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Fall 2009 Missouri NORML Conference

The University of Missouri's chapter of NORML will be hosting the Fall 2009 Missouri NORML Conference in Ellis Auditorium on the Mizzou Campus. Guest speakers include Paul Armentano (deputy director of national NORML, co-author of the book "Marijuana is Safer"), Ray Hartmann (founder of the Riverfront Times in St. Louis), defense attorney Travis Noble, and multiple other patients and advocates. The (tentative) schedule is as follows: 9:00 a.m. Registration, Meet & Greet, Coffee, Tea and Bagels Location: Ellis Auditorium Lobby An opportunity to grab a light breakfast and network with other Missouri marijuana law reform advocates. 9:45 a.m. Welcome and Opening Remarks: Sean Randall (Columbia, Missouri NORML) 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Marijuana Law in Missouri: Dan Viets (Missouri NORML) Civil liberties attorney and longtime marijuana law reform activist Dan Viets presents the current state of marijuana law in Missouri as well as upcoming plans for marijuana policy reform during the 2009 Missouri legislative session. 11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Community Organizing and Media Outreach: Kelly Maddy (Joplin, Missouri NORML) Learn how to build and establish a reform-based coalition in your community and how to work with the local media to spread your message. 12:15 – 1:00 p.m. Effective Lobbying Techniques: John Coffman, J.D. (Missouri ACLU) Listen to a professional lobbyist explain the best, most effective ways to communicate and build relationships with your elected officials in order to influence their opinion on a law reform issue. 1:00 – 2:15 p.m. Lunch: On Your Own Location: Downtown Columbia or MU Campus Experience downtown Columbia's The District and have a bite to eat at any one of its numerous restaurants offering several different dining options. 2:15 – 3:15 p.m. Medical Marijuana Patient Forum: Christy Welliver (Columbia), Linda Yelvington (Joplin), Mark Pedersen (St. Louis) Listen to the personal stories and testimonials of medical marijuana patients from around the state. Learn how medical cannabis is used to treat a variety of ailments. 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Travis Noble Criminal defense attorney Travis Noble delivers his thoughts on drug law reform from a unique perspective as a former police officer and supervisor of a narcotics enforcement unit. 4:45 – 5:45 p.m. Ray Hartmann Founder and former publisher of The Riverfront Times, former editor of The Maneater, panelist on the PBS television program Donnybrook and St. Louis celebrity Ray Hartmann delivers his insightful and entertaining views on drug prohibition. 6:00 – 7:15 p.m. Palliative and Curative Relief Through a Safe and Effective Herbal Medicine Paul Armentano (NORML) NORML Deputy Director Paul Armentano presents an authoritative review of the safety and efficacy of cannabis to treat symptoms and underlying diseases. Mr. Armentano is the author of the books Emerging Clinical Indications for Cannabis and Cannabinoids (NORML Foundation, 2007), and Marijuana is Safer: So Why Are We Driving People to Drink? (Chelsea Green, 2009). 7:45 p.m. NORML Benefit Dinner and Auction Location: Grand Cru Restaurant (2600 S. Providence Rd.) Admission: $10 (plus whatever dinner you choose to order from the menu) Join NORML supporters for a dinner and auction to support marijuana law reform in Missouri at one of Columbia's finest and most supportive restaurants. For more info, see:
In The Trenches

Press Release: N.H. Patients Make Final Plea for Medical Marijuana Law in Tuesday Press Conference

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                                                 

OCTOBER 26, 2009

N.H. Patients Make Final Plea for Medical Marijuana Law in Tuesday Press Conference

CONTACT: Matt Simon, New Hampshire Coalition for Common Sense Marijuana Policy… (603) 391-7450

CONCORD— One day prior to the final vote on HB 648, patients and advocates will hold a Tuesday morning press conference urging legislators to end the uncertainty and pass this bill into law when they vote Oct. 28.

Additionally, half-page newspaper ads have been slated to run Tuesday in the Concord Monitor and the New Hampshire Union-Leader urging support for the override.

HB 648 passed the House and Senate June 24, but was subsequently vetoed by Gov. John Lynch.  If it becomes law, New Hampshire would become the 14th state to protect seriously ill patients from arrest for using medical marijuana if their doctor recommends it.

WHAT: Press conference urging legislators to pass the medical marijuana bill into law

WHO: Advocates scheduled to participate include: ?                              

Rep. Evalyn Merrick, prime sponsor of HB 648

Barbara Filleul, a cancer survivor from Concord

Dennis Acton, a cancer survivor from Fremont

Former state Sen. Burt Cohen, a survivor of Hepatitis-C

Matt Simon, executive director for the N.H. Coalition for Common Sense Marijuana Policy

WHEN: Tuesday, October 27, 10 a.m.

