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Support the National Criminal Justice Commission Act!

Jim Webb's National Criminal Justice Commission Act would do a comprehensive review of the wreck that is the US criminal justice system. It has passed the House of Representatives, and now it needs your support to pass the Senate and become law.

Why Reddit Loves Marijuana Legalization

Reddit just happens to be one of my favorite sites on the web, and I'm loving it even more after watching this interview with co-founder Alexis Ohanian, who discusses pot's popularity on the net and Reddit's own conflict with its corporate sponsor over the censorship of ads for the Just Say Now campaign..

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Medical Marijuana Rally Aims to Define Law

Medical marijuana advocates are planning a rally next month to push Nevada lawmakers to clearly define state law regarding dispensing. The rally will coincide with President Barack Obama's visit to Las Vegas. Several medical marijuana dispensaries were raided last week by federal agents.
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Mexico’s Top Narco-Blogger Comes Forward

Old, wealthy men held hostage and humiliated; paramilitary cops in ski masks taking dudes into custody; people walking the streets in body armor, automatic weapons out; and all the dead bodies and shot-up cars. Facing a situation like that, it’s no surprise that Blog Del Narco’s author, who’s not even 30 years old, would want to stay anonymous. Which is why it’s remarkable that he’s given an interview to Boing Boing describing what it’s like to work in a wealthy city turned urban warzone.
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Sydney Safe Injecting Site Trial Ends

Sydney, Australia's safe injecting site at Kings Cross will become a permanent fixture after operating on a trial basis since 2001. Legislation lifting the center's trial status will also confirm it will remain the only safe injecting center of its kind in New South Wales.
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San Diego City Embarks On Regulations for Medicinal Marijuana Dispensaries

San Diego City Council has voted to start developing land use regulations that would define where medicinal marijuana dispensaries can legally operate. Currently, more than 100 dispensaries operate in the city. Kate Valentine of Americans for Safe Access calculates the proposed zoning would only allow about 15 dispensaries.
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Cannabis Should Be Licensed and Sold in Shops, Expert Says:

According to Britain's leading expert on the drug, Professor Roger Pertwee of Aberdeen University, cannabis should be available for recreational use in shops under restrictions similar to those used to control the sale of alcohol and tobacco.
traffic stop scene, from "10 Rules for Dealing with Police" (buy at
traffic stop scene, from "10 Rules for Dealing with Police" (buy at

Michigan Bill Would Allow Roadside Drug Tests

A former Michigan sheriff turned Republican legislator has introduced a bill that would allow for the roadside drug testing of suspect drivers.
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Booze Lobby Funding the No on 19 Campaign

The California Beer & Beverage Distributors disclosed it donated $10,000 to defeat Prop 19 — which would regulate and tax marijuana like alcohol. The alcohol lobbyist's funds will help spread the lie that employers must tolerate stoned employees, and the talking point that 'California doesn't need another legal, mind-altering substance.' The move echoes the tobacco and alcohol industry's help creating leading drug war group Partnership For a Drug-Free America.

Torturing Children to Protect Them From Drugs

Some would say there's a certain inherent fairness in "zero tolerance" drug policies that approach every situation with equal levels of panicked overreaction. But as this story shows, zero tolerance is nothing more than a prescription for unfathomable cruelty.

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200 Protest Oakland Medical Marijuana Raids

An estimated 200 medical marijuana users and supporters protested against the raids of medical marijuana establishments in Ferndale and Waterford. Six buses brought protesters from Ypsilanti, Lansing, Port Huron and Oak Park, who carried signs that blamed Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard for police brutality during the raids.
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Marijuana Ballot Measure in California Wins Support of SEIU, Officials Say

California's Proposition 19, a ballot initiative to legalize the sale and use of marijuana, has won the support of one of the state’s most powerful unions, offering the proposition a shot of mainstream legitimacy as well as a potential financial and organizational lift. The decision by the executive board of the Service Employees International Union of California will be announced in the next few days, according to officials who have been briefed about it but were not allowed to speak publicly before it was announced.
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Gov. Schwarzenegger Urged to Sign Sterile Syringe Bill

Actor and author Christopher Kennedy Lawford, the cousin of California’s First Lady Maria Shriver and nephew of the late President John F. Kennedy, has called on Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to sign legislation to allow pharmacies to sell sterile syringes to adults.
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Protesters Rip RI Health Dept. on Pot-Center License Delay

About 60 medical marijuana users and their supporters gathered outside the Health Department's offices to protest the agency's announcement last week that it was not granting licenses to any of the 15 groups that had applied to become the state's first medical marijuana distributors.
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On Cutting Edge of Building Green Homes — With Hemp

The plant fiber used to make the sails that took Christopher Columbus' ships to the New World is now a building material. In Asheville, N.C., a home built with thick hemp walls was completed this summer, and two more are in the works. Dozens of hemp homes have been built in Europe, but they're new to the United States.