Drug War Chronicle #498 - August 17, 2007

Phillip S. Smith, Editor - David Borden, Executive Director

Medical Marijuana: New Mexico Balks At Growing It

When New Mexico passed its medical marijuana law this year, it was unique in mandating that the state would oversee the production and distribution of the medicine. But citing fear of federal prosecution, the state Health Department now says "no way."

Medical Marijuana: A Push Gets Underway in Kansas

While state medical marijuana laws are in place along both coasts, not a single state from the Great Plains to the Appalachian Mountains has passed such a law. Now, a Kansas drug reform activist and a prominent state politician are hoping to change that.

Asset Forfeiture: Austin Police Use of Seized Funds Probed

A new police chief in Austin has opened a criminal investigation into the way the department spent money it seized in asset forfeiture operations. Among the items: More than $600 for coffee cops and nearly $1,900 for a race clock, whatever that is.

Web Scan

Upside Down Flag by Tony Papa, When Neither Crime Nor Punishment Pays by Newark Mayor Cory Booker, Bulgarian activist Milena Naydenova, DrugTruth Network.

Weekly: Blogging @ the Speakeasy

"What's a gram of cocaine go for where you live?" Who Should Be the Next Drug Czar?" "New Afghanistan Strategy is Exactly the Same as the Old One That Didn't Work." "Who's Planting All That Pot in the Woods?" "Police Often Lack Basic Knowledge About Marijuana," Thailand drug war killings, more.

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Source URL: https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/498