banner (irxmj.org)
Israel Medical Marijuana banner (irxmj.org)

Israel Eases Medical Marijuana Bottleneck

The numbe of Israeli medical marijuana patients is set to expand dramatically after the Health Ministry allowed the number of doctors allowed to prescribe it from one to six.

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Source URL: https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/648