WHERE: Legislative Office Building lobby, Concord, N.H.

In The Trenches

Press Release: Jay Leno mocks Miss New Jersey’s use of medical marijuana

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 23, 2009 CONTACT: Ken @ (609) 394-2137 Tonight Show host Jay Leno mocks Miss New Jersey’s use of medical marijuana WHO: Tonight Show host Jay Leno WHAT: Mocked Miss New Jersey’s Medical Marijuana Use WHEN: October 22, 2009 WHERE: Opening monologue WHY: Leno’s ignorance of marijuana’s therapeutic value During his opening monologue last night, Tonight Show host Jay Leno mocked a former Miss New Jersey’s use of medical marijuana to relieve her asthma symptoms. Leno said that “smoking marijuana to cure asthma is like eating (fast food) to cure diarrhea…If she really wants to cure her asthma she should leave New Jersey.” Georgine DiMaria, 24, the 2006 Miss New Jersey said that as a child her asthma was so severe that it left her bedridden, forcing her to be homeschooled. "When you can't breathe, nothing else matters," DiMaria said in the Press of Atlantic City in April 2009. At the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia in April 2009, Miss DiMaria eloquently described how marijuana has consistently relieved her asthma symptoms. Miss DiMaria does not smoke the marijuana—she uses a vaporizer and inhales the therapeutic vapors, which are both bronchodilating and anxiety-relieving. Many asthmatics report finding relief from the use of marijuana—even smoked marijuana—and scientific studies support the first-hand experiences of these patients. “Medical marijuana is not a joke,” said Ken Wolski, RN, from the Coalition for Medical Marijuana--New Jersey. “Marijuana is a safe, effective and inexpensive therapeutic agent for a wide variety of diseases, symptoms, and medical conditions. It is an outrage that patients in New Jersey continue to go to jail for trying to relieve their suffering and it is a further outrage that all Mr. Leno can do is make fun of this.” The "New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act,” which was approved by the New Jersey Senate, awaits a vote in the Assembly. This bill would allow New Jersey patients to use a small amount of marijuana when a licensed physician recommends it, in a program run by the Department of Health and Senior Services. Governor Jon Corzine has said that he would sign the bill into law when it gets to his desk. ###
In The Trenches

Medical Marijuana Regulations: We need your input!

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Sensible Colorado - working for an effective drug policy


Medical Marijuana Regulations:  We need your guidance 


Dear Supporters of Sensible Drug Policy,
Interesting news!


Colorado State Senator Chris Romer has requested that Sensible Colorado contact our large database of patients and supporters to request input on a bill he plans to run in 2010-- a statewide bill to Regulate Medical Marijuana Sales.  Senator Romer has told Sensible Colorado that he wants to see our state become a leader in alternative therapies-- including medical marijuana-- for all seriously ill people. 
The Senator wants to hear from you.  Please take advantage of this unique opportunity to help shape the future of medical marijuana in Colorado.  Contact Sen. Romer today with your guidance and comments at:  
[email protected].  To assist with this process, we have linked a copy of Sensible Colorado's White Paper titled "Medical Marijuana Dispensaries:  Benefits and Regulation" HERE and have included an email template below.    
--Here is a sample email--
Dear Sen. Romer,
On behalf of Sensible Colorado and the movement for safe access in Colorado, I applaud you for examining the important issue of medical marijuana regulation in our state.  It is vital that Colorado's sick patients have safe and reliable access to this doctor-recommended medicine.  Please keep in mind that medical marijuana dispensaries are utilized by the sickest members of your community, so please act to preserve these facilities.  Here are some ideas for sensible regulation:
-- Arbitrary caps on the number of dispensaries can be counterproductive.  Policymakers do not need to set arbitrary limitations on the number of dispensaries allowed to operate within a community because, as with other services, competitive market forces will be decisive. 
--Regulations are best handled by Health and Planning Departments, not law enforcement.  Let's leave medical issues to health professionals.  Law enforcement agencies, having little expertise in health and medical affairs, are ill-suited for handling such matters.
--Restrictions on the locations of dispensaries are often unnecessary and can create barriers to access.  Certainly we don't want dispensaries-- or liquor stores for that matter-- next to schools.  However, patients benefit from dispensaries being convenient and accessible, especially if the patients are disabled. 
--Patients benefit from onsite consumption and proper ventilation systems.  Dispensaries that allow patients to consume medicine onsite encourage members to take advantage of non-marijuana, therapy services and allow for greater social interaction, which can have positive psychosocial health benefits for this chronically ill population.  

Thanks for your time and for the opportunity to comment on this important topic.

Sensible Colorado | PO Box 18768 | Denver CO 80218


MSNBC--For Shame

Here's a quote from a recent MSNBC article about drug smuggling at the US/Mexico border (