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Weekly: Blogging @ the Speakeasy

"Dallas Police Plan Widespread Warrantless Drug Searches," "Synthetic Marijuana: Let's Try Regulation Instead of Prohibition," "DEA Backs Down After Threatening Colorado Dispensaries," "Retirement Home Fires Staffer for Medical Marijuana Use," "Angry Man Says Potheads Should be Kicked in the Nuts."

Medical Marijuana in Maine and Beyond Conference

Medical marijuana patients, caregivers, health care providers, activists, and potential dispensary operators will gather at the University of Southern Maine for a conference to discuss challenges and
In The Trenches

Action #3: Stop the DEA raids!

Dear friends,

Last month, President Obama nominated Acting DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart to formally head the DEA.  Previously, Leonhart was the DEA's Deputy Administrator during a time of more than 200 federal medical marijuana raids in California.

In the two weeks following Leonhart's promotion, the DEA just raided two Colorado medical marijuana laboratories that tested the quality of medical marijuana sold in the state.  Meanwhile, local and federal officials were complaining that medical marijuana needed to be better tested.   On February 12th, the DEA raided a Colorado medical marijuana cultivator.

Four months ago, the US Department of Justice issued a new directive ending the Bush Administration policy of aggressively raiding distribution sites. The new policy discouraged the arrest and prosecution of state-law compliant dispensaries.

Is the DEA ignoring this Obama Administration directive?  Please urge U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and the DEA to end arrests and prosecutions in medical marijuana states.

Click here to take action:

Thanks -

The ASA Team

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In The Trenches

STOP THE RAIDS!!!: Join us Thursday (2/18) when President Obama is in Denver

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Sensible Colorado - working for an effective drug policy



Tell the President what YOU think

Medical Marijuana Patients and Supporters to Rally at Thursday Obama Event
Sensible Colorado leads protesters in call for end to recent "rogue" DEA raids and release of licensed provider and recent arrestee Chris Bartkowicz



On Thursday, February 18, at an event to be attended by President Obama, medical marijuana patients and supporters will participate in a protest of the continuing federal raids of medical marijuana patients and providers in Colorado. 

This event is a response to the recent Drug Enforcement Administration raids of two front-range medical marijuana testing facilities and the Feb. 12 raid of a licensed medical marijuana grower in Highlands Ranch.     

"These DEA raids are out of compliance with both the will of Colorado voters and that of the White House," said Brian Vicente, event organizer and director of Sensible Colorado.  "In particular, the recent, armed raid and arrest of licensed medical marijuana provider Chris Bartkowicz, highlights the rogue nature of the regional DEA office.  President Obama needs to be made aware of this agency's miscreant actions."      

Colorado voters passed a medical marijuana law in 2000.  In October, 2009, the Department of Justice issued a memo instructing federal agents to refrain from focusing resources on the arrest and prosecution of individuals following state medical marijuana laws. That memo is available


WHAT:   Medical Marijuana Protest at Event Attended by President Obama

WHO:    Sign-Waving Medical Marijuana Patients, Providers, and Supporters.

WHEN:  Thursday, February 18 from 12 - 1 pm

WHERE:  Across from the Fillmore Auditorium, at the corner of Colfax and Clarkson in Denver, CO.  See Directions HERE


For more information or to support our work, click HERE

Sensible Colorado | PO Box 18768 | Denver CO 80218


Iowa Board of Pharmacy Recommends Medical Marijuana

The Iowa Board of Pharmacy voted unanimously Wednesday to recommend that state lawmakers reclassify marijuana as a Schedule II controlled substance and set up a task force to study how to create a medical marijuana program. Medical marijuana bills have failed to move in the state legislature, but the board's action could help spur forward momentum. Similarly to the federal Controlled Substances Act, Iowa law currently classifies marijuana as a Schedule I drug with no proven medical use and a high potential for abuse. By recommending that marijuana be rescheduled to Schedule II—a potential for abuse, but with accepted medical use—the board acknowledged the herb's medical efficacy. Given the board's initial reluctance to take up the issue, the unanimous vote comes as something as a pleasant surprise to advocates. In May 2008, Iowans for Medical Marijuana founder Carl Olsen petitioned the board to reschedule marijuana, arguing that the evidence did not support its classification as Schedule I. The board rejected that request, and Olsen, three plaintiffs, and the ACLU of Iowa sued to force it to reconsider. (See the filings in the case here). Last year, a Polk County judge ordered the board to take another look at the matter. The board again declined to reclassify marijuana, but did agree to a series of four public hearings. It was after those hearings, which were packed with medical marijuana supporters, and after a scientific review of the literature, that the board acted this week. In doing so, it becomes the first state pharmacy board in the nation to take such a step before voters or lawmakers have legalized medical marijuana. The board's action also puts it squarely in line with popular sentiment in the Hawkeye State. According to an Iowa Poll released Tuesday, 64% of Iowans want medical marijuana to be legal. Now, if only the legislature will act on the recommendation of the board and the will of the voters.

Synthetic Marijuana: Let's Try Regulation Instead of Prohibition

If anyone hasn't heard yet about the exciting new drug that's just like pot, but won't make you fail a drug test or get you arrested, they're about to find out. The hype surrounding synthetic marijuana products, commonly known as Spice or K2, is growing and it's just a matter of time before the national hysteria kicks into full gear.

This isn't the fake pot sold in High Times that doesn't get you high, and it's not Salvia that gives you terrifying hallucinations. Its effects are mild, pleasant, and remarkably familiar to the millions of Americans who already enjoy marijuana. This is the closest thing to legal marijuana anyone's ever seen in most parts of the country, and I have a feeling we're going to be talking about it a lot this year.

Unfortunately, Spice's appeal could quickly become its downfall, given the strange drug war rule that a substance must be bad if it makes people feel good. Wouldn't it be nice if we could have a serious conversation about sensible regulations instead of the frenzied panic we've all come to expect when a new drug makes headlines?

"A 10-year-old child could walk into a head shop and buy it," said West Plains Detective Shawn Rhoads. "It's not a tobacco, it's not regulated by anything. It would be like sending my 10-year-old son into Wal-Mart to buy potpourri." [AP]

It really shouldn’t be necessary to explain that nobody's selling Spice to children, but yes, there is a need for new policies to clarify where and to whom this product should be made available. We have an opportunity to make smart choices about how to deal with this, and we can't let the predictable anxieties of cops and legislators trainwreck the process through premature prohibition.

Research into the drug's effects and possible risks is critical to protecting public health, but it's also an essential prerequisite to any discussion of making this illegal across the board. It's incredible that we've already got legislators in two states making moves to put people in jail over this stuff and they have no clue whether it's even remotely dangerous. Can't we at least indulge the pretext of some sort of scientific process here?
In The Trenches

Action #2 for Medical Marijuana Week!


Dear friends,

With National Medical Marijuana Week fully underway, it is time for Action #2!

Show your support for a medical marijuana prisoner.

Although the actions of many medical marijuana prisoners were legal under state law, defendants cannot bring up a medical defense in federal court. 

Sending a letter is just one of several ways you can help a medical marijuana prisoner manage the tough day-to-day realities of a jail or prison sentence.

For a list of medical marijuana prisoners and ways you can help, click here:

Thanks for taking action --

The ASA Team

P.S.  For more info on National Medical Marijuana Week, click here.

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